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2019-11-17 05:25:23
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Text;
using System.xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mail;namespace mail
 /// <summary>
 /// Class1 的摘要说明。
 /// </summary>
 public class mSendMail
  PRivate TcpClient tcpClt;
  private NetworkStream networkStm;
  private Hashtable rightCodeHT = new Hashtable();
  private string smtpServerName;
  private int smtpServerPort;
  private string userName;
  private string passWord;
  private string to;
  private string from;
  private string fromName;
  private string charset;
  private string recipientName;
  private string subject;
  private string body;
  private string priority;
  static string Send_Method;
  public mSendMail()
  }  public mSendMail(string strToName,string strTo,string strBody)
   to = strTo;
   recipientName = strToName;
   body = strBody;
  public  mSendMail(string strToName,string strTo, string strSubject, string strBody)
   to = strTo;
   recipientName = strToName;
   subject = strSubject;
   body = strBody;
  public  mSendMail(string strToName,string strTo,string strFromName,string strFrom, string strSubject, string strBody)
   to = strTo;
   recipientName = strToName;
   from = strFrom;
   fromName = strFromName;
   subject = strSubject;
   body = strBody;
  private bool initialize()
     smtpServerName = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["smtpServerName"];
     smtpServerPort = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["smtpServerPort"]);
     userName = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["userName"];
     password = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["password"];
     //from = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["from"];
     //fromName = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["fromName"];
     charset = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["charset"];
     smtpServerName ="";//your smtp server
     smtpServerPort =25;
     userName ="";//your name
     password ="";//your pass
     charset ="GB2312";
     //from = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["from"];
     //fromName = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["fromName"];
    return false;
   priority = "Normal";
   //subject = "//";
   return true;
  }  private string Base64Encode(string str)
   byte[] barray;
   return Convert.ToBase64String(barray);
  }  private void smtpCodeAdd()
  }  private bool sendCommand(string str)
   byte[] writeBuffer;
   writeBuffer = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str);
    networkStm.Write(writeBuffer, 0, writeBuffer.Length);
    return false;
   return true;
  }  private bool isRight()
   int streamSize;
   byte[] readBuffer = new byte[1024];
   string returnValue = "";
    streamSize = networkStm.Read(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.Length);
    return false;
   if (streamSize != 0)
    returnValue = Encoding.Default.GetString(readBuffer, 0, streamSize);
   if(rightCodeHT[returnValue.Substring(0,3)] == null)
    return false;
   return true;
  }  public bool sendMail()
   if (!initialize())
    return false;
    tcpClt = new TcpClient(smtpServerName, smtpServerPort);
    return false;
   networkStm = tcpClt.GetStream();
   if (!isRight())
    return false;
   string[] sendBuffer;
   string enter = "/r/n";   sendBuffer = new String[9];
   sendBuffer[0] = "EHLO " + smtpServerName + enter;
   sendBuffer[1] = "AUTH LOGIN" + enter;
   sendBuffer[2] = Base64Encode(userName) + enter;
   sendBuffer[3] = Base64Encode(password) + enter;
   sendBuffer[4] = "MAIL FROM:<" + from + ">" + enter;
   sendBuffer[5] = "RCPT TO:<" + to +">" + enter;
   sendBuffer[6] = "DATA" + enter;
   sendBuffer[7] = "From:" + fromName + "<" + from +">" + enter;
   sendBuffer[7] += "To:=?" + charset.ToUpper() + "?B?"
    + Base64Encode(recipientName) + "?=" + "<" + to + ">" + enter;
   sendBuffer[7] += "Subject:" + "=?" + charset.ToUpper() + "?B?"
