unit Unit2; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, shlobj, activex, StdCtrls, FileCtrl,strUtils; const shcne_renameitem = $1; shcne_create = $2; shcne_delete = $4; shcne_mkdir = $8; shcne_rmdir = $10; shcne_mediainserted = $20; shcne_mediaremoved = $40; shcne_driveremoved = $80; shcne_driveadd = $100; shcne_netshare = $200; shcne_netunshare = $400; shcne_attributes = $800; shcne_updatedir = $1000; shcne_updateitem = $2000; shcne_serverdisconnect = $4000; shcne_updateimage = $8000; shcne_driveaddgui = $10000; shcne_renamefolder = $20000; shcne_freespace = $40000; shcne_assocchanged = $8000000; shcne_diskevents = $2381F; shcne_globalevents = $C0581E0; shcne_allevents = $7FFFFFFF; shcne_interrupt = $80000000; shcnf_idlist = 0; // lpitemidlist shcnf_patha = $1; // path name shcnf_PRintera = $2; // printer friendly name shcnf_dWord = $3; // dword shcnf_pathw = $5; // path name shcnf_printerw = $6; // printer friendly name shcnf_type = $FF; shcnf_flush = $1000; shcnf_flushnowait = $2000; shcnf_path = shcnf_pathw; shcnf_printer = shcnf_printerw; wm_shnotify = $401; noerror = 0; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Memo1: TMemo; DirectoryListBox1: TDirectoryListBox; DriveComboBox1: TDriveComboBox; Label1: TLabel; Button2: TButton; procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } procedure wmshellreg(var message: tmessage); message wm_shnotify; public { Public declarations } end; type pshnotifystruct = ^shnotifystruct; shnotifystruct = record dwitem1: pitemidlist; dwitem2: pitemidlist; end; type pshfileinfobyte = ^shfileinfobyte; _shfileinfobyte = record hicon: integer; iicon: integer; dwattributes: integer; szdisplayname: array[0..259] of char; sztypename: array[0..79] of char; end; shfileinfobyte = _shfileinfobyte; type pidlstruct = ^idlstruct; _idlstruct = record pidl: pitemidlist; bwatchsubfolders: integer; end; idlstruct = _idlstruct; function shnotify_register(hwnd: integer): bool; function shnotify_unregister: bool; function sheventname(strpath1, strpath2: string; lparam: integer): string; function shchangenotifyderegister(hnotify: integer): integer; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' index 4; function shchangenotifyregister(hwnd, uflags, dweventid, umsg, citems: longword; lpps: pidlstruct): integer; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' index 2; function shgetfileinfopidl(pidl: pitemidlist; dwfileattributes: integer; psfib: pshfileinfobyte; cbfileinfo: integer; uflags: integer): integer; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'shgetfileinfoa'; var Form1: TForm1; m_hshnotify: integer; m_pidldesktop: pitemidlist; implementation {$R *.dfm} function sheventname(strpath1, strpath2: string; lparam: integer): string; var sevent: string; begin case lparam of //根据参数设置提示消息 shcne_renameitem: sevent := 'rename' + strpath1 + ':' + strpath2; shcne_create: sevent := '建立文件 文件名:' + strpath1; shcne_delete: sevent := '删除文件 文件名:' + strpath1; shcne_mkdir: sevent := '新建目录 目录名:' + strpath1; shcne_rmdir: sevent := '删除目录 目录名:' + strpath1; shcne_mediainserted: sevent := strpath1 + '中插入可移动存储介质'; shcne_mediaremoved: sevent := strpath1 + '中移去可移动存储介质' + strpath1 + ' ' + strpath2; shcne_driveremoved: sevent := '移去驱动器' + strpath1; shcne_driveadd: sevent := '添加驱动器' + strpath1; shcne_netshare: sevent := '改变目录' + strpath1 + '的共享属性'; shcne_attributes: sevent := '改变文件目录属性 文件名' + strpath1; shcne_updatedir: sevent := '更新目录' + strpath1; shcne_updateitem: sevent := '更新文件 文件名:' + strpath1; shcne_serverdisconnect: sevent := '断开与服务器的连接' + strpath1 + ' ' + strpath2; shcne_updateimage: sevent := 'shcne_updateimage'; shcne_driveaddgui: sevent := 'shcne_driveaddgui'; shcne_renamefolder: sevent := '重命名文件夹' + strpath1 + '为' + strpath2; shcne_freespace: sevent := '磁盘空间大小改变'; shcne_assocchanged: sevent := '改变文件关联'; else sevent := '未知操作' + inttostr(lparam); end; result := sevent; end; function shnotify_register(hwnd: integer): bool; var ps: pidlstruct; begin {$R-} result := false; if m_hshnotify = 0 then begin //获取桌面文件夹的pidl if shgetspecialfolderlocation(0, CSIDL_DESKTOP, m_pidldesktop) <> noerror then form1.close; if boolean(m_pidldesktop) then begin new(ps); try ps.bwatchsubfolders := 1; ps.pidl := m_pidldesktop; // 利用shchangenotifyregister函数注册系统消息处理 m_hshnotify := shchangenotifyregister(hwnd, (shcnf_type or shcnf_idlist), (shcne_allevents or shcne_interrupt), wm_shnotify, 1, ps); result := boolean(m_hshnotify); finally FreeMem(ps); end; end else // 如果出现错误就使用 cotaskmemfree函数来释放句柄 cotaskmemfree(m_pidldesktop); end; {$R+} end; function shnotify_unregister: bool; begin result := false; if boolean(m_hshnotify) then //取消系统消息监视,同时释放桌面的pidl if boolean(shchangenotifyderegister(m_hshnotify)) then begin {$R-} m_hshnotify := 0; cotaskmemfree(m_pidldesktop); result := true; {$R-} end; end; procedure tform1.wmshellreg(var message: tmessage); //系统消息处理函数 var strpath1, strpath2: string; charpath: array[0..259] of char; pidlitem: pshnotifystruct; vPath,vFile:string; begin pidlitem := pshnotifystruct(message.wparam); // 获得系统消息相关得路径 shgetpathfromidlist(pidlitem.dwitem1, charpath); strpath1 := charpath; shgetpathfromidlist(pidlitem.dwitem2, charpath); strpath2 := charpath; vPath:=ExtractFilePath(strPath1); vFile:=ExtractFileName(strPath1); if (message.lparam=shcne_create) and (vPath=(Label1.Caption+'/')) then begin // memo1.lines.add(sheventname(strpath1, strpath2, message.lparam) + chr(13) + chr(10)); if not AnsiContainsText(Memo1.Lines.Text,vFile) then memo1.lines.add(vFile); end; end; procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin //在程序退出的同时删除监视 if boolean(m_pidldesktop) then shnotify_unregister; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1.Clear; m_hshnotify := 0; if shnotify_register(form1.handle) then begin //注册shell监视 showmessage('shell监视程序成功注册'); button1.enabled := false; end else showmessage('shell监视程序注册失败'); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var i:integer; begin i:=Memo1.Lines.IndexOf(Memo1.SelText); Memo1.Lines.Delete(i); end; end. |