function PRint_details() { # Request access to the global variables we need global $fontface, $fontsize, $docroot, $REQUEST_URI, $reportlevel; global $bgcolor, $textcolor;
# Print the 404 error in web format echo "<html><head><title>404 没有找到页面</title></head>"; echo "<body bgcolor="$bgcolor" text="$textcolor">"; echo "<b><h1>404 对不起,我没有找到您要求的页面</h1></b>"; echo "<p><font face="$fontface" size="$fontsize">"; echo "奥索网管提醒您,您要求的页面 $docroot$REQUEST_URI, doesn't exist"; echo " on this server.</font></p>";
# Create the body of the email message $message .= "404 Error ReportnnA 404 error was encountered by $REMOTE_ADDR"; $message .= " on $errortime.nn"; $message .= "The URI which generated the error is: n$docroot$REQUEST_URInn"; $message .= "The referring page was:n$HTTP_REFERERnn";
# Send the mail message. This assumes mail() will work on your system! mail("$emailaddress", "404 Error Report", $message, "From: $emailaddress"); //好,把信发出去
return; }
# 下面这些是根据变量$reportlevel的设置来发信与否。 print_details();
# See whether or not we should send an email report. If so, do it. if ($reportlevel != 0) if ($reportlevel == 1) { if (eregi($domain,$HTTP_REFERER)) send_email(); } else send_email();