    + Base64Encode(subject) + "?=" + enter;
   sendBuffer[7] += "X-Priority:" + priority + enter;
   sendBuffer[7] += "X-MSMail-Priority:" + priority + enter;
   sendBuffer[7] += "Importance:" + priority + enter;
   sendBuffer[7] += "X-Mailer: Huolx.Pubclass" + enter;
   sendBuffer[7] += "MIME-Version: 1.0" + enter;
   sendBuffer[7] += "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;" + enter;
   sendBuffer[7] += "   boundary=/"----=_NextPart_000_00D6_01C29593.AAB31770/"" + enter;
   sendBuffer[7] += "------=_NextPart_000_00D6_01C29593.AAB31770" + enter;
   sendBuffer[7] += "Content-Type: text/Html;" + enter;
   sendBuffer[7] += "   charset=/"" + charset.ToLower() + "/"" + enter;
   sendBuffer[7] += "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" + enter + enter;
   sendBuffer[7] += Base64Encode(body) + enter;
   sendBuffer[7] += "------=_NextPart_000_00D6_01C29593.AAB31770--" + enter + enter;
   sendBuffer[7] += enter + "." + enter;
   sendBuffer[8] = "QUIT" + enter;   int i;   for (i=0;i<sendBuffer.Length;i++)
    if (!sendCommand(sendBuffer[i]))
     return false;
    if (!isRight())
     return false;
   networkStm.Close();   return true;
  public int Send_Email(string From, string To,string FromName,string ToName,string Subject,string Body)
      int IsSUCcess = 0;
   string s1=To;
   int ix;
   int iy;
   int iz;
   char split;
   string[] MailAddress;
   iz=To.LastIndexOf(",");   if (ix>0 && iy>0 && iy>ix)
    if (iz>0)
     for(int i=0;i<MailAddress.Length;i++)
      if (MailAddress[i].Substring(ix+1)=="sina.com")
      mSendMail mySendMail = new mSendMail(ToName,MailAddress[i],FromName,From,Subject,Body);
       if (mySendMail.sendMail()== true)
        IsSuccess = 0;
     if (s1.Substring(ix+1)=="sina.com")
     mSendMail mySendMail = new mSendMail(ToName,To,FromName,From,Subject,Body);
      if (mySendMail.sendMail()== true)
       IsSuccess = 0;
   return IsSuccess;
  public int Send_TuiJian(string From, string To,string FromName,string ToName,string Title,string NewsAddr,string Message)
   string MessagePath;
   if(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["MessagePath"] != null)
    MessagePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["MessagePath"].ToString();
    MessagePath = @"D:/abc.htm";
   string strTemplate;
   StreamReader  stream = new StreamReader(MessagePath,System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312"));      
    strTemplate = stream.ReadToEnd();
   }   //替换
   string tmpMessage = Message;
    for (int i=0; i<=(Message.Length/35); i++)
     tmpMessage = tmpMessage.Insert((i+1)*35,"<br>");
   Message = tmpMessage;
   Message = Message + "<br>";
   strTemplate = strTemplate.Insert(strTemplate.LastIndexOf("此致,礼"),Message);
   strTemplate = strTemplate.Replace("aa",ToName);
   strTemplate = strTemplate.Replace("bb",FromName);
   strTemplate = strTemplate.Replace("cc",Title);
   strTemplate = strTemplate.Replace(@"dd",NewsAddr);
   strTemplate = strTemplate.Replace("1980年",DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());   //发送邮件
   int IsSuccess = 0;
   string Subject = "想请你去看看";
   string s1=To;
   int ix;
   int iy;
   int iz;
   char split;
   string[] MailAddress;
   if (ix>0 && iy>0 && iy>ix)
    if (iz>0)
     for(int i=0;i<MailAddress.Length;i++)
      if (MailAddress[i].Substring(ix+1)=="sina.com")
      mSendMail mySendMail = new mSendMail(ToName,MailAddress[i],FromName,From,Subject,strTemplate);
       if (mySendMail.sendMail()== true)
        IsSuccess = 0;
     if (s1.Substring(ix+1)=="sina.com")
     mSendMail mySendMail = new mSendMail(ToName,To,FromName,From,Subject,strTemplate);
      if (mySendMail.sendMail()== true)
       IsSuccess = 0;
   return IsSuccess;  }

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