正如软件有他的皮肤一样,我们的系统也有自己的皮肤,假如我们的应用系统可以让不同的客户选择自己喜欢的风格,那么我们将会感到无比的开心,难道不是吗? 可以更加轻易的使用标记库,更轻松的开发出系统风格一致的系统 Struts基于mvc2的frameWork广泛的应用的j2ee开发领域中, · configure struts for the webapp · configure the struts-layout treeview and sort action (just copy the corresponding lines of the struts-config file of the example application) · copy the struts-layout.jar file into the WEB-INF/lib Directory. · declare the struts-layout tld file in the web.xml file · copy the menu.jar file from the struts-layout example application into the WEB-INF/lib directory. · put a version of the common BeanUtils library in the WEB-INF/lib directory if using struts 1.0 · copy the struts-layout.tld file into the WEB-INF directory. · copy the files in the config and images directory of the struts-layout example application in your new webapp. · if forward to Tiles definition will be used with sorting or paging on the server, the struts-layout request PRocessor