//******************************************************************************//// THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.//// Copyright (C) 1999 - 2002. Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.////******************************************************************************//// storesh.cs//// This is a sample script to illustrate how to use CAPICOM and C#. It creates a// pseudo shell to navigate certificate stores.//// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!//// To run this sample you need to have Microsoft Visual C# .NET// To start: open the storesh.sln file in Visual Studio//// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!////// Try these commands://// help// dir// cd ..// cd ../addressbook// dir -l// dir -subject John// cd /LocalMachine// cd /lm// display 3// view 2// import c:/home/temp/pfx1.pfx// export 7 c:/home/temp/itm.cer// pfxexport 11 c:/home/temp/foo.pfx secretpassWord// rem 2// dir -issuer "Thawte"// dir -eku "Code Signing"// dir -eku Note: For simplicity, this script does not handle exceptions.////******************************************************************************using System;using System.Collections;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;using CAPICOM;using System.Text;namespace storesh{ public class Win32 { [DllImport("crypt32.dll",CharSet=CharSet.Unicode )] public static extern uint CertEnumSystemStore( uint dwFlags, uint pvSystemStoreLocationPara, String pvArg, CertEnumSystemStoreCallback pfnEnum ); } public delegate bool CertEnumSystemStoreCallback( [In, MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.LPWStr) ] String pvSystemStore, uint dwFlags, ref CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_INFO pStoreInfo, uint pvReserved, [In, MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.LPWStr) ] String pvArg ); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_INFO { uint cbSize; } class Storesh { const uint CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER = 0x10000; const uint CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x20000; const int VALIDITY_LENGTH = 23; const int CERTNAME_LENGTH = 20; const int THUMBPRINT_LENGTH = 42; const int FRIENDLYNAME_LENGTH = 20; const int CAPICOM_ENCODED_DATA_FORMAT_MULTI_LINES =1 ; const int HELP_PAD = 30; const String CurrentUser = "CurrentUser"; const String LocalMachine = "LocalMachine"; static private String _currStoreName = "My"; static private String _currStoreLocation = CurrentUser; static IEnumerator _currFilter; static StoreClass _oCurrStore; enum Listing {Brief, Long}; /// The main entry point for the application. [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { //We take one argument, a starting store name if (args.Length > 0) { _currStoreName = args[0]; } _oCurrStore = new StoreClass(); _oCurrStore.Open( CAPICOM_STORE_LOCATION.CAPICOM_CURRENT_USER_STORE, _currStoreName, CAPICOM_STORE_OPEN_MODE.CAPICOM_STORE_OPEN_EXISTING_ONLY | CAPICOM_STORE_OPEN_MODE.CAPICOM_STORE_OPEN_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED); waitForInput(); } static void waitForInput() { bool done = false; String input; while (!done) { Console.Write(_currStoreLocation + "//" + _currStoreName + ">"); input = Console.ReadLine(); done = parseCommandLine(input); } } static bool parseCommandLine ( String input) { ArrayList alArgs = ParseArgs(input); Certificate oCert = null; switch ((String)alArgs[0]) { case "cd": { //This is the 'change directory' command String storename; if (alArgs.Count > 1) { storename = (String)alArgs[1]; } else { storename = _currStoreName; //reset store name } if (storename.Equals("..") && _currStoreName.Length > 0 ) { _oCurrStore = new StoreClass(); storename = null; _currFilter = null; _currStoreName = ""; } else if (storename.StartsWith("..") && _currStoreName.Length > 0 ) { _oCurrStore = new StoreClass(); _currFilter = null; storename = storename.Substring(3,storename.Length - 3); _currStoreName = ""; } else if (storename.Equals("..")) { storename = null; } else if (storename.Equals("//" + LocalMachine) || storename.Equals("//lm" )) { _oCurrStore = new StoreClass(); _currStoreName = ""; storename = null; _currStoreLocation = LocalMachine; _currFilter = null; } else if (storename.Equals("//" + CurrentUser) || storename.Equals("//cu" )) { _oCurrStore = new StoreClass(); _currStoreName = ""; storename = null; _currStoreLocation = CurrentUser; _currFilter = null; } if (storename != null && _currStoreName.Equals("")) { try { CAPICOM_STORE_LOCATION OpenMode = CAPICOM_STORE_LOCATION.CAPICOM_CURRENT_USER_STORE; if (_currStoreLocation.Equals(LocalMachine)) { OpenMode = CAPICOM_STORE_LOCATION.CAPICOM_LOCAL_MACHINE_STORE; } //Open the store MAX_ALLOWED in case the user wants to import/rem/export //They may not have permission to modify HKLM stores _oCurrStore.Open( OpenMode, storename, CAPICOM_STORE_OPEN_MODE.CAPICOM_STORE_OPEN_EXISTING_ONLY | CAPICOM_STORE_OPEN_MODE.CAPICOM_STORE_OPEN_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED); _currStoreName = storename; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine (e.Message); } } return false; } case "q": case "quit": { return