笔者照做,但没有运行成功,而且此种方法是利用传统的数据库连接方法,对于数据库的管理和效率严重不足,在现在这个连接池横行的时代,为什么我们不能给给Log4j配上连接池,让Log4j利用数据连接池的连接和数据库进行通讯。现查看Log4j的Api,发现JDBCAppender这个类有以下几段话:WARNING: This version of JDBCAppender is very likely to be completely replaced in the future. Moreoever, it does not log exceptions. The JDBCAppender provides for sending log events to a database.
For use as a base class:
Override getConnection() to pass any connection you want. Typically this is used to enable application wide connection pooling. Override closeConnection(Connection con) -- if you override getConnection make sure to implement closeConnection to handle the connection you generated. Typically this would return the connection to the pool it came from. Override getLogStatement(LoggingEvent event) to prodUCe specialized or dynamic statements. The default uses the sql option value.
protected Connection connection = null; protected String sqlStatement = ""; /** * size of LoggingEvent buffer before writting to the database. * Default is 1. */ protected int bufferSize = 1;
public JDBCPoolAppender() { super(); }
/** * ArrayList holding the buffer of Logging Events. */ public void append(LoggingEvent event) { buffer.add(event); if (buffer.size() >= bufferSize) flushBuffer(); }
/** * By default getLogStatement sends the event to the required Layout object. * The layout will format the given pattern into a workable SQL string. * * Overriding this provides direct access to the LoggingEvent * when constructing the logging statement. * */ protected String getLogStatement(LoggingEvent event) { return getLayout().format(event); }
/** * * Override this to provide an alertnate method of getting * connections (such as caching). One method to fix this is to open * connections at the start of flushBuffer() and close them at the * end. I use a connection pool outside of JDBCAppender which is * accessed in an override of this method. * */ protected void execute(String sql) throws SQLException { Connection con = null; Statement stmt = null; try { con = getConnection(); stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (SQLException e) { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); throw e; } stmt.close(); closeConnection(con); //System.out.println("Execute: " + sql); }
/** * Override this to return the connection to a pool, or to clean up the * resource. * * The default behavior holds a single connection open until the appender * is closed (typically when garbage collected). */ protected void closeConnection(Connection con) { mydb=null; try { if (connection != null && !connection.isClosed()) connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { errorHandler.error("Error closing connection", e, ErrorCode.GENERIC_FAILURE); }
/** * loops through the buffer of LoggingEvents, gets a * sql string from getLogStatement() and sends it to execute(). * Errors are sent to the errorHandler. * * If a statement fails the LoggingEvent stays in the buffer! */ public void flushBuffer() { //Do the actual logging removes.ensureCapacity(buffer.size()); for (Iterator i = buffer.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { try { LoggingEvent logEvent = (LoggingEvent) i.next(); String sql = getLogStatement(logEvent); execute(sql); removes.add(logEvent); } catch (SQLException e) { errorHandler.error("Failed to excute sql", e, ErrorCode.FLUSH_FAILURE); } }
// remove from the buffer any events that were reported buffer.removeAll(removes);
// clear the buffer of reported events removes.clear(); }
/** closes the appender before disposal */ public void finalize() { close(); }
/** * JDBCAppender requires a layout. * */ public boolean requiresLayout() { return true; }