PRocedure TXPMenu.ToolBarDrawButton(Sender: TToolBar; Button: TToolButton; State: TCustomDrawState; var DefaultDraw: Boolean); |
if (cdsHot in State) then begin if (cdsChecked in State) or (Button.Down) or (cdsSelected in State) then ACanvas.Brush.Color := FCheckedAreaSelectColor else ACanvas.brush.color := FBSelectColor; HasBorder := true; HasBkg := true; end; if ((cdsChecked in State) and not (cdsHot in State)) then if (cdsIndeterminate in State) and not (cdsHot in State) then |
if (cdsHot in State) then begin if (cdsChecked in State) or (Button.Down) or (cdsSelected in State) then ACanvas.Brush.Color := FCheckedAreaSelectColor else ACanvas.brush.color := FBSelectColor; HasBorder := true; HasBkg := true; end; if ((cdsChecked in State) and not (cdsHot in State)) then {Modify: Conch 2005-3-10 在Down=true的按钮上画出边框} if (cdsIndeterminate in State) and not (cdsHot in State) then |