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2019-11-17 05:48:24

  在.NET中,委托被用来实现事件处理。它答应一个类(方法)先注册一个事件,然后当此事件被引发时此注册的方法就会被调用。在非.Net环境的C++中,这并不是一件轻易的事,尤其是类的非静态成员函数,要做为回调函数就更困难了。本文的目标就是给出一种解决方案, 使类的静态成员函数,非静态成员函数,还有类非成员函数都能像回调函数一样使用。这个实现非常重视类型安全,为了保持类型安全我们省去了某些特性的实现。






  我们用函数对象(functor, function object)来实现C++中的委托。这答应一个非静态成员函数能在特定对象的环境中被调用。我们用模板技术来保证任何类类型都能在其上使用。一个基本的函数对象(functor)定义如下:

template<class T>
class Functor
// ConstrUCtor takes the values and stores them
Functor(T *pObj, int (T::*pFunc)(int))
m_pObject = pObj;
m_pFunction = pFunc;
// Invokes the stored function
intOperator ()(int p)
return (m_pObject->*m_pFunction)(p);
T *m_pObject; // Pointer to the object
int (T::*m_pFunction)(int); // Pointer to the function
  这个函数对象(functor)使用的函数格式为:返回类型为int,带一个类型为int的参数。操作符operator ()是函数对象的要害。它使一个函数对象(functor)使用起来和函数调用一样。它的工作就是每次执行时调用保存在类内部的函数指针。以下代码展示了如何使用这个函数对象(functor):

class MyClass
int Square(int p) { return p * p; };

void some_function()
// Create a class to call in the context of
MyClass theClass;
// Create and initialise the functor object
Functor<MyClass> myFunc(&theClass, MyClass::Square);
// Call the functor using the overloaded () operator
int result = myFunc(5);
// result will hold the value 25
  由于重载了operator ()运算符,调用函数对象(functor)几乎就和调用该函数本身一样方便。这里说“几乎”是因为指向实际对象的指针并没有被显示使用-它被存放在函数对象(functor)内部使用。



// Abstract base class
class Functor
// Invoke the functor (no implementation here as it must be overridden)
virtualintoperator()(int) = 0;

// Template functor
template<class T>
class TemplateFunctor : public Functor
// Constructor takes the values and stores them
TemplateFunctor(T *pObj, int (T::*pFunc)(int))
m_pObject = pObj;
m_pFunction = pFunc;
// Invokes the stored function (overrides Functor::operator ())
intoperator ()(int p)
return (m_pObject->*m_pFunction)(p);
T *m_pObject; // Pointer to the object
int (T::*m_pFunction)(int); // Pointer to the function
  下面是一个以函数对象指针和该函数的参数为参数的简单函数,用来调用该函数对象。注重这里以基类Functor指针而不是派生模板类指针为参数。这是必需的, 因为每一个不同的模板参数产生的模板类都是不同的类型,直接用此模板类为参数就不能支持多种类型了。

int OperateOnFunctor(int i, Functor *pFunc)
return (*pFunc)(i);
  这是一个简单的类,它包含了一个符合函数对象要求的函数-以一个int为参数并返回一个int。注重此函数还用到了一个该类的数据成员,这说明这个回调函数实际应该是在实例对象的环境下被执行的, 所以引用同一类不同对象的函数对象会产生不同的结果:

class ClassA
ClassA(int i) { m_Value = i; }
int FuncA(int i)
return (m_Value - i);
int m_Value;

int main()
ClassA a(20);
ClassA b(10);

TemplateFunctor<ClassA> functorA(&a, ClassA::FuncA);
TemplateFunctor<ClassA> functorB(&b, ClassA::FuncA);

cout << "a gives the value " << OperateOnFunctor(5, &functorA) << endl;
cout << "b gives the value " << OperateOnFunctor(5, &functorB) << endl;


a gives the value 15
b gives the value 5
  在这个例子中,两个函数对象都调用了ClassA::FuncA, 但是针对不同的对象.一个相似但又有些不同的例子是针对不同的类调用函数对象,假设我们实现了一个ClassB如下:

class ClassB
ClassB(int i) { m_Value = i; }
int FuncB(int i)
return (m_Value + i); // + instead of -
int m_Value;

int main()
ClassA a(20);
ClassB b(10);

