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2019-11-17 05:00:48
  很多人对qmail smtp的认证机制,环境变量,执行顺序不太了解。  仔细看完这一大篇代码后相信你会明白很多你过去不太明白的问题。  当然你要有一点点c语言基础。也只要一点点。  Come from: ChongQing Gearbox co.,ltd  这份文件还不完善,假如您完善了它请发一份给我: beggar110@163.com  这份文件是给想深入了解qmail和想hacker qmail的人读的,假如你只是想建立一个能够运作的mail服务器,没有必要读下去了。它将浪费你很多的时间。  假如你对qmail控制文件还不是很了解,阅读这份文件之前,请先阅读rainbow的《qmail控制文件详解》  在这里你可以找到www.chinaunix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1126  好的。开始我们qmail内部的漫游吧!!!Let's go!  代码:  qmail 总览  tcpserver MUA     V V  qmail-smtpd qmail-inject     +----------->qmail-queue<-----------+      qmail-send    +------------+------------+     V V  qmail-rspawn qmail-lspawn     V V  qmail-remote qmail-local        V V  INTERNET <----qmail-pop3d      vchkpw      qmail-popup      tcpserver--+  qmail-smtpd.c源代码分析(去掉了所有include)  qmail -smtpd是由tcpserver或由tcp-env启动。tcpserver负责监听端口,假如指定了-x rule.cbd,tcpserver会先决断是断开连接还是启动qmail子进程。假如没有指定-x参数启动tcpserver,那么直接启动 qmail-smtpd.启动qmail-smtpd之前将来自网络的数据连接重定向到qmail-smtpd的fd0,fd1.还会初始化一些 qmail-smtpd需要的环境变量,如TCPREMOTEip.  tcp-env只会初始化qmail-smtpd的环境变量,不负责监听端口及重定向网络连接。所以tcp-env要和inetd配合使用。当然,由于初始化环境变量的工作tcpserver也会作,所以没有必要tcpserver和tcp-env配合使用.  qmail-smtpd完成邮件smtp命令的接收,并调用相应的处理程序。  检查mail 中的地址是否在control/badmailfrom中定义(MAIL命令)  检查是否设置了RELAYCLIENT环境变量或 rcpt 中的地址是否是control/rcpthosts中定义(RCPT命令)  需要明确的是qmail-smtpd只是简单的接收邮件内容传送给qmail-queue,并不对邮件进行转发(DATA命令)。  当然还要向qmail-queue传送mailfrom,mailto  代码:  #define MAXHOPS 100  unsigned int databytes = 0; //邮件最大长度:0=无限  int timeout = 1200; //默认超时20分钟  //向网络写,超时值为control/timeoutsmtpd指定的值。没有这个文件则取默认值20分钟  int safewrite(fd,buf,len) int fd; char *buf; int len;  {  int r;  r = timeoutwrite(timeout,fd,buf,len);  if (r <= 0) _exit(1);  return r;  }  char ssoutbuf[512];  substdio ssout = SUBSTDIO_FDBUF(safewrite,1,ssoutbuf,sizeof ssoutbuf);  void flush() { substdio_flush(&ssout); }  void out(s) char *s; { substdio_puts(&ssout,s); }  //错误处理函数  void die_read() { _exit(1); }  void die_alarm() { out("451 timeout (#4.4.2)/r/n"); flush(); _exit(1); }  void die_nomem() { out("421 out of memory (#4.3.0)/r/n"); flush(); _exit(1); }  void die_control() { out("421 unable to read controls (#4.3.0)/r/n"); flush(); _exit(1); }  void die_ipme() { out("421 unable to figure out my IP addresses (#4.3.0)/r/n"); flush(); _exit(1); }  void straynewline() { out("451 See pobox.com/~djb/docs/smtplf.Html./r/n"); flush(); _exit(1); }  void err_bmf() { out("553 sorry, your envelope sender is in my badmailfrom list (#5.7.1)/r/n"); }  void err_nogateway() { out("553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)/r/n"); }  void err_unimpl() { out("502 unimplemented (#5.5.1)/r/n"); }  void err_syntax() { out("555 syntax error (#5.5.4)/r/n"); }  void err_wantmail() { out("503 MAIL first (#5.5.1)/r/n"); }  void err_wantrcpt() { out("503 RCPT first (#5.5.1)/r/n"); }  void err_noop() { out("250 ok/r/n"); }  void err_vrfy() { out("252 send some mail, i'll try my best/r/n"); }  void err_QQt() { out("451 qqt failure (#4.3.0)/r/n"); }  stralloc greeting = {0};  //输出提示信息*code  void smtp_greet(code) char *code;  {  substdio_puts(&ssout,code);  substdio_put(&ssout,greeting.s,greeting.len);  }  void smtp_help()  {  out("214 qmail home page:   void>pobox.com/~djb/qmail.html/r/n");  }  void smtp_quit()  {  smtp_greet("221 "); out("/r/n"); flush(); _exit(0);  }  char *remoteip; //远端ip地址  char *remotehost; //远端主机名  char *remoteinfo; //远端信息  char *local; //本地主机  char *relayclient; //是否检查rcpthosts文件  stralloc helohost = {0};  char *fakehelo; /* pointer into helohost, or 0 */  void dohelo(arg) char *arg; {  if (!stralloc_copys(&helohost,arg)) die_nomem();  if (!stralloc_0(&helohost)) die_nomem();  //fakehelo变量,假如helo 参数指定的主机名与TCPREMOTEHOST环境变量中的主机名不同则  //fakehelo的值为helo命令的参数指定的主机名.假如两者相同则fekehelo为NULL;  //data命令处理程式用到这个变量  fakehelo = case_diffs(remotehost,helohost.s) ? helohost.s : 0;  }  int liphostok = 0;  stralloc liphost = {0};  int bmfok = 0;  stralloc bmf = {0};  strUCt constmap mapbmf;  void setup()  {  char *x;  unsigned long u;  if (control_init() == -1) die_control(); //control/me  //读入欢迎信息greeting,假如不存在则从me文件复制  if (control_rldef(&greeting,"control/smtpgreeting",1,(char *) 0) != 1)  die_control();  //读入localiphost,假如文件不存在则从me文件复制  liphostok = control_rldef(&liphost,"control/localiphost",1,(char *) 0);  if (liphostok == -1) die_control();  //读control/timeoutsmtpd存入timeout,用于控制超时的情况.  if (control_readint(&timeout,"control/timeoutsmtpd") == -1) die_control();  if (timeout <= 0) timeout = 1;  if (rcpthosts_init() == -1) die_control();  //读入badmailfrom文件存入 bmf  bmfok = control_readfile(&bmf,"control/badmailfrom",0);  if (bmfok == -1) die_control();  if (bmfok)  if (!constmap_init(&mapbmf,bmf.s,bmf.len,0)) die_nomem();  //读入databytes文件存入 databytes,假如该文件不存在,则将  //databytes的值设为0.  