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csharp: Microsoft SqlHelper

2019-11-17 02:33:00

csharp: Microsoft SqlHelper

from:Microsoft Data access application Block for .NET https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=435


// ===============================================================================// Microsoft Data Access Application Block for .NET// http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/dnbda/html/daab-rm.asp//// SQLHelper.cs//// This file contains the implementations of the SqlHelper and SqlHelperParameterCache// classes.//// For more information see the Data Access Application Block Implementation Overview. // ===============================================================================// Release history// VERSIONDESCRipTION//   2.0Added support for FillDataset, UpdateDataset and "Param" helper methods//// ===============================================================================// Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation// All rights reserved.// THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY// OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT// LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.// ==============================================================================using System;using System.Data;using System.xml;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Collections;namespace Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data{/// <summary>/// The SqlHelper class is intended to encapsulate high performance, scalable best practices for /// common uses of SqlClient/// </summary>    public sealed class SqlHelper    {        #region private utility methods & constructors        // Since this class provides only static methods, make the default constructor private to prevent         // instances from being created with "new SqlHelper()"        private SqlHelper() {}        /// <summary>        /// This method is used to attach array of SqlParameters to a SqlCommand.        ///         /// This method will assign a value of DbNull to any parameter with a direction of        /// InputOutput and a value of null.          ///         /// This behavior will prevent default values from being used, but        /// this will be the less common case than an intended pure output parameter (derived as InputOutput)        /// where the user provided no input value.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="command">The command to which the parameters will be added</param>        /// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParameters to be added to command</param>        private static void AttachParameters(SqlCommand command, SqlParameter[] commandParameters)        {if( command == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "command" );if( commandParameters != null ){foreach (SqlParameter p in commandParameters){if( p != null ){// Check for derived output value with no value assignedif ( ( p.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput || p.Direction == ParameterDirection.Input ) && (p.Value == null)){p.Value = DBNull.Value;}command.Parameters.Add(p);}}}        }        /// <summary>        /// This method assigns dataRow column values to an array of SqlParameters        /// </summary>        /// <param name="commandParameters">Array of SqlParameters to be assigned values</param>        /// <param name="dataRow">The dataRow used to hold the stored procedure's parameter values</param>        private static void AssignParameterValues(SqlParameter[] commandParameters, DataRow dataRow)        {            if ((commandParameters == null) || (dataRow == null))             {                // Do nothing if we get no data                return;            }int i = 0;            // Set the parameters values            foreach(SqlParameter commandParameter in commandParameters)            {// Check the parameter nameif( commandParameter.ParameterName == null || commandParameter.ParameterName.Length <= 1 )throw new Exception( string.Format( "Please provide a valid parameter name on the parameter #{0}, the ParameterName property has the following value: '{1}'.", i, commandParameter.ParameterName ) );                if (dataRow.Table.Columns.IndexOf(commandParameter.ParameterName.Substring(1)) != -1)                    commandParameter.Value = dataRow[commandParameter.ParameterName.Substring(1)];i++;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// This method assigns an array of values to an array of SqlParameters        /// </summary>        /// <param name="commandParameters">Array of SqlParameters to be assigned values</param>        /// <param name="parameterValues">Array of objects holding the values to be assigned</param>        private static void AssignParameterValues(SqlParameter[] commandParameters, object[] parameterValues)        {            if ((commandParameters == null) || (parameterValues == null))             {                // Do nothing if we get no data                return;            }            // We must have the same number of values as we pave parameters to put them in            if (commandParameters.Length != parameterValues.Length)            {                throw new ArgumentException("Parameter count does not match Parameter Value count.");            }            // Iterate through the SqlParameters, assigning the values from the corresponding position in the             // value array            for (int i = 0, j = commandParameters.Length; i < j; i++)            {                // If the current array value derives from IDbDataParameter, then assign its Value propertyif (parameterValues[i] is IDbDataParameter){IDbDataParameter paramInstance = (IDbDataParameter)parameterValues[i];if( paramInstance.Value == null ){commandParameters[i].Value = DBNull.Value; }else{commandParameters[i].Value = paramInstance.Value;}}else if (parameterValues[i] == null){commandParameters[i].Value = DBNull.Value;}else{commandParameters[i].Value = parameterValues[i];}            }        }        /// <summary>        /// This method opens (if necessary) and assigns a connection, transaction, command type and parameters         /// to the provided command        /// </summary>        /// <param name="command">The SqlCommand to be prepared</param>        /// <param name="connection">A valid SqlConnection, on which to execute this command</param>        /// <param name="transaction">A valid SqlTransaction, or 'null'</param>        /// <param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>        /// <param name="commandText">The stored procedure name or T-SQL command</param>        /// <param name="commandParameters">An array of SqlParameters to be associated with the command or 'null' if no parameters are required</param>        /// <param name="mustCloseConnection"><c>true</c> if the connection was opened by the method, otherwose is false.</param>        private static void PrepareCommand(SqlCommand command, SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText, SqlParameter[] commandParameters, out bool mustCloseConnection )        {if( command == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "command" );if( commandText == null || commandText.Length == 0 ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "commandText" );            // If the provided connection is not open, we will open itif (connection.State != ConnectionState.Open){mustCloseConnection = true;connection.Open();}else{mustCloseConnection = false;}            // Associate the connection with the command            command.Connection = connection;            // Set the command text (stored procedure name or SQL statement)            command.CommandText = commandText;            // If we were provided a transaction, assign it            if (transaction != null)            {if( transaction
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