TemplateFunctor<ClassA> functorA(&a, ClassA::FuncA);
TemplateFunctor<ClassB> functorB(&b, ClassB::FuncB);

cout << "a gives the value " << OperateOnFunctor(5, &functorA) << endl;
cout << "b gives the value " << OperateOnFunctor(5, &functorB) << endl;


a gives the value 15
b gives the value 15
  这个例子中,functorB调用了ClassB::FuncB,因此结果是(10+5)。注重我们几乎用同样的方式把两个函数对象传给了OperateOnFunctor)。是基类Functor的设计提供了我们这种方便性。 用宏参数化函数对象

  所以函数对象是非常方便的东西,但是假如我们需要不同的参数或返回类型,我们就不得不重写这些类, 这比较头痛。幸好,我们可以利用宏的特性使这个变的简单。也许会有人说这样是过份使用宏,但这工作的很好,而且,在模板答应我们修改函数原型前,这是唯一的解决方案。


#define DECLARE_FUNCTOR(name, parmdecl, parmcall) /
/* A function object base class for this parameter list */ /
class name##Functor /
{ /
public: /
virtualvoidoperator () parmdecl = 0; /
}; /
/* Template class derived from Functor for /
make class-specific function objects */ /
template<class C> /
class name##TFunctor : public name##Functor /
{ /
public: /
/* Only constructor - stores the given data */ /
name##TFunctor(C* pObj, void (C::*pFunc)parmdecl) /
{ /
m_pObj = pObj; /
m_pFunc = pFunc; /
} /
/* Invokes the function object with the given parameters */ /
voidoperator ()parmdecl { (m_pObj->*m_pFunc)parmcall; } /
C *m_pObj; /* Object pointer */ /
void (C::*m_pFunc)parmdecl; /* Method pointer */ /

  name -函数对象的名字。Functor基类会加上“Functor“的后缀, 而模板类会加上”TFunctor“的后缀。

  parmdecl -操作符operator()的参数列表声明.列表必须包括在小括号对里面

  parmcall -传给内部函数的实参列表。以下例子可以很好的解释这两个列表的关系:


DECLARE_FUNCTOR(Add, (int p1, int p2), (p1, p2))
  定义了一个以2个int为参数函数对象AddFunctor。宏展开后代码如下(当然, 事实上它们应该在一行上,并且没有注释)

/* A function object base class for this parameter list */
class AddFunctor
virtualvoidoperator () (int p1, int p2) = 0;

/* Template class derived from AddFunctor for
make class-specific function objects */
template<class C>
class AddTFunctor : public AddFunctor
/* Only constructor - stores the given data */
AddTFunctor(C* pObj, void (C::*pFunc)(int p1, int p2))
m_pObj = pObj;
m_pFunc = pFunc;

/* Invokes the function object with the given parameters */
voidoperator ()(int p1, int p2) { (m_pObj->*m_pFunc)(p1, p2); }
C *m_pObj; /* Object pointer */
void (C::*m_pFunc)(int p1, int p2); /* Method pointer */
  正如你所看到的,在所有name出现的地方都被“Add“所代替, parmdecl则被(int P1, int p2)替换, 而parmcall则被(p1, p2)替换)。为了更好的体现parmdecl和parmcall的关系,看以下operator()操作符,第一行是宏, 第二行是展开后的代码:

voidoperator ()parmdecl { (m_pObj->*m_pFunc)parmcall; }
voidoperator ()(int p1, int p2) { (m_pObj->*m_pFunc)(p1, p2); }
  parmdecl是函数参数列表的声明,而parmcall是函数调用时的实参.遗憾的是,我们没有办法用宏来自动生成这些.这种实现有些不是那么优雅, 但它可以很好的工作,并且保证了函数的类型安全