if (control_readint(&databytes,"control/databytes") == -1) die_control();  x = env_get("DATABYTES");  if (x) { scan_ulong(x,&u); databytes = u; }  if (!(databytes + 1)) --databytes;  //取tcp-environ环境变量,假如环境变量没有设置,将它的值设置为unknow.  //这些信息来自tcpserver,或tcp-env之类的程式  remoteip = env_get("TCPREMOTEIP");  if (!remoteip) remoteip = "unknown";  local = env_get("TCPLOCALHOST");  if (!local) local = env_get("TCPLOCALIP");  if (!local) local = "unknown";  remotehost = env_get("TCPREMOTEHOST");  if (!remotehost) remotehost = "unknown";  remoteinfo = env_get("TCPREMOTEINFO");  //从环境变量RELAYCLIENT读入.  //假如RELAYCLIENT变量没有设置那么relayclient将会是NULL.  relayclient = env_get("RELAYCLIENT");  dohelo(remotehost);  }  stralloc addr = {0}; /* will be 0-terminated, if addrparse returns 1 */  //对命令参数arg进行邮件地址分析  //并将分离出的email地址存入全局缓存addr  //成功返回值为1,失败返回0  int addrparse(arg)  char *arg;  {  int i;  char ch;  char terminator;  struct ip_address ip;  int flagesc;  int flagquoted;  //分离出邮件地址  //例如: arg="",或 arg=": email@eg.org "  //执行下面这段程式后arg="email@eg.org"  terminator = '>';  i = str_chr(arg,'<');  if (arg[i])  arg += i + 1;  else { /* partner should go read rfc 821 */  terminator = ' ';  arg += str_chr(arg,':');  if (*arg == ':') ++arg;  while (*arg == ' ') ++arg;  }  /* strip source route */  if (*arg == '@') while (*arg) if (*arg++ == ':') break;  if (!stralloc_copys(&addr,"")) die_nomem();  flagesc = 0;  flagquoted = 0;  for (i = 0;ch = arg[i];++i) { /* copy arg to addr, stripping quotes */  if (flagesc) {  if (!stralloc_append(&addr,&ch)) die_nomem();  flagesc = 0;  }  else {  if (!flagquoted && (ch == terminator)) break;  switch(ch) {  case '/': flagesc = 1; break;  case '"': flagquoted = !flagquoted; break;  default: if (!stralloc_append(&addr,&ch)) die_nomem();  }  }  }  /* could check for termination failure here, but why bother? */  if (!stralloc_append(&addr,"")) die_nomem();  //将ip地址转换为主机名:  //如 test@[] 转换为 test@host.mydomain.org  //依据是control/localiphost文件中有host.mydomain.org  if (liphostok) {  i = byte_rchr(addr.s,addr.len,'@');  if (i < addr.len) /* if not, partner should go read rfc 821 */  if (addr.s[i + 1] == '[')//比较是否是用[]括起来的IP地址  if (!addr.s[i + 1 + ip_scanbracket(addr.s + i + 1,&ip)])  if (ipme_is(&ip)) {  addr.len = i + 1;  if (!stralloc_cat(&addr,&liphost)) die_nomem();  if (!stralloc_0(&addr)) die_nomem();  }  }  if (addr.len > 900) return 0; //地址太长,出错返回  return 1;//成功返回  }  //简单的垃圾邮件检查  //检查全局缓冲区addr中的地址是否有在badmailfrom中定义,  //假如有则返回 1,否则返回 0.  int bmfcheck()  {  int j;  if (!bmfok) return 0;  if (constmap(&mapbmf,addr.s,addr.len - 1)) return 1;  j = byte_rchr(addr.s,addr.len,'@');  if (j < addr.len)  if (constmap(&mapbmf,addr.s + j,addr.len - j - 1)) return 1;  return 0;  }  //检查全局缓存addr中的邮件地址是否要进行转发(依据control/rcpthosts文件)  //可以进行转发返回1  //拒绝转发返回0  int addrallowed()  {  int r;  r = rcpthosts(addr.s,str_len(addr.s));  if (r == -1) die_control();  return r;  }  int seenmail = 0;  int flagbarf; /* defined if seenmail */  stralloc mailfrom = {0};  stralloc rcptto = {0};  void smtp_helo(arg) char *arg;  {  smtp_greet("250 "); out("/r/n");  seenmail = 0; dohelo(arg);  }  void smtp_ehlo(arg) char *arg;  {  smtp_greet("250-"); out("/r/n250-PIPELINING/r/n250 8BITMIME/r/n");  seenmail = 0; dohelo(arg);  }  //重新初始化  //调用helo或ehlo命令都会完成相同的功能  void smtp_rset()  {  seenmail = 0;  out("250 flushed/r/n");  }  //mail命令解释程式. 重要变量: [mailfrom /全局]  //该函数完成检查mailfrom是否在badmailfrom中定义  //设置标志指明mail命令已经执行  void smtp_mail(arg) char *arg;  {  if (!addrparse(arg)) { err_syntax(); return; }  flagbarf = bmfcheck(); //检查是否badmailfrom,假如是设置相应标志,这个标志在rcpt命令的处理程式中才起作用  seenmail = 1;//指示已经执行过mail命令.  if (!stralloc_copys(&rcptto,"")) die_nomem();//分配rcptto缓冲区  if (!stralloc_copys(&mailfrom,addr.s)) die_nomem();//复制mail命令中指定的地址到mailfrom  if (!stralloc_0(&mailfrom)) die_nomem();  out("250 ok/r/n");  }  //rcpt命令解释程式. 重要变量: [ rcptto /全局]  void smtp_rcpt(arg) char *arg; {  if (!seenmail) { err_wantmail(); return; }//mail命令是否已执行?  if (!addrparse(arg)) { err_syntax(); return; }//分离邮件地址参数存入全局缓存addr  if (flagbarf) { err_bmf(); return; }//假如mail命令中的地址在control/badmailfrom中有定义,返回  //至此addr缓存中包含了rcpt命令指定的email地址.  //假如rcpt 命令,则有addr="email@eg.org".这个变量是在addrparse函数中符值的  //假如 RELAYCLIENT 环境变量设置将不进行rcpthosts,morercpthosts.cdb的比较  //注重,打过smtp认证补丁,假如通过认证后会设置relayclient=""  if (relayclient) {  --addr.len;  if (!stralloc_cats(&addr,relayclient)) die_nomem();  if (!stralloc_0(&addr)) die_nomem();  }  else//假如没有指定RELAYCLIENT变量,则由control/rcpthosts决定是否进行转发  if (!addrallowed()) { err_nogateway(); return; }  //生成头连接到全局缓存rcptto:  //例如地址'rcpt test@eg.org' 命令将产生 rcptto="Temail@eg.org"  //多次执行rcpt命令效果会是rcptto="Ttest@eg.orgTtwo@eg.org"  if (!stralloc_cats(&rcptto,"T")) die_nomem();  if (!stralloc_cats(&rcptto,addr.s)) die_nomem();  if (!stralloc_0(&rcptto)) die_nomem();  out("250 ok/r/n");  }  //saferead,从网络读len个字节到buf缓冲区  //返回实际读到的字节数.  //超时值为control/timeoutsmtpd文件中指定的值。见setup()函数.(默认值1200秒)  int saferead(fd,buf,len) int fd; char *buf; int len;  {  int r;  flush();  r = timeoutread(timeout,fd,buf,len);  if (r == -1) if (errno == error_timeout) die_alarm();  if (r <= 0) die_read();  return r;  }  char ssinbuf[1024];  substdio ssin = SUBSTDIO_FDBUF(saferead,0,ssinbuf,sizeof ssinbuf);  struct qmail qqt;  unsigned int bytestooverflow = 0;  void put(ch)  char *ch;  {  if (bytestooverflow)  if (!--bytestooverflow)  qmail_fail(&qqt);  qmail_put(&qqt,ch,1);  }  void blast(hops)  int *hops;  {  char ch;  int state;  int flaginheader;  int pos; /* number of bytes since most recent /n, if fih */  int flagmaybex; /* 1 if this line might match RECEIVED, if fih */  int flagmaybey; /* 1 if this line might match /r/n, if fih */  int flagmaybez; /* 1 if this line might match DELIVERED, if fih */  state = 1;  *hops = 0;  flaginheader = 1;  pos = 0; flagmaybex = flagmaybey = flagmaybez = 1;  for (;;) {  substdio_get(&ssin,&ch,1);//从标准输入(也就是网络)读邮件内容直到读到仅有一个点的行.  if (flaginheader) {  if (pos < 9) {  if (ch != "delivered"[pos]) if (ch != "DELIVERED"[pos]) flagmaybez = 0;  if (flagmaybez) if (pos == 8) ++*hops;  if (pos < 8)  if (ch != "received"[pos]) if (ch != "RECEIVED"[pos]) flagmaybex = 0;  if (flagmaybex) if (pos == 7) ++*hops;  if (pos < 2) if (ch != "/r/n"[pos]) flagmaybey = 0;  if (flagmaybey) if (pos == 1) flaginheader = 0;  }  ++pos;  if (ch == '/n') { pos = 0; flagmaybex = flagmaybey = flagmaybez = 1; }  }  switch(state) {  case 0:  if (ch == '/n') straynewline();  if (ch == '/r') { state = 4; continue; }  break;  case 1: /* /r/n */  if (ch == '/n') straynewline();  if (ch == '.') { state = 2; continue; }  if (ch == '/r') { state = 4; continue; }  state = 0;  break;  case 2: /* /r/n + . */  if (ch == '/n') straynewline();  if (ch == '/r') { state = 3; continue; }  state = 0;  break;  case 3: /* /r/n + ./r */  if (ch == '/n') return;  put(".");  put("/r");  if (ch == '/r') { state = 4; continue; }  state = 0;  break;  case 4: /* + /r */  if (ch == '/n') { state = 1; break; }  if (ch != '/r') { put("/r"); state = 0; }  }  put(&ch);  }  }  char accept_buf[FMT_ULONG];  void acceptmessage(qp) unsigned long qp;  {  datetime_sec when;  when = now();  out("250 ok ");  accept_buf[fmt_ulong(accept_buf,(unsigned long) when)] = 0;  out(accept_buf);  out(" qp ");  accept_buf[fmt_ulong(accept_buf,qp)] = 0;  out(accept_buf);  out("/r/n");  }  //data 命令解释程式  //完成向qmail-queue投递邮件  void smtp_data() {  int hops;  unsigned long qp;  char *qqx;  if (!seenmail) { err_wantmail(); return; } //假如没有执行过mail命令,出错返回  if (!rcptto.len) { err_wantrcpt(); return; } //假如没有执行rcpt命令,出错返回  seenmail = 0; //将mail命令标志失效,  //databytes 邮件最大长度,假如没有指定那么它的值将是0  if (databytes) bytestooverflow = databytes + 1;  if (qmail_open(&qqt) == -1) { err_qqt(); return; }//建立子进程执行qmail-queue  qp = qmail_qp(&qqt); //qp 为qmail-queue process缩写,it's a process id.  out("354 go ahead/r/n");  //向新建立的进程传送邮件头  received(&qqt,"SMTP",local,remoteip,remotehost,remoteinfo,fakehelo);  blast(&hops);  hops = (hops >= MAXHOPS);  if (hops) qmail_fail(&qqt);  //向qmail-queue传送邮件头信息.  //假如hong@hg.org 向 lyx@hg.org发送邮件,那么向qmail-queue传送的字符串将是  // Fhong@hg.orgTlyx@hg.org  qmail_from(&qqt,mailfrom.s);  qmail_put(&qqt,rcptto.s,rcptto.len);  qqx = qmail_close(&qqt);  if (!*qqx) { acceptmessage(qp); return; }//假如接收成功  if (hops) { out("554 too many hops, this message is looping (#5.4.6)/r/n"); return; }  if (databytes) if (!bytestooverflow) { out("552 sorry, that message size exceeds my databytes limit (#5.3.4)/r/n"); return; }  if (*qqx == 'D') out("554 "); else out("451 ");  out(qqx + 1);  out("/r/n");  }  //smtp命令处理函数表  struct commands smtpcommands[] = {  { "rcpt", smtp_rcpt, 0 }  , { "mail", smtp_mail, 0 }  , { "data", smtp_data, flush } //建立子进程执行qamil-queue,并向其传送邮件.  , { "quit", smtp_quit, flush }  , { "helo", smtp_helo, flush }  , { "ehlo", smtp_ehlo, flush }  , { "rset", smtp_rset, 0 }  , { "help", smtp_help, flush }  , { "noop", err_noop, flush } //实际上未实现的命令, { "vrfy", err_vrfy, flush } //实际上未实现的命令, { 0, err_unimpl, flush } //命令错误  } ;  /*  qmail-smtpd 是由tcpserver,或tcp-env之类的程式启动  tcpserver,tcp-env将来自网络的连接重定向到qmail-smtpd的标准输入及标准输出.这些程式建立一些环境变量(如TCPREMOTEHOST,TCPREMOTEIP)将由setup()函数使用  */  void main()  {  sig_pipeignore();//忽略信号.  if (chdir(auto_qmail) == -1) die_control();//改变当前目录到 /var/qmail.  setup();//读控制文件及相应的环境变量.  if (ipme_init() != 1) die_ipme(); //取本地接口的IP地址:  smtp_greet("220 "); //显示欢迎信息.  out(" ESMTP/r/n");  //从标准输入(网络连接)读入smtp命令.  if (commands(&ssin,&smtpcommands) == 0) die_read();  die_nomem();  }  ==完==  qmail-queue源代码分析  Programmer:夜未眠  Comefrom:ChongQing Gearbox co.,ltd  程序主要完成的功能是:  1.