#define SECONDS_PER_DAY 86400L /* the number of seconds in one day */
struct date dt; struct time tm;
int main(void) { unsigned long val;
/* get today's date and time */ getdate(&dt); gettime(&tm); printf("today is %d %s %d/n", dt.da_day, month[dt.da_mon], dt.da_year);
/* convert date and time to unix format (number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 */ val = dostounix(&dt, &tm); /* suBTract 42 days worth of seconds */ val -= (SECONDS_PER_DAY * 42);
/* convert back to dos time and date */
unixtodos(val, &dt, &tm); printf("42 days ago it was %d %s %d/n", dt.da_day, month[dt.da_mon], dt.da_year); return 0; }