For example:
//Test004.javapublic class Test004 { public static void main(String[] args) { int a =8; int b =8; if(a==b){ System.out.PRintln("a is equal to b."); } else{ System.out.println("a is not equal to b."); } /* * == and equals *The Operator == works a bit different on objects than on primitives. When we are using objects and want to check if they are equal, the operator == wiil say if they are the same, if you want to check if they are logically equal, you should use the equals method on the object. For example: */ String person_a=new String("gavin"); String person_b=new String("gavin"); String person_c=person_a; System.out.println(person_a==person_b);//这里会输因为false, //因为person_a和person_b不是一个对象,分配的物理空间的地址不一样 System.out.println(person_a.equals(person_b));//这里会输出true, //因为person_a和persion_b的逻辑值一样,都是gavin System.out.println(person_a==person_c);//这里会输出true, //因为person_a和person_b实际上是同一个对象 }}