生成自已的邮件首部,也就是你在邮件头中见到的类似下面的东西  Recevied (qmail 855 invoked by uid 0); 2 May 2003 12:18:09 -0000  2.建立3个文件  queue/mess// //邮件正文  queue/intd/ 用户id,进程id,mailfrom,rcptto  queue/todo/ 是intd目录下文件的复本.  3.写命名管道lock/trigger通知新邮件  代码:  #define DEATH 86400 /* 24 hours; _must_ be below q-s's OSSIFIED (36 hours) */  #define ADDR 1003  char inbuf[2048];  struct substdio ssin;  char outbuf[256];  struct substdio ssout;  datetime_sec starttime;  struct datetime dt;  unsigned long mypid;  unsigned long uid;  char *pidfn;  struct stat pidst;  unsigned long messnum;  char *messfn;  char *todofn;  char *intdfn;  int messfd;  int intdfd;  int flagmademess = 0;  int flagmadeintd = 0;  //错误清理  void cleanup()  {  if (flagmadeintd)  {  seek_trunc(intdfd,0);  if (unlink(intdfn) == -1) return;  }  if (flagmademess)  {  seek_trunc(messfd,0);  if (unlink(messfn) == -1) return;  }  }  void die(e) int e; { _exit(e); }  void die_write() { cleanup(); die(53); }  void die_read() { cleanup(); die(54); }  void sigalrm() { /* thou shalt not clean up here */ die(52); }  void sigbug() { die(81); }  unsigned int receivedlen;  char *received;  static unsigned int receivedfmt(s)  char *s;  {  unsigned int i;  unsigned int len;  len = 0;  /*生成  /* "Received: (qmail-queue invoked by alias); 26 Sep 1995 04:46:54 -0000/n" */  [日 月 年 时 分 秒]  的形式.  */  i = fmt_str(s,"Received: (qmail "); len += i; if (s) s += i;  i = fmt_ulong(s,mypid); len += i; if (s) s += i;  i = fmt_str(s," invoked "); len += i; if (s) s += i;  if (uid == auto_uida)  { i = fmt_str(s,"by alias"); len += i; if (s) s += i; }  else if (uid == auto_uidd)  { i = fmt_str(s,"from network"); len += i; if (s) s += i; }  else if (uid == auto_uids)  { i = fmt_str(s,"for bounce"); len += i; if (s) s += i; }  else  {  i = fmt_str(s,"by uid "); len += i; if (s) s += i;  i = fmt_ulong(s,uid); len += i; if (s) s += i;  }  i = fmt_str(s,"); "); len += i; if (s) s += i;  i = date822fmt(s,&dt); len += i; if (s) s += i;  return len;  }  void received_setup()  {  receivedlen = receivedfmt((char *) 0);  received = alloc(receivedlen + 1);  if (!received) die(51);  receivedfmt(received);  }  unsigned int pidfmt(s,seq)  char *s;  unsigned long seq;  {  unsigned int i;  unsigned int len;  //生成类型pid/3434.34242424.1的字符串到s中  //这个字符串实际上就是/var/qmail/queue/pid目录下一个文件名。指示当前进程的pid.  len = 0;  i = fmt_str(s,"pid/"); len += i; if (s) s += i;  i = fmt_ulong(s,mypid); len += i; if (s) s += i;  i = fmt_str(s,"."); len += i; if (s) s += i;  i = fmt_ulong(s,starttime); len += i; if (s) s += i;  i = fmt_str(s,"."); len += i; if (s) s += i;  i = fmt_ulong(s,seq); len += i; if (s) s += i;  ++len; if (s) *s++ = 0;  return len;  }  char *fnnum(dirslash,flagsplit)  char *dirslash;  int flagsplit;  {  char *s;  s = alloc(fmtqfn((char *) 0,dirslash,messnum,flagsplit));  if (!s) die(51);  fmtqfn(s,dirslash,messnum,flagsplit);  return s;  }  void pidopen() //建立类似/var/run/inet.pid之类的进程id文件.  {  unsigned int len;  unsigned long seq;  seq = 1;  len = pidfmt((char *) 0,seq);  pidfn = alloc(len);  if (!pidfn) die(51);  for (seq = 1;seq < 10;++seq)  {  if (pidfmt((char *) 0,seq) > len) die(81); /* paranoia */  pidfmt(pidfn,seq);  messfd = open_excl(pidfn);  if (messfd != -1) return;  }  die(63);  }  char tmp[FMT_ULONG];  void main()  {  unsigned int len;  char ch;  sig_blocknone();  umask(033);  if (chdir(auto_qmail) == -1) die(61);  if (chdir("queue") == -1) die(62);//改变工作目录到/var/qmail/queue  mypid = getpid();  uid = getuid();  starttime = now();  datetime_tai(&dt,starttime);//将起始时间转换为可读年月日时分秒的形式  //生成自已的邮件头存入缓存reseived中  //例如: received="Received: (qmail 3434 invoked by 34434); Apr 27 2003 14:55:34"  received_setup();  sig_pipeignore();  sig_miscignore();  sig_alarmcatch(sigalrm);//捕捉alarm信号,控制超时  sig_bugcatch(sigbug);  alarm(DEATH); //超时秒数,缺省值是86400(24小时) 后错误返回52  pidopen();//建立进程id文件  if (fstat(messfd,&pidst) == -1) die(63);  messnum = pidst.st_ino; //进程id文件的inode节点号  /*生成将要建立的文件的文件名  几个文件都是根据刚才建立的pid文件的inode节点号命名的.inode不可能被两个文件同时占用,这保证了邮件唯一性。  其中mess目录下的文件放置有一个%23的问题,  tips: 因为是%23所以该目录名最大的可能只有22,明白queue/mess目录下目录为什么最大只22了吧  比如说inode节点号为3455,那么3455%23=5,那么将生成/var/qmail/queue/mess/5/3455 这样一个文件来存放邮件。  /var/qmail/queue/todo/3455与/var/qmail/queue/intd/3455是相同的,都是保存用户id,进程id,mailfrom,rcptto的。  */  messfn = fnnum("mess/",1); //解释为message file name  todofn = fnnum("todo/",0); //todo file name  intdfn = fnnum("intd/",0); //intd file name  if (link(pidfn,messfn) == -1) die(64);  if (unlink(pidfn) == -1) die(63);  //进程id文件使命很快结束,死掉了  //所以你不应该想在queue/pid目录中找到进程id文件。  //另外,qmail-clean也将定期清理queue/pid目录下的pid文件,说定期其实也不是,qmail-clean会在每收到30个清理邮件的请求后清理pid目录一次.这在分析qmail-clean时我们将会看到.  flagmademess = 1;  //fd1关联到写mess/下新建的文件。 