#define DECLARE_DELEGATE(name, parmdecl, parmcall) /
namespace name##Delegate /
{ /
class Delegate /
{ /
public: /
Delegate(); /
~Delegate(); /
/* Template function for adding member function callbacks */ /
template<class C> /
void Add(C *pObj, void (C::*pFunc)parmdecl); /
/* Add a non-member (or static member) callback function */ /
void Add(void (*pFunc)parmdecl); /
/* Template function for removing member function callbacks */ /
template<class C> /
void Remove(C *pObj, void (C::*pFunc)parmdecl); /
/* Removes a non-member (or static member) callback function */ /
void Remove(void (*pFunc)parmdecl); /
/* Addition operators */ /
voidoperator +=(Functor *pFunc); /
voidoperator +=(void (*pFunc)parmdecl); /
/* SuBTraction operators */ /
template<class C> /
voidoperator -=(TFunctor<C> *pFunc); /
voidoperator -=(void (*pFunc)parmdecl); /
/* Calls all the callbacks in the callback list */ /
void Invoke parmdecl; /
/* Calls all the callbacks in the callback list */ /
voidoperator ()parmdecl; /
private: /
/* List of callback functions */ /
std::vector<Functor*> m_pFuncs; /
/* typedef'd iterator */ /
typedef std::vector<Functor*>::iterator vit; /
}; /
} 一些重点


  函数对象存在一个STL vector中。vector包含了指向基类Functor的指针,所以它可以包含任何类型的模板函数对象的实例。当然, 还有一个函数对象没有被列出来,这是用来包装非类成成员函数或类的静态成员函数的。它们功能上大致相同,只是它不需要保存一个对象指针,或要求函数是类的一部份



DECLARE_DELEGATE(Add, (int p1, int p2), (p1, p2))

template<class C>
AddDelegate::TFunctor<C> *AddHandler(C *pObj,
void (C::*pFunc)(int p1, int p2));

  展示如何使用这些代码的最好方法就是给出一个例子。以下例子定义了一个以int, float为参数的委托。并定义了两个简单的类和其相应函数,当然, 也使用了一个静态成员函数与一个非成员函数

DECLARE_DELEGATE(Add, (int p1, float p2), (p1, p2))

class A
A() { value = 5; }
virtualvoid Fun1(int val, float val2)
value = val*2*(int)val2;
cout << "[A::Fun1] " << val << ", " << val2 << endl;
staticvoid StaticFunc(int val, float val2)
cout << "[A::StaticFunc] " << val << ", " << val2 << endl;
int value;

class B : public A
void Fun1(int val, float val2)
value += val*3*(int)val2;
cout << "[B::Fun1] " << val << ", " << val2 << endl;

void GlobalFunc(int val, float val2)
cout << "[GlobalFunc] " << val << ", " << val2 << endl;

int main()
// Create class instances
A a;
B b;
// Create an instance of the delegate
AddDelegate::Delegate del;
// Add our handlers
del += AddHandler(&a, A::Fun1); // or del.Add(&a, A::Fun1);
del += AddHandler(&b, B::Fun1); // or del.Add(&b, B::Fun2);
del += GlobalFunc; // or del.Add(GlobalFunc);
del += A::StaticFunc; // or del.Add(A::StaticFunc);
// Invoke the delegate
del(4, 5); // or del.Invoke(4, 5);
// Print the class values
cout << "[main] a.value = " << a.value << endl;
cout << "[main] b.value = " << b.value << endl;
// Remove some of the handlers
del -= AddHandler(&a, A::Fun1); // or del.Remove(&a, A::Fun1);
del -= A::StaticFunc; // or del.Remove(A::StaticFunc);
// Invoke the delegate again
del(4, 5); // or del.Invoke(4, 5);
// Print the class values
cout << "[main] a.value = " << a.value << endl;
cout << "[main] b.value = " << b.value << endl;

