printf(" It is not exit in the addr-book!"); else { printf(" name:%s ",p0->name); printf(" addr:%s",p0->addr); printf(" phnum:%s",p0->phnum); } } ; ; ; void Input() /*向通讯录中输入一个人的信息*/ { s=(linklist)malloc(sizeof(listnode)); printf(" please input the sb's meg:"); printf(" name:"); scanf("%s",s->name); printf(" Addr:"); scanf("%s",s->addr); printf(" phnum:"); scanf("%s",s->phnum); if(head==NULL) head=s; else r->next=s; r=s; } ; ; ; void Alter() /*改变一个人的信息*/ { int j; printf(" Please input the name:"); gets(name1); /*输入要人的姓名*/ p3=head; while(strcmp(name1,p3->name)!=0&&p3!=NULL) p3=p3->next; if(p3==NULL) printf(" It is not exit in the addr-book!"); else { printf(" please input the new meg!"); /*输入要改人的新信息*/ printf(" name:"); scanf("%s",name1); strcpy(p3->name,name1); printf(" Addr:"); scanf("%s",name1); strcpy(p3->addr,name1); printf(" phnum:"); scanf("%s",name1); strcpy(p3->phnum,name1); } } ; ; ; void Save() /*保存信息*/ { int j; fp=fopen("people.txt","w"); for(p2=head,j=0;p2!=NULL;j++,p2=p2->next)/*将信息装出入结构体数组在出入链表中*/ { /*避免地址的出入,造成乱码文件*/ strcpy(persons[j].name,p2->name); strcpy(persons[j].addr,p2->addr); strcpy(persons[j].phnum,p2->phnum); fwrite(&persons[j],sizeof(struct persons),1,fp); } } ; ; ; void main() { creat(); do { printf(" WELCOME TO USE Pan Weifeng's Address book");/*显示提示的信息*/ printf(" Please make a choice below:"); printf(" 1.Show all the meg"); printf(" 2.Delete a piece of meg"); printf(" 3.Find a piece of meg"); printf(" 4.Insert a piece of meg"); printf(" 5.Alter a piece of meg"); printf(" 6.Save and Exit"); printf(" "); printf(" Input Your Choice:"); ch=getche(); switch(ch) { case '1': Show(); /*用单条件多选择语句实现调用与循环*/ break; case '2': Delete(); break; case '3': Find(); break;
case '4': Input(); break; case '5': Alter(); break; case '6': Save(); fclose(fp); exit(0); break; default: printf(" ********************************* "); printf(" The num should 1-4!!! "); printf(" **********************************"); break; } }while(1); }