通过管道连接<--------qmail-smtp 的 qqt->fde  //也就是说qmail-smtpd进程写它的qqt-fde,那就相当于写mess/下新建立的邮件  //注重是关联不是正式写  substdio_fdbuf(&ssout,write,messfd,outbuf,sizeof(outbuf));  //fd0关联到读标准输入到缓存区inbuf 通过管道连接 <---------qmail-smtp 的 qqt->fdm  //也就是说读ssin将从qmail-smtpd的qqt->fdm端读  substdio_fdbuf(&ssin,read,0,inbuf,sizeof(inbuf));  //向mess/下的邮件文件写qmail-queue的头部信息  if (substdio_bput(&ssout,received,receivedlen) == -1) die_write();  //从fd1读smtpd设置的邮件首部  switch(substdio_copy(&ssout,&ssin))  {  case -2: die_read();  case -3: die_write();  }  if (substdio_flush(&ssout) == -1) die_write();  if (fsync(messfd) == -1) die_write();  intdfd = open_excl(intdfn);  if (intdfd == -1) die(65);  flagmadeintd = 1;  //fd1关联到写intd/下新建立的文件 fd0关联到读inbuff缓冲区  substdio_fdbuf(&ssout,write,intdfd,outbuf,sizeof(outbuf));  substdio_fdbuf(&ssin,read,1,inbuf,sizeof(inbuf));  /*  向intd下新建立的文件写如下格式内容  这些内容来自于qmail-smtpd.c中的data命令的解释函数。  u[uid]p[pid]F[mailfrom]T[rcptto1][rcptto2][rcptton]  例如:lyx@hg.org向hong@hg.org和beggar@hg.org发邮件可能会有如下内容  u6027p34234Flyx@hg.orgThong@hg.orgTbeggar@hg.org  */  if (substdio_bput(&ssout,"u",1) == -1) die_write();  if (substdio_bput(&ssout,tmp,fmt_ulong(tmp,uid)) == -1) die_write();  if (substdio_bput(&ssout,"",1) == -1) die_write();  if (substdio_bput(&ssout,"p",1) == -1) die_write();  if (substdio_bput(&ssout,tmp,fmt_ulong(tmp,mypid)) == -1) die_write();  if (substdio_bput(&ssout,"",1) == -1) die_write();  if (substdio_get(&ssin,&ch,1) < 1) die_read();  if (ch != 'F') die(91);  if (substdio_bput(&ssout,&ch,1) == -1) die_write();  for (len = 0;len < ADDR;++len)  {  if (substdio_get(&ssin,&ch,1) < 1) die_read();  if (substdio_put(&ssout,&ch,1) == -1) die_write();  if (!ch) break;  }  //如有多个邮件接收人时,这些接收人的地址总不长度不能超过1023字节,假如每个邮件地址约为15个字节的话,  //大约可能指定65个  if (len >= ADDR) die(11);  if (substdio_bput(&ssout,QUEUE_EXTRA,QUEUE_EXTRALEN) == -1) die_write();  for (;;)  {  if (substdio_get(&ssin,&ch,1) < 1) die_read();  if (!ch) break;  if (ch != 'T') die(91);  if (substdio_bput(&ssout,&ch,1) == -1) die_write();  for (len = 0;len < ADDR;++len)  {  if (substdio_get(&ssin,&ch,1) < 1) die_read();  if (substdio_bput(&ssout,&ch,1) == -1) die_write();  if (!ch) break;  }  if (len >= ADDR) die(11);  }  if (substdio_flush(&ssout) == -1) die_write();  if (fsync(intdfd) == -1) die_write();  //复制intdfn到todofn 由此可见这两个是相同的文件  if (link(intdfn,todofn) == -1) die(66);  triggerpull(); //向命名管道 /var/qmail/queue/lock/trigger写一个字节(写的是0),通知有新的邮件  die(0); //退出  }  ==完==  qmail-popup.c分析  Programmer:夜未眠  Come from:ChongQing Gearbox co.,ltd  qmail -popup也是由tcpserver或tcp-env之类的程式启动。这些程式是通过管道与qmail-popup通信的。这也是qmail 的美妙之处,总观整个qmail源代码,除少量dns代码外。基本上没有使用网络编程。各个进程间大部分都是通管道通信。把监听,读写网络部分交给 inetd或tcpserver来作。使得qmail代码相当轻易阅读理解。  主要功能:  1.从网络读pop3命令,进行相应处理。  2.调用子进程(vchkpw或checkpassWord,具体是哪一个由你在运行参数中指定,当然,仔细分析完doanddie函数后你也许就能编写自己的checkpw了,呵呵)完成检验密码,启动qmail-pop3d的工作  重要的函数是doanddie. 理解这个函数基本上就能理解qmail pop密码的检验流程。  几个程式间的关系是:  代码:  tcpserver---->qmail-popup---->vchkpw----认证成功--->qmail-pop3d        <---------- 认证失败-----------+  ==========================  代码:  void die() { _exit(1); }  int saferead(fd,buf,len) int fd; char *buf; int len;  {  int r;  r = timeoutread(1200,fd,buf,len);  if (r <= 0) die();  return r;  }  int safewrite(fd,buf,len) int fd; char *buf; int len;  {  int r;  r = timeoutwrite(1200,fd,buf,len);  if (r <= 0) die();  return r;  }  char ssoutbuf[128];  substdio ssout = SUBSTDIO_FDBUF(safewrite,1,ssoutbuf,sizeof ssoutbuf);  char ssinbuf[128];  substdio ssin = SUBSTDIO_FDBUF(saferead,0,ssinbuf,sizeof ssinbuf);  void puts(s) char *s;  {  substdio_puts(&ssout,s);  }  void flush()  {  substdio_flush(&ssout);  }  void err(s) char *s;  {  puts("-ERR ");  puts(s);  puts("/r/n");  flush();  }  void die_usage() { err("usage: popup hostname subprogram"); die(); }  void die_nomem() { err("out of memory"); die(); }  void die_pipe() { err("unable to open pipe"); die(); }  void die_write() { err("unable to write pipe"); die(); }  void die_fork() { err("unable to fork"); die(); }  void die_childcrashed() { err("aack, child crashed"); }  void die_badauth() { err("authorization failed"); }  void err_syntax() { err("syntax error"); }  void err_wantuser() { err("USER first"); }  void err_authoriz() { err("authorization first"); }  void okay() { puts("+OK /r/n"); flush(); }  void pop3_quit() { okay(); die(); }  //FMT_ULONG 40 /* enough space to hold 2^128 - 1 in decimal, plus /0 */  char unique[FMT_ULONG + FMT_ULONG + 3];  char *hostname;  stralloc username = {0};  int seenuser = 0;  char **childargs;  substdio ssup;  char upbuf[128];  void doanddie(user,userlen,pass)  char *user;  unsigned int userlen; /* including 0 byte */  char *pass;  {  int child;  int wstat;  int pi[2];  if (fd_copy(2,1) == -1) die_pipe();//关闭出错(fd2),将标准输出(fd1),定向到标准出错(fd2)  close(3);  if (pipe(pi) == -1) die_pipe();  if (pi[0] != 3) die_pipe(); //确保向子进程能够读到硬编码的fd 3  switch(child = fork()) { //建立子进程执行subprogram给出的程式,一般是一个检验用户名和密码的程式  case -1:  die_fork();  case 0:  close(pi[1]);  sig_pipedefault();//子进程执行checkpassword或vchkpw之类的程式,检验密码,假如认证通过  execvp(*childargs,childargs);//这些再调用qmail-pop3d  _exit(1);  }  //父进程向子进程的fd3传送用户名及密码,这是一个约定。