[A::Fun1] 4, 5
[B::Fun1] 4, 5
[GlobalFunc] 4, 5
[A::StaticFunc] 4, 5
[main] a.value = 40
[main] a.value = 65
[B::Fun1] 4, 5
[GlobalFunc] 4, 5
[main] a.value = 40
[main] b.value = 125
  代码用了stl.h文件(由Oskar Weiland编写)来去除编译stl时的警告信息,这个文件包含在zip文件中,当然也可以从这儿得到。可下载的代码包括delegate.h和以上给出的例子代码 QQread.com 推出Windows2003教程 win2003安装介绍 win2003网络优化 win2003使用技巧 win2003系统故障 服务器配置 专家答疑

  因为代码是由DECLARE_DELEGATE定制的, 这里我用<parameters>来表示你传入的参数)

Method: template<class C> void Delegate::Add(C *pObj, void (C::*pFunc)(<parameters>))
Description: Adds a callback function that is a non-static member function of a class. The member function must return void and take a parameter list that is the same as <parameters>.
Return value: void - nothing.
Parameters: pObj - A pointer to the object to call the callback method in the context of.
pFunc - A pointer to the callback method to call.

Method: void Delegate::Add(void (*pFunc)(<parameters>))
Description: Adds a callback function that is either a static member function of a class or is not a class member function. The function must return void and take a parameter list that is the same as <parameters>.
Return value: void - nothing.
Parameters: pFunc - A pointer to the callback function to call.

Method: template<class C> void Delegate::Remove(C *pObj, void (C::*pFunc)parmdecl)
Description: Removes a callback function from the callback function list
Return value: void - nothing.
Parameters: pObj - A pointer to the object that is being referred to.
pFunc - A pointer to the callback method being referred to.
These two parameters together specify the callback handler to be removed.

Method: void Delegate::Remove(void (*pFunc)parmdecl)
Description: Removes a callback function from the callback function list
Return value: void - nothing.
Parameters: pFunc - A pointer to the callback method being referred to.

Method: void Delegate::operator +=(Functor *pFunc)
Description: Adds a callback function that is a non-static member function of a class. The member function must return void and take a parameter list that is the same as <parameters>.
Return value: void - nothing.
Parameters: pFunc - A pointer to the functor to call. This should be created using the <name>Handler() function.

Method: void Delegate::operator +=(void (*pFunc)(<parameters>))
Description: Adds a callback function that is either a static member function of a class or is not a class member function. The function must return void and take a parameter list that is the same as <parameters>.
Return value: void - nothing.
Parameters: pFunc - A pointer to the callback function to call.

Method: void Delegate::operator -=(Functor *pFunc)
Description: Removes a callback function that is a non-static member function of a class.
Return value: void - nothing.
Parameters: pFunc - A pointer to the functor to remove. This should be created using the <name>Handler() function, and is deleted by the function.

Method: void Delegate::operator -=(void (*pFunc)(<parameters>))
Description: Removes a callback function that is either a static member function of a class or is not a class member function.
Return Value: void - nothing.
Parameters: pFunc - A pointer to the callback function to remove.

Method: void Delegate::Invoke(<parameters>)
Description: Calls all the callbacks in the callback list with the specified parameters.
Return Value: void - nothing.
Parameters: <parameters> - The parameters to pass to the callback functions, as specified in the parameter to DECLARE_DELEGATE().

Method: void Delegate::operator ()(<parameters>)
Description: Calls all the callbacks in the callback list with the specified parameters
Return Value: void - nothing.
Parameters: <parameters> - The parameters to pass to the callback functions, as specified in the parameter to DECLARE_DELEGATE().


