****************************** <% 'code by Manikantan 'Web Developer '3rd Agenda 'Nungambakkam, Chennai India %>
set mail= server.CreateObject("cdonts.newmail") mail.subject="Thank You for Registering" mail.to = mailid mail.from ="Webmaster@thesite" mail.body= "This is the Initial Password to our site...." & vbcrlf &href='mailto:mailid="user@ursite.com'>mailid="user@ursite.com" address="address"
'other data like phone number as per the member database in the site 'all these values are obtained from the request method from a .htm which submits to this file 'Mainly employed in registration 'Assumes You have cdonts.dll installed in the web server.
set conn = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection") conn.Open "dsn","uid","pwd" set rec= conn.Execute("select count(*) from membertable") id = cint(rec.fields(0))+1 r=rnd *50 Response.Write r & "<br>" for i = 0 to 20 if cint(r)>0 and cint(r)<26 then str=str +chr(97 + cint(r)) r=rnd *100 next
'An Update Query can be Passed from here for the username ,password and other details or can be triggered from another page 'when the user responds to the mail...Something like sending a url as a mail and on click of the url in the mail..call another page 'which updates ..so we can be sure that only confirmed users are updated
%> <br> <% set mail= server.CreateObject("cdonts.newmail") mail.subject="Thank You for Registering" mail.to = mailid mail.from ="Webmaster@thesite" mail.body= "This is the Initial Password to our site...." & vbcrlf & "Change it if You Want" & vbcrlf & pwd & vbcrlf & "Thank You for Using the Site" mail.send %>