one: const is a compile-time constant, but readonly is a runtime constant.
two: const can only modify the PRimitive types, enum types and string types, but readonly has no limits.
For the first point, because of the compile-time constant feature, so natively it’s static and you can’t add the static modifier manually.
eg: static const int value = 100;
For the efficiency of const keyword, after compiled by the compiler, the constants where they are used will be replaced by it’s real value.
For the readonly variable , it’s assigned when in runtime, then it’s value can not be changed.
The so-called can not be changed contains two meanings.
class Istone{ public readonly int age; public Istone(int age) { this.age = age; }}Istone istone = new Istone(20);istone.age = 300; //it’s wrong, can’t assign value again for readonly variable
For the reference variable, after giving an example, you will rapidly understand.
class Istone2{ public readonly Student stu; public Istone2(Student stu) { this.stu = stu; }}Istone2 stu2 = new Istone2(new Student(){age= 10});stu2.stu = new Student(){age = 20};//wrong
Can not assign value to readonly field, but can change it’s referenced instance like below:
stu2.stu.age = 20;
PS: readonly variable can be initialized, and then assigned value one or more time in the constructor.