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2019-11-18 13:12:26

  在Core J2ME Technology and MIDP一书中许多的可以在多个多行编辑组件(multiple TextBox)中共享剪贴板数据的例子。
  注重:这个例子基于MIDP与CLDC 1.0.3版
  本文得到作者John W. MUChow的答应,部分引用了Core J2ME Technology and MIDP, Sun Microsystems与PRentice Hall出版社 2002 Sun Microsystems Inc, 的内容。
  * SimpleClipBoard.java
  * Example from the book:   Core J2ME Technology
  * Copyright John W. Muchow  http://www.CoreJ2ME.com
  * You may use/modify for any non-commercial purpose
  import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
  import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
  public class SimpleClipBoard extends MIDlet implements CommandListener
  private Display display;   // 对显示对象的引用Reference to Display object
  private TextBox tbClip;   // 主TextBox组件Main textbox
  private Command cmExit;   // 退出命令Command to exit
  private Command cmStartMark; // 开始标记命令Command to start marking a block
  private Command cmCopy;   // 复制剪贴板命令Command to copy to clipboard
  private Command cmPaste;   // 粘贴剪贴板命令Command to paste into textbox
  private int beginOffset = 0; // 复制的开始索引The start index of copy
  private char[] clipBoard = null; // 剪贴板The clipboard
  private int clipBoardChars = 0; // 记录剪贴板中的字符Number of chars in clipboard
  public SimpleClipBoard()
  display = Display.getDisplay(this);
  // Create the Commands. Notice the priorities assigned
  cmExit = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);
  cmStartMark = new Command("Mark", Command.SCREEN, 2);
  cmCopy = new Command("Copy", Command.SCREEN, 3);
  cmPaste = new Command("Paste", Command.SCREEN, 4);
  tbClip = new TextBox("Clip Board", "Tee to grn", 15, TextField.ANY);
  // Allocate a clipboard big enough to hold the entire textbox
  clipBoard = new char[tbClip.getMaxSize()];
  public void startApp()
  public void pauseApp()
  public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)
  public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s)
  if (c == cmStartMark)
  beginOffset = tbClip.getCaretPosition();
  else if (c == cmCopy && (tbClip.getCaretPosition() > beginOffset))
  // Allocate an array to hold the current textbox contents
  char[] chr = new char[tbClip.size()];
  // Get the current textbox contents
  // The count of characters in the clipboard
  clipBoardChars = tbClip.getCaretPosition() - beginOffset;
  // Copy the text into the clipboard
  // arraycopy(source, sourceindex, dest, destindex, count)
  System.arraycopy(chr, beginOffset, clipBoard, 0, clipBoardChars);
  else if (c == cmPaste)
  // Make sure the paste will not overrun the textbox length.
  if ((tbClip.size() + clipBoardChars) <= tbClip.getMaxSize())
  tbClip.insert(clipBoard, 0, clipBoardChars, tbClip.getCaretPosition());
  else if (c == cmExit)

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