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2ge ListBox 之间的 上下选择,MVC ViewModel

2019-11-17 02:44:38

2ge ListBox 之间的 上下选择,MVC ViewModel

 1 public RoleViewModel generateActionList(string roleId, List<string> assignidlist) 2         { 3             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(roleId) && assignidlist == null) 4             { 5                 List<IcActions> availableList = this.ServiceLocator.GetService<IRoleActionService>().GetAllActions(appid); 6                 List<IcActions> assignList = new List<IcActions>(); 7                 PortalPRoj.Common.Entities.IcRoles icRoles = new PortalProj.Common.Entities.IcRoles(); 8                 return RoleViewModel.GetFromIcRoles(icRoles, assignList, availableList); 9             }10             else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(roleId) && assignidlist != null)11             {12                 List<IcActions> availableList = this.ServiceLocator.GetService<IRoleActionService>().GetAllActions(appid);13                 List<IcActions> assignList = this.ServiceLocator.GetService<IRoleActionService>().GetActionById(assignidlist).OrderBy(m => m.ActionSeq).ToList();14                 PortalProj.Common.Entities.IcRoles icRoles = new PortalProj.Common.Entities.IcRoles();15                 foreach (var item in assignList)16                 {17                     var itemToRemove = availableList.Single(i => i.ActionId == item.ActionId);18                     if (itemToRemove != null)19                         availableList.Remove(itemToRemove);20                 }21                 return RoleViewModel.GetFromIcRoles(icRoles, assignList, availableList);22             }23             else24             {25                 PortalProj.Common.Entities.IcRoles icRoles = this.ServiceLocator.GetService<IIcRolesService>().GetRoleById(roleId);26                 List<IcActions> availableList = this.ServiceLocator.GetService<IRoleActionService>().GetAllActions(appid);27                 List<IcActions> assignList = this.ServiceLocator.GetService<IRoleActionService>().GetActionById(assignidlist).OrderBy(m => m.ActionSeq).ToList();28                 foreach (var item in assignList)29                 {30                     var itemToRemove = availableList.Single(i => i.ActionId == item.ActionId);31                     if (itemToRemove != null)32                         availableList.Remove(itemToRemove);33                 }34                 return RoleViewModel.GetFromIcRoles(icRoles, assignList, availableList);35             }36         }
Function Code
 1 public class RoleViewModel 2     { 3         public string Id { get; set; } 4  5         [Required(ErrorMessage = "'Role' cannot be empty.")] 6         public string Name { get; set; } 7  8         [Required(ErrorMessage = "'Selected Functions' cannot be empty.")] 9         public IList<ActionViewModel> AssignedActions { get; set; }        10         public IList<ActionViewModel> AvailableActions { get; set; }11         public string[] AssignedSelected { get; set; }12         public string[] AvailableSelected { get; set; }13 14         public static RoleViewModel GetFromIcRoles(PortalProj.Common.Entities.IcRoles item, List<IcActions> assignedList, List<IcActions> availableList)15         {16             var role = new RoleViewModel17             {18                 Id = item.RoleId,19                 Name = item.RoleName20             };21 22             role.AssignedActions = new List<ActionViewModel>();23             role.AvailableActions = new List<ActionViewModel>();24 25             if (assignedList != null)26             {27                 foreach (var assigned in assignedList)28                 {29                     var a = new ActionViewModel30                     {31                         Id = assigned.ActionId,32                         Code = assigned.ActionCode,33                         Name =Convert.ToString(assigned.ActionSeq)+ "." + assigned.ActionDesc34                     };35 36                     role.AssignedActions.Add(a);37                 }38             }39 40             if (availableList != null)41             {42                 foreach (var available in availableList)43                 {44                     var a = new ActionViewModel45                     {46                         Id = available.ActionId,47                         Code = available.ActionCode,48                         Name = Convert.ToString(available.ActionSeq) + "." + available.ActionDesc49                     };50 51                     role.AvailableActions.Add(a);52                 }53             }54 55             return role;56         }57 58         public RoleViewModel()59         {60             AssignedActions = new List<ActionViewModel>();61         }62         public void AddAction(ActionViewModel item)63         {64             AssignedActions.Add(item);65         }66     }
ViewModel Code

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