> How is it possible to determine a PRocess is "not responding" like NT Task > Manager do? The heuristic works only for GUI processes, and consists of calling SendMessageTimeOut() with SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG.
>There is any API call to do the job, or this status is simply a dedUCtion >based on process counters, like that returned from call to GetProcessTimes >API function?
Use SendMessageTimeout with a value of WM_NULL. That's all Task Manager does to determine this AFAIK.
-- 有理有理.当然,我这里还有一个UNDOCUMENTED函数,乃是其他的解决方案,NT和9X有个USER32.DLL的函数,IsHungAppWindow(NT)和IsHungThread(9X).使用起来简便无比.下面给出原型. BOOL IsHungAppWindow ( HWND hWnd, // handle to main app's window );
BOOL IsHungThread ( DWord dwThreadId, // The thread's identifier of the main app's window ); 有了原型,连解释都不需要,好得不的了.:)不过调用时需要GetProcAddress.库里没有该函数.