假如你要写自已的检验密码的程式,记得  //从fd3读密码哦。  close(pi[0]);  substdio_fdbuf(&ssup,write,pi[1],upbuf,sizeof upbuf);  if (substdio_put(&ssup,user,userlen) == -1) die_write();  if (substdio_put(&ssup,pass,str_len(pass) + 1) == -1) die_write();  //父进程向子进程传送<进程ID.当前时间@主机名>  if (substdio_puts(&ssup,"<") == -1) die_write();  if (substdio_puts(&ssup,unique) == -1) die_write();  if (substdio_puts(&ssup,hostname) == -1) die_write();  if (substdio_put(&ssup,">",2) == -1) die_write();  if (substdio_flush(&ssup) == -1) die_write();  close(pi[1]);  //清除密码及用户名缓冲区  byte_zero(pass,str_len(pass));  byte_zero(upbuf,sizeof upbuf);  if (wait_pid(&wstat,child) == -1) die();//等待子进程结束  if (wait_crashed(wstat)) die_childcrashed();  if (wait_exitcode(wstat)) die_badauth();  //完成一次pop3对话退出  die();  }  //显示欢迎信息  void pop3_greet()  {  char *s;  s = unique;  s += fmt_uint(s,getpid());  *s++ = '.';  s += fmt_ulong(s,(unsigned long) now());  *s++ = '@';  *s++ = 0;  puts("+OK <");  puts(unique);  puts(hostname);  puts(">/r/n");  flush();  }  //设置标志,初始化用户名变量  void pop3_user(arg) char *arg;  {  if (!*arg) { err_syntax(); return; }  okay();  seenuser = 1; //user命令已经执行的标志  if (!stralloc_copys(&username,arg)) die_nomem(); //将参数存入username  if (!stralloc_0(&username)) die_nomem();  }  void pop3_pass(arg) char *arg;  {  if (!seenuser) { err_wantuser(); return; }//假如没有执行user命令,返回  if (!*arg) { err_syntax(); return; }  doanddie(username.s,username.len,arg);//调用子进程验正密码并等待它完成  }  void pop3_apop(arg) char *arg;//用户名及密码在一个命令中给出的情况,见user,pass  {  char *space;  space = arg + str_chr(arg,' ');  if (!*space) { err_syntax(); return; }  *space++ = 0;  doanddie(arg,space - arg,space);  }  struct commands pop3commands[] = {//命令及相应的处理函数表  { "user", pop3_user, 0 }  , { "pass", pop3_pass, 0 }  , { "apop", pop3_apop, 0 }  , { "quit", pop3_quit, 0 }  , { "noop", okay, 0 }  , { 0, err_authoriz, 0 }  } ;  void main(argc,argv)  int argc;  char **argv;  {  sig_alarmcatch(die);//捕捉sigalrm信号  sig_pipeignore();//忽略pipe信号  hostname = argv[1]; //hostname 指向 程式的第一个参数  if (!hostname) die_usage();  childargs = argv + 2;  if (!*childargs) die_usage();  pop3_greet();//显示欢迎信息后进入命令循环,等待用户命令  commands(&ssin,pop3commands);  die();  }  qmail-start.c 分析  Programmer:夜未眠  Comefrom:ChongQing Gearbox co.,ltd  qmail-start 是很简单的一个程式,他完成qmail-send,qmail-clean,qmail-lspawn,qmail-rspawn,splogger的启动,并通过管道将他们联系在一起,当然不是网状连接.具体如下  代码:  =====================================  qmail-lspawn fd0 <-------- qmail-send fd1  qmail-lspawn fd1 --------> qmail-send fd2  qmail-rspawn fd0 <-------- qmail-send fd3  qmail-rspawn fd1 --------> qmail-send fd4  qmail-clean fd0 <-------- qmail-send fd5  qmail-clean fd1 --------> qmail-send fd6  =====================================  理解他们之间的关系(注重方向)对于理解qmail-send源代码非常重要。仔细再看一次。  因为其比较简单,所以这里就不对他的源代码作过细的分析:  代码:  char *(qsargs[]) = { "qmail-send", 0 };  char *(qcargs[]) = { "qmail-clean", 0 };  char *(qlargs[]) = { "qmail-lspawn", "./Mailbox", 0 };  char *(qrargs[]) = { "qmail-rspawn", 0 };  void die() { _exit(111); }  int pi0[2]; //splogger qmail   int pi1[2]; //qmail-lspawn fd0 <-------- qmail-send fd1  int pi2[2]; //qmail-lspawn fd1 --------> qmail-send fd2  int pi3[2]; //qmail-rspawn fd0 <-------- qmail-send fd3  int pi4[2]; //qmail-rspawn fd1 --------> qmail-send fd4  int pi5[2]; //qmail-clean fd0 <-------- qmail-send fd5  int pi6[2]; //qmail-clean fd1 --------> qmail-send fd6  void close23456() { close(2); close(3); close(4); close(5); close(6); }  //****************//  //因为没有关闭pi0.  //所以所有的子进程都可以通过写pi0来记录maillog.  void closepipes() {  close(pi1[0]); close(pi1[1]); close(pi2[0]); close(pi2[1]);  close(pi3[0]); close(pi3[1]); close(pi4[0]); close(pi4[1]);  close(pi5[0]); close(pi5[1]); close(pi6[0]); close(pi6[1]);  }  void main(argc,argv)  int argc;  char **argv;  {  if (chdir("/") == -1) die();  umask(077);  if (prot_gid(auto_gidq) == -1) die();  if (fd_copy(2,0) == -1) die();  if (fd_copy(3,0) == -1) die();  if (fd_copy(4,0) == -1) die();  if (fd_copy(5,0) == -1) die();  if (fd_copy(6,0) == -1) die();  if (argv[1]) {  qlargs[1] = argv[1];  ++argv;  }  if (argv[1]) {  if (pipe(pi0) == -1) die();  switch(fork()) {  case -1:  die();  case 0:  if (prot_gid(auto_gidn) == -1) die();  if (prot_uid(auto_uidl) == -1) die();  close(pi0[1]);  if (fd_move(0,pi0[0]) == -1) die();//重定向pi0[0]到splogger的fd0  close23456();  execvp(argv[1],argv + 1);//启动splogger  die();  }  close(pi0[0]);  