?? 运算符称为 null 合并运算符,用于定义可以为 null 值的类型和引用类型的默认值。 如果此运算符的左操作数不为 null,则此运算符将返回左操作数;否则返回右操作数。
class NullCoalesce{ static int? GetNullableInt() { return null; } static string GetStringValue() { return null; } static void Main() { // ?? Operator example. int? x = null; // y = x, unless x is null, in which case y = -1. int y = x ?? -1; // Assign i to return value of method, unless // return value is null, in which case assign // default value of int to i. int i = GetNullableInt() ?? default(int); string s = GetStringValue(); // ?? also works with reference types. // Display contents of s, unless s is null, // in which case display "Unspecified". Console.WriteLine(s ?? "Unspecified"); }}