  加一些支持固定参数个数的模板类,如只带一个参数的类,或只带两个参数的类等),这可能需要或不需要在量的类来实现-为委托的返回值或其它功能提供不同类型的类。 QQread.com 推出Windows2003教程 win2003安装介绍 win2003网络优化 win2003使用技巧 win2003系统故障 服务器配置 专家答疑




// delegate.h
// Interface/implementation of the delegate classes and macros
// Author: Ryan Binns
// Changelog:
// 19-Aug-2003 : Initial Release

#ifndef DELEGATE_H__
#define DELEGATE_H__

// This STL include file removes the STL warning when the compiler
// is set to warning level 4. It was written by Oskar Wieland, and
// is available at:
// http://www.codeproject.com/vcpp/stl/stl_without_warnings.asp
* Here, for convenience, I just ignore this header file but put the code directly.
//#include "stl.h"

#pragma warning(push)

#include <yvals.h> // warning numbers get enabled in yvals.h

#pragma warning(disable: 4018) // signed/unsigned mismatch
#pragma warning(disable: 4100) // unreferenced formal parameter
#pragma warning(disable: 4245) // conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', signed/unsigned mismatch
#pragma warning(disable: 4663) // C++ language change: to eXPlicitly specialize class template 'vector'
#pragma warning(disable: 4702) // unreachable code
#pragma warning(disable: 4710) // 'function' : function not inlined
#pragma warning(disable: 4786) // identifier was truncated to 'number' characters in the debug information

#include <vector>

#pragma warning(pop)


// Declares a delegate
// name - gives the beginning of the name of the delegate namespace, so
// DECLARE_DELEGATE(Add, ..., ...) would make a namespace
// called "AddDelegate" which contains the Add delegate classes.
// parmdecl - is the declaration of the parameters in the callbacks
// (surrounded by brackets), such as "(int val1, int val2)"
// parmcall - is how the parameters are called (surrounded in brackets),
// such as "(var1, var2)"
// so: DECLARE_DELEGATE(Add, (int val1, int val2), (val1, val2))
// would declare a delegate called AddDelegate, that takes two int
// parameters (the parameter names are not important).
#define DECLARE_DELEGATE(name, parmdecl, parmcall)
namespace name##Delegate
class Delegate; /* Forward declaration */
/* A function object base class for this parameter list */
class Functor
virtual void Invoke parmdecl = 0;
virtual bool isMethod() = 0;
virtual bool operator ==(Functor *pf) = 0;

/* Template class derived from Functor for
making class-specific function objects */
template<class C>
class TFunctor : public Functor
/* Only constructor - stores the given data */
TFunctor(C* pObj, void (C::*pFunc)parmdecl)
m_pObj = pObj;
m_pFunc = pFunc;
bool isMethod() { return true; }
bool operator ==(Functor *pf)
return false;
TFunctor<C> *pf1 = (TFunctor<C>*)pf;
if((pf1->m_pObj == m_pObj) && (pf1->m_pFunc == m_pFunc))
return true;
return false;

/* Invokes the function object with the given parameters */
void Invoke parmdecl { (m_pObj->*m_pFunc)parmcall; }
C *m_pObj; /* Object pointer */
void (C::*m_pFunc)parmdecl; /* Method pointer */

/* Class for function function objects */
class FFunctor : public Functor
/* Only constructor - stores the given data */
FFunctor(void (*pFunc)parmdecl) { m_pFunc = pFunc; }
bool isMethod() { return false; }
bool operator ==(Functor *pf)
return false;
FFunctor *pf1 = (FFunctor*)pf;
if(pf1->m_pFunc == m_pFunc)
return true;
return false;

/* Invokes the function object with the given parameters */
void Invoke parmdecl { m_pFunc parmcall; }
void (*m_pFunc)parmdecl; /* Function pointer */

/* Delegate class definition */
class Delegate
Delegate() { };
for(vit i=m_pFuncs.begin(); i!=m_pFuncs.end(); i++)
delete (*i);