if (fd_move(1,pi0[1]) == -1) die();  }  if (pipe(pi1) == -1) die();  if (pipe(pi2) == -1) die();  if (pipe(pi3) == -1) die();  if (pipe(pi4) == -1) die();  if (pipe(pi5) == -1) die();  if (pipe(pi6) == -1) die();  switch(fork()) {//启动qmail-lspawn  case -1: die();  case 0:  if (fd_copy(0,pi1[0]) == -1) die();  if (fd_copy(1,pi2[1]) == -1) die();  close23456();  closepipes();  execvp(*qlargs,qlargs);  die();  }  switch(fork()) {//启动qmail-rspawn  case -1: die();  case 0:  if (prot_uid(auto_uidr) == -1) die();  if (fd_copy(0,pi3[0]) == -1) die();  if (fd_copy(1,pi4[1]) == -1) die();  close23456();  closepipes();  execvp(*qrargs,qrargs);  die();  }  switch(fork()) {//启动qmail-clean  case -1: die();  case 0:  if (prot_uid(auto_uidq) == -1) die();  if (fd_copy(0,pi5[0]) == -1) die();  if (fd_copy(1,pi6[1]) == -1) die();  close23456();  closepipes();  execvp(*qcargs,qcargs);  die();  }  if (prot_uid(auto_uids) == -1) die();  if (fd_copy(0,1) == -1) die(); //重定向管道,把qmail-send 与上面各进程联系起来。  if (fd_copy(1,pi1[1]) == -1) die();  if (fd_copy(2,pi2[0]) == -1) die();  if (fd_copy(3,pi3[1]) == -1) die();  if (fd_copy(4,pi4[0]) == -1) die();  if (fd_copy(5,pi5[1]) == -1) die();  if (fd_copy(6,pi6[0]) == -1) die();  closepipes();  execvp(*qsargs,qsargs);//最后启动qmail-send  die();  }  ==完==  qmail-pop3d源代码分析  Programmer:夜未眠  Comefrom: ChongQing Gearbox co.,ltd  要害数据结构  队列: --> prioq  这个数据结构在很多qmail很多程式中都有用到,最好记下来  代码:  struct prioq_elt {  datetime_sec dt;//时间戳,优先级  unsigned long id;//邮件唯一id,你可以把它同qmail-queue分析中介绍中pid文件inode联系起来  } ;  prioq在prioq.h中prioq是这样定义的  GEN_ALLOC_typedef(prioq,struct prioq_elt,p,len,a)  展开后实际上定义为  typedef struct prioq  {  struct prioq_elt *p; // 指针  unsigned int len; //队列的长度  unsigned int a;  }prioq;  消息块: --> message 我把它叫作消息块是因为他并不包含消息内容,也许这样称呼它并不确切  代码:  struct message {  int flagdeleted; //删除标记,在qmail-pop3d程式退出时进行实际删除动作  unsigned long size; //消息文件大小  char *fn; //消息文件名  } *m;  主要功能:  qmail-pop3d是则vchkpw或checkpassword之类的程式启动的。这些程式(vchkpw)会更改环境变量USER,  HOME,SHELL等等,并在启动qmail-pop3d前将工作目录改变到$HOME下.  qmail-pop3d在启动时首先检查./Maildir/tmp(./Maildir是在argv中指定的)下最后访问时间超过36小  时的文件,假如存在就将其删除。也正是由于qmail-pop3d在启动时就有chdir的动作,所以qmail-pop3d  不支持mailbox形式的pop.  扫描Maildir/cur及Maildir/new目录构造一个消息块数组 m(首先是构造一个临时队列pq,然后根据这个队列  来构造消息块数组),输出+OK,进入命令循环,等待用户输入pop命令进行相应的处理.具体见代码分析.  代码:  void die() { _exit(0); }  //超时读,超时时间为20分钟,正常返回读到的字节数,否则程式失败die()  int saferead(fd,buf,len) int fd; char *buf; int len;  {  int r;  r = timeoutread(1200,fd,buf,len);  if (r <= 0) die();  return r;  }  //超时写,超时时间为20分钟,正常返回写的字节数,否则程式失败die()  int safewrite(fd,buf,len) int fd; char *buf; int len;  {  int r;  r = timeoutwrite(1200,fd,buf,len);  if (r <= 0) die();  return r;  }  /*定义ssout为向fd1写,超时时间为20分钟  定义ssin为从fd0读,超时时间为20分钟  由于tcpserver或inetd已经重定向了fd1,fd0到网络,所以这就  等同于向网络读写*/  char ssoutbuf[1024];  substdio ssout = SUBSTDIO_FDBUF(safewrite,1,ssoutbuf,sizeof ssoutbuf);  char ssinbuf[128];  substdio ssin = SUBSTDIO_FDBUF(saferead,0,ssinbuf,sizeof ssinbuf);  void put(buf,len) char *buf; int len;  {  substdio_put(&ssout,buf,len);//将buf缓存中的内容向网络写  }  void puts(s) char *s;  {  substdio_puts(&ssout,s);//将s的内容向网络写,这个函数实际上是调用的substdio_put  }  void flush() //确保输出缓存中已经没有内容。  {  substdio_flush(&ssout);  }  void err(s) char *s;  {  puts("-ERR ");  puts(s);  puts("/r/n");  flush();  }  //错误处理函数  void die_nomem() { err("out of memory"); die(); }  void die_nomaildir() { err("this user has no $HOME/Maildir"); die(); }  void die_scan() { err("unable to scan $HOME/Maildir"); die(); }  void err_syntax() { err("syntax error"); }  void err_unimpl() { err("unimplemented"); }  void err_deleted() { err("already deleted"); }  void err_nozero() { err("messages are counted from 1"); }  void err_toobig() { err("not that many messages"); }  void err_nosuch() { err("unable to open that message"); }  void err_nounlink() { err("unable to unlink all deleted messages"); }  void okay() { puts("+OK /r/n"); flush(); }  void printfn(fn) char *fn;  {  fn += 4;  put(fn,str_chr(fn,':'));  }  char strnum[FMT_ULONG];  stralloc line = {0};  void blast(ssfrom,limit)//从ssfrom读数据输出到fd1,一次一行(用全局缓存line)  substdio *ssfrom;  unsigned long limit;//除开消息头部信息,最多读limit行,limit为0将全部读完  {  int match;  int inheaders = 1;  for (;;) {  if (getln(ssfrom,&line,&match,'/n') != 0) die();  if (!match && !line.len) break;  if (match) --line.len; /* no way to pass this info over POP */  if (limit) if (!inheaders) if (!--limit) break;  if (!line.len)  inheaders = 0;  else  if (line.s[0] == '.')  