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2019-11-14 14:51:16


import org.apache.commons.httpclient.*;  import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.*;  import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpMethodParams;    import java.io.*;    public class HttpClientTutorial {        PRivate static String url = "";      public static void method(HttpClient client,String url,String body){        PostMethod  method = new PostMethod(url);          //"count":10,"ignoreCase":"false","paras":["a%"],"queryId":"getMenu"          NameValuePair[] postData = new NameValuePair[]{};            //postData[0] = new NameValuePair("count", 10);           method.setRequestBody(body);//addParameters(postData);                               // Provide custom retry handler is necessary          /*method.getParams().setParameter(HttpMethodParams.RETRY_HANDLER,                  new DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler(3, false));*/            try {            // Execute the method.            int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method);              if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {              System.err.println("Method failed: " + method.getStatusLine());            }              // Read the response body.            byte[] responseBody = method.getResponseBody();              // Deal with the response.            // Use caution: ensure correct character encoding and is not binary data            System.out.println(new String(responseBody,"utf-8"));          } catch (HttpException e) {              System.err.println("Fatal protocol violation: " + e.getMessage());              e.printStackTrace();            } catch (IOException e) {              System.err.println("Fatal transport error: " + e.getMessage());              e.printStackTrace();            } finally {              // Release the connection.              method.releaseConnection();            }      }        public static void main(String[] args) {      // Create an instance of HttpClient.      HttpClient client = new HttpClient();            String body ="[{/"userId/":1,/"passWord/":1}]";      // Create a method instance.      method(client,url,body);            url = "";            body = "[{/"count/":10,/"ignoreCase/":/"false/",/"paras/":[/"a%/"],/"queryId/":/"getMenu/"}]";      method(client,url,body);    }  }


   HttpClient c = new HttpClient();        HttpMethod m = new GetMethod(); String path =msnListPath+"?account="+userSimpleInfo.getMsnAccount()+"&type=msn&uid="+userSimpleInfo.getPassportId()+"&pwd="+userSimpleInfo.getMsnPassword();    m.setPath(path);     String response="";	    int status = 0;     try {     status  = c.executeMethod(m);	if(status == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {	byte[] rbytes = m.getResponseBody(); response = new String(rbytes,"UTF-8"); return  response;	} } catch (HttpException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return "error";

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