/* Template function for adding member function callbacks */
template<class C>
void Add(C *pObj, void (C::*pFunc)parmdecl)
m_pFuncs.push_back(new TFunctor<C>(pObj, pFunc));
/* Add a non-member (or static member) callback function */
void Add(void (*pFunc)parmdecl)
m_pFuncs.push_back(new FFunctor(pFunc));
/* Template function for removing member function callbacks */
template<class C>
void Remove(C *pObj, void (C::*pFunc)parmdecl)
TFunctor<C> f(pObj, pFunc);
for(vit i=m_pFuncs.begin(); i!=m_pFuncs.end(); i++)
if(*(*i) == &f)
delete *i;
/* Removes a non-member (or static member) callback function */
void Remove(void (*pFunc)parmdecl)
FFunctor f(pFunc);
for(vit i=m_pFuncs.begin(); i!=m_pFuncs.end(); i++)
if(*(*i) == &f)
delete *i;

/* Addition operators */
void operator +=(Functor *pFunc)
void operator +=(void (*pFunc)parmdecl)
m_pFuncs.push_back(new FFunctor(pFunc));
/* Subtraction operators */
void operator -=(Functor *pFunc)
for(vit i=m_pFuncs.begin(); i!=m_pFuncs.end(); i++)
if(*(*i) == pFunc)
delete *i;
delete pFunc;
void operator -=(void (*pFunc)parmdecl)

/* Calls all the callbacks in the callback list */
void Invoke parmdecl
for(vit i=m_pFuncs.begin(); i!=m_pFuncs.end(); i++)
(*i)->Invoke parmcall;
/* Calls all the callbacks in the callback list */
void operator ()parmdecl { Invoke parmcall; }

/* List of callback functions */
std::vector<Functor*> m_pFuncs;
/* typedef'd iterator */
typedef std::vector<Functor*>::iterator vit;

template<class C>
name##Delegate::TFunctor<C> *name##Handler(C *pObj, void (C::*pFunc)parmdecl)
return new name##Delegate::TFunctor<C>(pObj, pFunc);

#endif // DELEGATE_H__

#include <iostream>
#include "delegate.h"
using namespace std;

DECLARE_DELEGATE(Add, (int p1, float p2), (p1, p2))

class A
A() { value = 5; }
virtual void Fun1(int val, float val2)
value = val*2*(int)val2;
cout << "[A::Fun1] " << val << ", " << val2 << endl;
static void StaticFunc(int val, float val2)
cout << "[A::StaticFunc] " << val << ", " << val2 << endl;
int value;

class B : public A
void Fun1(int val, float val2)
value += val*3*(int)val2;
cout << "[B::Fun1] " << val << ", " << val2 << endl;

void GlobalFunc(int val, float val2)
cout << "[GlobalFunc] " << val << ", " << val2 << endl;

unsigned int WinSize(unsigned char *ColCnt,

unsigned char *RowCnt)
unsigned short result;
__asm {
mov ax, 1416h
int 10h
mov result, cx
les edi, ColCnt
mov es:[edi], bl //error illegal reference to 16-bit data in 'first operand’
les di, RowCnt
mov es:[edi], bh // the same problem

int main()
// Create class instances
A a;
B b;
// Create an instance of the delegate
AddDelegate::Delegate del;
// Add our handlers
del += AddHandler(&a, &A::Fun1); // or del.Add(&a, A::Fun1);
del += AddHandler(&b, &B::Fun1); // or del.Add(&b, B::Fun2);
del += GlobalFunc; // or del.Add(GlobalFunc);
del += A::StaticFunc; // or del.Add(A::StaticFunc);
// Invoke the delegate
del(4, 5); // or del.Invoke(4, 5);
// Print the class values
cout << "[main] a.value = " << a.value << endl;
cout << "[main] b.value = " << b.value << endl;
// Remove some of the handlers
del -= AddHandler(&a, &A::Fun1); // or del.Remove(&a, A::Fun1);
del -= A::StaticFunc; // or del.Remove(A::StaticFunc);
// Invoke the delegate again
del(4, 5); // or del.Invoke(4, 5);
// Print the class values
cout << "[main] a.value = " << a.value << endl;
cout << "[main] b.value = " << b.value << endl;
return 0;

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