PRocedure TfmBMZC.BitBTn2Click(Sender: TObject); //金额转换 const chNum : array[0..9] of string = ('零','壹','贰','叁','肆','伍','陆','柒','捌','玖'); chBit : array[0..3] of string = ('圆','拾','佰','仟'); var y, m, d : Word; s : string; len, n , tmp: integer; bIsZero : Boolean; begin DecodeDate(Date, y, m, d); jfjeChange(); with fmPrint do begin qrYear.Caption:=IntToStr(y); qrMonth.Caption:=IntToStr(m); qrDay.Caption:=IntToStr(d); qrName.Caption:=EdName.Text; qrXMoney.Caption:=jf;//对照表生成小写金额的大写 bIsZero:=false; n:=Pos('.', jf); //小数点前的处理 if n=0 then len:=Length(jf) else len:=n-1; for n:=1 to len do begin tmp:=StrToInt(jf[n]); if tmp=0 then begin if n<len then bIsZero:=true else if n=len then s:=s + chBit[len-n]; end else begin if bIsZero then begin s:=s+chNum[0]+chNum[tmp] + chBit[len-n]; bIsZero:=false; end else s:=s+chNum[tmp] + chBit[len-n]; end; end; if Length(jf)>len then begin //小数点后的处理 if len+2<=Length(jf) then begin tmp:=StrToInt(jf[len+2]); if tmp=0 then s:=s+'零' else s:=s+chNum[tmp]+'角'; end; if len+3<=Length(jf) then s:=s+chNum[StrToInt(jf[len+3])]+'分'; end; qrDMoney.Caption:=s; qrShow.Caption:='辅修报名注册费。'; qrHandler.Caption:='僧格淋沁'; QuickRep1.Preview;
end; end;procedure TfmBMZC.jfjeChange(); //对输入框中内容的控制 var tmp : string; begin //计算"缴费金额" jf:=Trim(Copy(mEdJFJE.Text, 1, 4)); if jf=' then //"元"为空 jf:='0'; tmp:=Trim(Copy(mEdJFJE.Text, 7, 1)); if tmp=' then begin file://"角"为空 tmp:=Trim(Copy(mEdJFJE.Text, 10, 1)); if tmp<>' then //填写了"分" jf:=jf+'.0'+tmp; end else begin //填写了"角" jf:=jf+'.'+tmp; tmp:=Trim(Copy(mEdJFJE.Text, 10, 1)); if tmp<>' then //填写了"分" jf:=jf+tmp; end; jf:=FloatToStr(StrToFloat(jf)); end;end.