/*1 * PRogram file: PsEvent.java * Creat time: 08/01/2004 * Creat by: InberKong * Last Modify time: * Modify by: * Function describe: Event Class */ import java.util.*; public class PsEvent extends EventObject { // public String number; public String name; public String address; public String phone;
//Date format property with getter and setter methods private String the_datFormat="mm/dd/yy"; public String getDatFormat() { return the_datFormat; } public void setDatFormat(String temps) { the_datFormat=temps; if(the_datFormat=="mm/dd/yy") text_Date.setText("mm/dd/yy"); if(the_datFormat=="dd/mm/yy") text_Date.setText("dd/mm/yy"); if(the_datFormat=="dd-Month-yy") text_Date.setText("dd-Month-yy"); }
public Bpanel() { pnl=new JPanel(); the_animation=new JLabel(bank_Name); label_Date=new JLabel("Enter Date of Travel:"); text_Date=new JTextField(20); text_Date.setText(the_datFormat);
label_Place=new JLabel("Enter Place of Travel:"); text_Place=new JTextField(15); label_NOS=new JLabel("Enter Number of seats to be booked"); text_NOS=new JTextField(5); button_Book=new JButton("BOOK SEATS");