#include <stdio.h> void main() { char letter; PRintf("please input the first letter of someday/n"); while ((letter=getch())!='Y')/*当所按字母为Y时才结束*/ { switch (letter) { case 'S':printf("please input second letter/n"); if((letter=getch())=='a') printf("saturday/n"); else if ((letter=getch())=='u') printf("sunday/n"); else printf("data error/n"); break; case 'F':printf("friday/n");break; case 'M':printf("monday/n");break; case 'T':printf("please input second letter/n"); if((letter=getch())=='u') printf("tuesday/n"); else if ((letter=getch())=='h') printf("thursday/n"); else printf("data error/n"); break; case 'W':printf("wednesday/n");break; default: printf("data error/n"); } } } 【程序32】
题目:Press any key to change color, do you want to try it. Please hurry up!
#include <conio.h> void main(void) { int color; for (color = 0; color < 8; color++) { textbackground(color);/*设置文本的背景颜色*/ cprintf("This is color %d/r/n", color); cprintf("Press any key to continue/r/n"); getch();/*输入字符看不见*/ } } 【程序33】