public class AnnoyingBeep { Toolkit toolkit; Timer timer; public AnnoyingBeep() { toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new RemindTask(), 0, //initial delay 1*1000); //subsequent rate } class RemindTask extends TimerTask { int numWarningBeeps = 3; public void run() { if (numWarningBeeps > 0) { toolkit.beep(); System.out.println("Beep!"); numWarningBeeps--; } else { toolkit.beep(); System.out.println("Time´s up!"); //timer.cancel(); //Not necessary because we call System.exit System.exit(0); //Stops the AWT thread (and everything else) } } } ...} 这段程序,每隔3秒响铃一声,并打印出一行消息。循环3次。程序输出如下: Task scheduled. Beep! Beep! //one second after the first beep Beep! //one second after the second beep Time´s up! //one second after the third beep