<script LANGUAGE="Javascript"> <!-- var ap_name = navigator.appName; var ap_vinfo = navigator.appVersion; var ap_ver = parseFloat(ap_vinfo.substring(0,ap_vinfo.indexOf('('))); var time_start = new Date(); var clock_start = time_start.getTime(); var dl_ok=false; function init () { if(ap_name=="Netscape" && ap_ver>=3.0) dl_ok=true; return true; } function get_time_spent () { var time_now = new Date(); return((time_now.getTime() - clock_start)/1000); } function show_secs () // show the time user spent on the side { var i_total_secs = Math.round(get_time_spent()); var i_secs_spent = i_total_secs % 60; var i_mins_spent = Math.round((i_total_secs-30)/60); var s_secs_spent = "" + ((i_secs_spent>9) ? i_secs_spent : "0" + i_secs_spent); var s_mins_spent = "" + ((i_mins_spent>9) ? i_mins_spent : "0" + i_mins_spent); document.time.time_spent.value = s_mins_spent + ":" + s_secs_spent; window.setTimeout('show_secs()',1000); } --> </script>