set objXML = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") '关闭同步加载的文件. objXML.async = false
objXML.load(strXMLFile) '初始化用于加载XSL文件的XMLDOM对象. set objXSL = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") 'Turn off asyncronous file loading. objXSL.async = false 'Load the XSL file. objXSL.load(strXSLFile) 'Use the "transformNode" method of the XMLDOM to apply the 'XSL stylesheet to the XML document. Then the output is 'written to the client. Response.Write(objXML.transformNode(objXSL)) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- 'The "updateXML" Function accepts one parameter. 'strXMLFile - The path and file name of the XML file. '-----------------------------------------------------------
Function updateXML(strXMLFile) 'Declare local variables. Dim objDom Dim objRoot Dim objField Dim x 'Instantiate the XMLDOM Object. set objDOM = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") 'Turn off asyncronous file loading. objDOM.async = false 'Load the XML file. objDOM.load strXMLFile 'Set the objRoot variable equal to the root element of the 'XML file by calling the documentElement method of the 'objDOM (XMLDOM) object. Set objRoot = objDom.documentElement 'Iterate through the Form Collection and write the 'submitted values to the XML file. For x = 1 to Request.Form.Count 'Check see if "btn" is in the submitted value, if so, 'it is a button and should be ignored. If instr(1,Request.Form.Key(x),"btn") = 0 Then 'Set objField variable equal to a field_value element by 'calling the selectSingleNode method of the objRoot '(documentElement) object. The SelectSingleNode method 'accepts a string parameter for querying the XML document. 'In this case, the current value of the key PRoperty of 'the Form Collection is used to find the appropriate 'field_value element (more on this later).
Set objField = objRoot.selectSingleNode("field[@id='" & _ Request.Form.Key(x) & "']/field_value") 'Set the text property of the objField (field_value) 'element equal to the value of the current form field. objField.Text = Request.Form(x) End If Next 'After the XML file has been edited, is must be saved. strXMLFile 'Release all of your object references. Set objDom = Nothing Set objRoot = Nothing Set objField = Nothing 'Call the loadXMLFile method, passing in the newly edited 'XML file and the updatedcontact.xsl style sheet. This will 'allow the client to see the edited information. More on the 'updatedcontact.xsl file later. loadXMLFile strXMLFile, server.MapPath("updatedcontact.xsl") End Function 'Test to see if the form has been submitted. If it has, 'update the XML file. If not, transform the XML file for 'editing. If Request.Form("btnSubmit") = "" Then loadXMLFile server.MapPath("Contact.xml"), _ server.MapPath("contact.xsl") Else updateXML server.MapPath("Contact.xml") End If %>
For x = 1 to Request.Form.Count If instr(1,Request.Form.Key(x),"btn") = 0 Then Set objField = objRoot.selectSingleNode("field[@id='" & _ Request.Form.Key(x) & "']/field_value") objField.Text = Request.Form(x) End If Next
上述代码是更新XML文件的代码。SelectSingleNode 方法是关键。
在上述举例中,问句是"field[@id='"& request.form.key(x) & "']/field_value"。所询问的是:要求做为 子域元素 的field_value element 包含一个"ID",此ID而且是与现有的Form Collection中的关键值相匹配。一旦获得适当的节点,则可以更新文本属性以便与Form Collection中的值相匹配。