pip install elasticsearch
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearches = Elasticsearch([{'host':'','port':9200}])
es.search(index='logstash-2015.08.20', q='http_status_code:5* AND server_name:"web1"', from_='124119')
In[52]: es.count(index='logstash-2015.08.21', q='http_status_code:500')Out[52]:{u'_shards':{u'failed':0, u'successful':5, u'total':5}, u'count':17042}
# Initialize the scrollpage = es.search( index ='yourIndex', doc_type ='yourType', scroll ='2m', search_type ='scan', size =1000, body ={ # Your query's body})sid = page['_scroll_id']scroll_size = page['hits']['total']# Start scrollingwhile(scroll_size >0): PRint "Scrolling..." page = es.scroll(scroll_id = sid, scroll ='2m') # Update the scroll ID sid = page['_scroll_id'] # Get the number of results that we returned in the last scroll scroll_size = len(page['hits']['hits']) print "scroll size: "+ str(scroll_size) # Do something with the obtained page
"range":{ "money":{ "gt":20, "lt":40 }}
{ "bool":{ "must":[], "should":[], "must_not":[], }}
{ "terms":{ "money":20 }}
{ "terms":{ "money": [20,30] }}
{ "regexp": { "http_status_code": "5.*" }}
{ "match":{ "email":"123456@QQ.com" }}
{ "multi_match":{ "query":"11", "fields":["Tr","Tq"] }}
{'query': {'filtered': {'filter': {'range': {'@timestamp':{'gt':'now-1h'}} } } }}
{ "query":{ "filtered":{ "query":{"match":{"http_status_code":500}}, "filter":{"term":{"server_name":"vip03"}} } }}
{'facets': {'stat': {'terms': {'field':'http_status_code', 'order':'count', 'size':50} } }, 'size':0}
{'facets': {'cip': {'terms': {'fields':['client_ip']}}, 'status_facets':{'terms':{'fields':['http_status_code'], 'order':'term', 'size':50}}}, 'query':{'query_string':{'query':'*'}}, 'size':0}
{'facets': {'tag': {'terms': {'fields':['http_status_code','client_ip'], 'size':10 } } }, 'query': {'match_all':{}}, 'size':0}
{ "facets": { "0": { "date_histogram": { "field": "@timestamp", "interval": "5m" }, "facet_filter": { "fquery": { "query": { "filtered": { "query": { "query_string": { "query": "*" } }, "filter": { "bool": { "must": [ { "range": { "@timestamp": { 'gt': 'now-1h' } } }, { "exists": { "field": "http_status_code.raw" } }, # --------------- ------- # 此处加匹配条件 ] } } } } } } } }, "size": 0}
{"query": { "query_string": {"query": "backend_name:baidu.com"} }},