PART I测验与一般常见的专业认证测验类似,以单、复选题为主。其实这个PART主要在测试对J2EE架构以及企业应用系统的规划与设计概念, 通常对于已经从事企业应用系统规划工作、了解J2EE相关技术概念的人 来说,要及格并不难。不过对于刚跨入或不甚熟悉J2EE领域的工程师来说,就可能要多做些预备,研读J2EE技术相关书籍与网络资源或者参加J2EE技术研习课程都有所助益。
SCAJ PART I 之十大测试目标为: -一般架构(Common Architectures) -旧有专属系统之连接(Legacy Connectivity) -EnterPRise JavaBeans -Enterprise JavaBeans Container模型 -通讯协议 -J2EE技术的适用性 -Design Pattern -讯息传递(Messaging) -国际化(Internationalization) -安全性
SCAJ 相关参考书籍: 1."Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Technology Study Guide" by Mark Cade, Simon Roberts Prentice Hall 2002
2. “Designing Enterprise applications with the J2EE PlatFORM, 2nd Edition” by Inderjeet Singh et al. Addison-Wesley 2002
3. "Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies" by Deepak Alur, John Crupi, Dan Malks Prentice Hall 2001
4.“Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans, 2nd Edition” by Ed Roman, Scott W. Ambler, Tyler Jewell, Floyd Marinescu John Wiley & Sons 2002(可上网下载免费电子书 )
5.“Enterprise JavaBeans 3rd Edition” by Richard Monson-Haefel O'Reilly & Associates 2001 6. "Enterprise Java with UML" by C. T. Arrington John Wiley & Sons 2001
7.“Developing Enterprise Java Applications with J2EE and UML” by Khawar Zaman Ahmed, Cary E. Umrysh Addison-Wesley 2002
8. “Design Patterns” by Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, and J. Vlissides Addison-Wesley 1995
9. “Applied Java Patterns” by Stephen A. Stelting, Olav Maassen Prentice Hall 2002