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2019-11-17 04:00:15

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<SPAN style="COLOR: #0000ff">Map map = new HashMap();   
    Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator();   
    while (it.hasNext()) {   
        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) it.next();   
        Object key = entry.getKey();   
        Object value = entry.getValue();   

Map map = new HashMap();

    Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator();

    while (it.hasNext()) {

        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) it.next();

        Object key = entry.getKey();

        Object value = entry.getValue();


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Map m = new HashMap();   
for(Object o : map.keySet()){   

Map m = new HashMap();

for(Object o : map.keySet()){


}返回的 set 中的每个元素都是一个 Map.Entry 类型。

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<SPAN style="COLOR: #0000ff">private Hashtable<String, String> emails = new Hashtable<String, String>();</SPAN>  

private Hashtable<String, String> emails = new Hashtable<String, String>();  另外 我们可以先把hashMap 转为集合Collection,再迭代输出,不过得到的对象

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<SPAN style="COLOR: #0000ff">//方法一: 用entrySet()   
   Iterator it = emails.entrySet().iterator();   
    Map.Entry m=(Map.Entry)it.next();   
    logger.info("email-" + m.getKey() + ":" + m.getValue());   
   // 方法二:jdk1.5支持,用entrySet()和For-Each循环()   
   for (Map.Entry<String, String> m : emails.entrySet()) {   
    logger.info("email-" + m.getKey() + ":" + m.getValue());   
   // 方法三:用keySet()   
   Iterator it = emails.keySet().iterator();   
   while (it.hasNext()){   
    String key;   
    logger.info("email-" + key + ":" + emails.get(key));   
// 方法五:jdk1.5支持,用keySEt()和For-Each循环   
for(Object m: emails.keySet()){   
    logger.info("email-" + m+ ":" + emails.get(m));   

//方法一: 用entrySet()

   Iterator it = emails.entrySet().iterator();


    Map.Entry m=(Map.Entry)it.next();

    logger.info("email-" + m.getKey() + ":" + m.getValue());



   // 方法二:jdk1.5支持,用entrySet()和For-Each循环()

   for (Map.Entry<String, String> m : emails.entrySet()) {


    logger.info("email-" + m.getKey() + ":" + m.getValue());



   // 方法三:用keySet()

   Iterator it = emails.keySet().iterator();

   while (it.hasNext()){

    String key;


    logger.info("email-" + key + ":" + emails.get(key));


// 方法五:jdk1.5支持,用keySEt()和For-Each循环

for(Object m: emails.keySet()){

    logger.info("email-" + m+ ":" + emails.get(m));

      Map    aa    =    new    HashMap();     

aa.put("tmp1",    new    Object());    

  //追加      替换用同样的函数.      



for    (Iterator    i    =    aa.values().iterator();    i.hasNext();    )    {        

      Object    temp    =    i.next();     

}          //遍历   



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public static void main(String[] args) {   
   ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();   
   HashMap<Object,Object> hash = new HashMap<Object,Object>();   
   TreeMap<Object,Object> treeMap = new TreeMap<Object,Object>();   
   hash.put(3, 3);   
   hash.put(4, 4);   
   hash.put(5, 5);   
   hash.put(6, 6);   
   hash.put(1, 1);   
   hash.put(2, 2);   
   treeMap.put(1, 1);   
   treeMap.put(2, 2);   
   treeMap.put(3, 3);   
   treeMap.put(4, 4);   
   treeMap.put(5, 5);   
   treeMap.put(6, 6);   
   for(String m: list){   
   // hashmap entrySet() 遍历   
   for(Map.Entry<Object,Object> m: hash.entrySet()){   
   //hashmap keySet() 遍历   
   for(Object m: hash.keySet()){   
   // treemap keySet()遍历   
   for(Object m: treeMap.keySet()){   
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