put(".",1);  put(line.s,line.len);  put("/r/n",2);  if (!match) break;  }  put("/r/n./r/n",5);  flush();  }  stralloc 2006830231942.htms = {0};  prioq pq = {0};  struct message {  int flagdeleted; //删除标记,在程式退出时进行实际删除动作  unsigned long size; //文件大小  char *fn; //文件名  } *m;  int numm;//全局变量记录队列长度  int last = 0;  void getlist()  {  struct prioq_elt pe;  struct stat st;  int i;  maildir_clean(&line);//清除Maildir/tmp/目录下最后访问时间超过 36小时的文件  if (maildir_scan(&pq,&2006830231942.htms,1,1) == -1) die_scan();  numm = pq.p ? pq.len : 0; //记录下队列长度  //通过队列pq构造消息块数组,构建结束后队列pq删除  m = (struct message *) alloc(numm * sizeof(struct message));//分配消息块  if (!m) die_nomem();  for (i = 0;i < numm;++i) {  if (!prioq_min(&pq,&pe)) { numm = i; break; }  prioq_delmin(&pq);  m[i].fn = 2006830231942.htms.s + pe.id;  m[i].flagdeleted = 0;  if (stat(m[i].fn,&st) == -1)  m[i].size = 0;  else  m[i].size = st.st_size;  }  }  void pop3_stat() //打印类似 +OK <消息数量><删除标记未设置的消息所占空间>  { //如 +OK 3 3555表示总共有3条消息,占用空间3555(通过stat取得的)  int i;  unsigned long total;  total = 0;  for (i = 0;i < numm;++i) if (!m[i].flagdeleted) total += m[i].size;  puts("+OK ");  put(strnum,fmt_uint(strnum,numm));  puts(" ");  put(strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,total));  puts("/r/n");  flush();  }  void pop3_rset()//重置pop对话,清除所有删除标记  {  int i;  for (i = 0;i < numm;++i) m[i].flagdeleted = 0;  last = 0;  okay();  }  void pop3_last()//显示最后一个消息块  {  puts("+OK ");  put(strnum,fmt_uint(strnum,last));  puts("/r/n");  flush();  }  void pop3_quit()//结束一次pop对话,删除所有删除标记设置的消息,将new下的消息移到cur下  {  int i;  for (i = 0;i < numm;++i)  if (m[i].flagdeleted) {  if (unlink(m[i].fn) == -1) err_nounlink();  }  else  if (str_start(m[i].fn,"new/")) {  if (!stralloc_copys(&line,"cur/")) die_nomem();  if (!stralloc_cats(&line,m[i].fn + 4)) die_nomem();  if (!stralloc_cats(&line,":2,")) die_nomem();  if (!stralloc_0(&line)) die_nomem();  rename(m[i].fn,line.s); /* if it fails, bummer */  }  okay();  die();  }  //检查消息块是否存在。或消息块的删除标记是否已经设置了  //成功返回消息块的位置int型  //失败返回-1  int msgno(arg) char *arg;  {  unsigned long u;  if (!scan_ulong(arg,&u)) { err_syntax(); return -1; }  if (!u) { err_nozero(); return -1; }  --u;  if (u >= numm) { err_toobig(); return -1; }  if (m[u].flagdeleted) { err_deleted(); return -1; }  return u;  }  void pop3_dele(arg) char *arg;//将arg指定消息块设置删除标记,实际删除动作将在pop3退出时进行  {  int i;  i = msgno(arg);  if (i == -1) return;  m[i].flagdeleted = 1;  if (i + 1 > last) last = i + 1;  okay();  }  void list(i,flaguidl)  int i;  int flaguidl;  {//显示消息块的内容,假如flaguidl设置,输出消息文件名,否则消息大小  put(strnum,fmt_uint(strnum,i + 1));  puts(" ");  if (flaguidl) printfn(m[i].fn);  else put(strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,m[i].size));  puts("/r/n");  }  //假如指定了参数arg那么列出arg指定的消息块的内容,否则列出全部消息  void dolisting(arg,flaguidl) char *arg; int flaguidl;  {  unsigned int i;  if (*arg) {  i = msgno(arg);  if (i == -1) return;  puts("+OK ");  list(i,flaguidl);  }  else {  okay();  for (i = 0;i < numm;++i)  if (!m[i].flagdeleted)  list(i,flaguidl);  puts("./r/n");  }  flush();  }  void pop3_uidl(arg) char *arg; { dolisting(arg,1); }  void pop3_list(arg) char *arg; { dolisting(arg,0); }  substdio ssmsg; char ssmsgbuf[1024];  void pop3_top(arg) char *arg;//显示指定消息的内容  {  int i;  unsigned long limit;  int fd;  i = msgno(arg);//邮件号  if (i == -1) return;  arg += scan_ulong(arg,&limit);//显示几行,假如未指定那么limit为0(balst函数打印全部内容)  while (*arg == ' ') ++arg;  if (scan_ulong(arg,&limit)) ++limit; else limit = 0;  fd = open_read(m[i].fn);  if (fd == -1) { err_nosuch(); return; }  okay();  //关系ssmsg为从指定的消息文件中读  substdio_fdbuf(&ssmsg,read,fd,ssmsgbuf,sizeof(ssmsgbuf));  //从ssmsg中读到fd1,假如limit大于0将只读取除消息头外的limit行,假如等于0读全部邮件  blast(&ssmsg,limit);  close(fd);  }  struct commands pop3commands[] = { //pop3命令及处理函数表  { "quit", pop3_quit, 0 }  , { "stat", pop3_stat, 0 }  , { "list", pop3_list, 0 }//显示消息大小, { "uidl", pop3_uidl, 0 }//显示消息文件名, { "dele", pop3_dele, 0 }  , { "retr", pop3_top, 0 }//取一条消息的内容,与top实现是一样的, { "rset", pop3_rset, 0 }//重置pop对话,清除所有删除标记, { "last", pop3_last, 0 }  , { "top", pop3_top, 0 }  , { "noop", okay, 0 }  , { 0, err_unimpl, 0 }  } ;  /*qmail-pop3d由vchkpw或checkpassword之类的程式起动,只有认证通过后才能  执行本程式提供各种pop3命令  */  void main(argc,argv)  int argc;  char **argv;  {  sig_alarmcatch(die);  sig_pipeignore();  if (!argv[1]) die_nomaildir();  //由于vchkpw或checkpassword之类的程式在启动pop3之前已经将工作目录改变到HOME下了.  //所以这里直接进入arg指定的Maildir目录.也是由于这个改变目录原因。qamil-pop3d不支持Mailbox.  if (chdir(argv[1]) == -1) die_nomaildir();  getlist(); //这里构造了我们前面提到了消息块数组*m  okay();  //进入命令循环  commands(&ssin,pop3commands);  die();  }  ==自此qmail的pop3部分分析基本结束==  小结  Maildir/cur 只要用户进行了一次连接,qmail-pop3d就会将new下所有邮件移动这个目录下来(quit命令解释程式中有体现.)  Maildir/new 用户还没看过新邮件  可见qmail的pop3部分只与Maildir有联系,与smtp基本无关。也许有人会问怎么pop3代码都完了,怎么没看见有使用 Maildir/tmp目录的地方呢?(只见删除)其实这个tmp目录是qmail-local用来保证可靠的转发所用的临时文件目录。假如你想知道具体怎么可靠法可以看qmail-local的源代码分析或者man maildir 的HOW A MESSAGE IS DELIVERED节.原文链接:http://www.5dmail.net/html/2006-8-30/2006830231942.htm

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