<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRipT" %> <% 'Code Written by D. Scott Hand 'If any errors are found, please 'e-mail scott_hand@pobox.com with 'the error and the way the error 'was caused '***Purpose:************ '* This is a page built to show calendar functionality. '* Description: '* This is the instantiated file toto '* allow the user to select a date. '*********************** If Request.Querystring("Page") <> "" Then PageName = Request.Querystring("Page") session("PageName") = PageName Else PageName = Session("PageName") End If If Request.Querystring("Form") <> "" Then FormName = Request.Querystring("Form") Session("FormName") = FormName Else FormName = Session("FormName") End If If Request.Querystring("Element") <> "" Then ElementName = Request.Querystring("Element") Session("ElementName") = ElementName Else ElementName = Session("ElementName") End If %> <HTML> <HEAD> <META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual InterDev 1.0"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <TITLE>Select Date</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGColor="#ded6c5" alink="#526B84" vlink="#526B84" onBlur="javascript:self . focus ();"> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript"> function calpopulate(dte) { window.opener.<%=formname & "." & elementname%>.value = dte; self.close() } </SCRIPT> <% If IsDate(Request.QueryString("Date")) Then BuildDate=Request.QueryString("Date") Else
If Request.Querystring("BMonth") = "" Then BMonth = Month(Now) Else BMonth = Request.Querystring("BMonth") End If
If Request.QueryString("BYear") <> "" Then BuildDate = BMonth & "/" & "1" & "/" & _ Request.QueryString("BYear") Else BuildDate = BMonth & "/" & "1" & "/" & Right(Year(Now), 2) End If
End If Session("CurrentDate")=BuildDate
'This gives the position of weekday for that date BuildDayValue = Weekday(BuildDate)
<a href=""><%=Day(BuildDate)%></a> </td> <% DayPosition=DayPosition+1 BuildDate=DateAdd("d", 1, BuildDate) If CurrentMonth <> Month(BuildDate) then DayPosition=8 End If Wend DayPosition=1 %>