public class Loanapplication { public static final String INVALID_STATE = "Sorry we are not doing business in your state"; public static final String INVALID_INCOME_EXPENSE_RATIO = "Sorry we cannot provide the loan given this expense/income ratio"; public static final String APPROVED = "Your application has been approved"; public static final String INSUFFICIENT_DATA = "You did not provide enough information on your application"; public static final String INPROGRESS = "in progress"; public static final String[] STATUSES = new String[] { INSUFFICIENT_DATA, INVALID_INCOME_EXPENSE_RATIO, INVALID_STATE, APPROVED, INPROGRESS }; private String firstName; private String lastName; private double income; private double expences; private String stateCode; private String status; public void setStatus(String status) { if(!Arrays.asList(STATUSES).contains(status)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid status:" + status); this.status = status; }// 其他getters and setters已被省略}
public interface LoanApplicationPersistenceInterface { public void recordApproval(LoanApplication application) throws Exception; public void recordRejection(LoanApplication application) throws Exception; public void recordIncomplete(LoanApplication application) throws Exception;}