- CMP Entity beans are now supported. However, there are still significant limitations (no EJB QL support). This is one of the last outstanding core J2EE features.
- Geronimo security realms have been integrated with the J2EE containers, so J2EE container-managed authentication works.
- The web container now supports HTTPS with configurable SSL certificates, etc.
- The transaction system is more robust, with bug fixes, transaction log support, etc.
- An application client container is now included with Geronimo
- Configuration changes to core Geronimo services and running applications are persisted, though we still lack a user-friendly interface for making sUCh changes.
- Manifest Class-Path entries in J2EE application modules are supported.
- JDBC database pools and JMS connection factories, topics, and queues are now fully supported "out of the box".
- When deploying a J2EE connector, multiple instances of the same resource adapter can be declared in the same deployment plan.
- The command-line deployment tool supports authentication and hot deployment to a running server.
- JAX-RPC and SAAJ features are available to applications acting as Web Services clients (though Web Services server features are not yet available)