true; } case "h": case "help": { DisplayHelp(); return false; } case "v": case "view": try { oCert = GetCertByIndex(Convert.ToInt32(alArgs[1])); if (oCert != null ) { DisplayCertificate(oCert, ""); } else { Console.WriteLine ("No certificate with that index (" + alArgs[1] + ") could be found."); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("An error was encountered processing the " + alArgs[0] + " command: " + e.Message); } break; case "y": case "display": try { oCert = GetCertByIndex(Convert.ToInt32(alArgs[1])); if (oCert != null ) { oCert.Display(); } else { Console.WriteLine ("No certificate with that index (" + alArgs[1] + ") could be found."); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("An error was encountered processing the " + alArgs[0] + " command: " + e.Message); } break; case "rem": try { oCert = GetCertByIndex(Convert.ToInt32(alArgs[1])); if (oCert != null ) { String answer = "n"; Console.WriteLine( ToColumn (oCert.GetInfo(CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_TYPE.CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_SUBJECT_SIMPLE_NAME), CERTNAME_LENGTH) + " " + ToColumn (oCert.Thumbprint, THUMBPRINT_LENGTH )); Console.WriteLine ("Issuer: " + oCert.GetInfo(CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_TYPE.CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_ISSUER_SIMPLE_NAME)); Console.WriteLine ("Validity Period: " + oCert.ValidFromDate + " - " + oCert.ValidToDate); DisplayEKU(oCert.ExtendedKeyUsage().EKUs); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Are you sure you want to remove this certificate (y/n)? "); answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (!answer.Equals("y")) { break; } if (oCert.HasPrivateKey() && !oCert.PrivateKey.IsHardwareDevice() ) { oCert.PrivateKey.Delete(); Console.WriteLine ("The private key was deleted."); } try { _oCurrStore.Remove(oCert); Console.WriteLine("The certificate was removed."); } catch { Console.WriteLine("The certificate could not be removed."); } } else { Console.WriteLine ("No certificate with that index (" + alArgs[1] + ") could be found."); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("An error was encountered processing the " + alArgs[0] + " command: " + e.Message); } break; case "e": case "export": try { oCert = GetCertByIndex(Convert.ToInt32(alArgs[1])); if (oCert != null ) { String filename = (String)alArgs[2]; if (filename != null) { oCert.Save(filename, "", CAPICOM_CERTIFICATE_SAVE_AS_TYPE.CAPICOM_CERTIFICATE_SAVE_AS_CER, CAPICOM_CERTIFICATE_INCLUDE_OPTION.CAPICOM_CERTIFICATE_INCLUDE_END_ENTITY_ONLY); } else { Console.WriteLine("No filename specified."); } } else { Console.WriteLine ("No certificate with that index (" + alArgs[1] + ") could be found."); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("An error was encountered processing the " + alArgs[0] + " command: " + e.Message); } break; case "i": case "import": try { String filename = null; String password = null; CAPICOM_KEY_STORAGE_FLAG iFlag = CAPICOM_KEY_STORAGE_FLAG.CAPICOM_KEY_STORAGE_DEFAULT; if (alArgs.Count >= 2) { filename = (String)alArgs[1]; } if (alArgs.Count >= 3) { password = (String)alArgs[2]; } if (alArgs.Count >= 4) { String flag = null; if (alArgs.Count == 4) { password = null; flag = (String)alArgs[3]; } else if (alArgs.Count == 5) { flag = (String)alArgs[4]; } if (flag.Equals ("e")) { iFlag = CAPICOM_KEY_STORAGE_FLAG.CAPICOM_KEY_STORAGE_EXPORTABLE; } else if (flag.Equals ("p")) { iFlag = CAPICOM_KEY_STORAGE_FLAG.CAPICOM_KEY_STORAGE_USER_PROTECTED; } else if (flag.Equals ("ep") || flag.Equals ("pe")) { iFlag = CAPICOM_KEY_STORAGE_FLAG.CAPICOM_KEY_STORAGE_USER_PROTECTED | CAPICOM_KEY_STORAGE_FLAG.CAPICOM_KEY_STORAGE_EXPORTABLE; } } _oCurrStore.Load(filename, password, iFlag); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("An error was encountered processing the " + alArgs[0] + " command: " + e.Message); } break; case "p": case "pfxexport": try { oCert = GetCertByIndex(Convert.ToInt32(alArgs[1])); if (oCert != null ) { String filename = (String)alArgs[2]; String password = (String)alArgs[3]; if (filename != null) { oCert.Save(filename, password, CAPICOM_CERTIFICATE_SAVE_AS_TYPE.CAPICOM_CERTIFICATE_SAVE_AS_PFX, CAPICOM_CERTIFICATE_INCLUDE_OPTION.CAPICOM_CERTIFICATE_INCLUDE_WHOLE_CHAIN); } else { Console.WriteLine("No filename specified."); } } else { Console.WriteLine ("No certificate with that index (" + alArgs[1] + ") could be found."); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("An error was encountered processing the " + alArgs[0] + " command: " + e.Message); } break; case "c": case "create": case "del": try { // Opening it is the same whether we're creating or deleting if (alArgs.Count == 1) { Console.WriteLine ("Please enter a name for the store"); break; } String name = (String) alArgs[1]; for (int i = 2; i < alArgs.Count; i++) { name += " " + alArgs[i]; } Store newStore = new Store(); CAPICOM_STORE_LOCATION storeLoc = CAPICOM_STORE_LOCATION.CAPICOM_CURRENT_USER_STORE; if (_currStoreLocation.Equals(LocalMachine)) { storeLoc = CAPICOM_STORE_LOCATION.CAPICOM_LOCAL_MACHINE_STORE; } newStore.Open(storeLoc, name, CAPICOM_STORE_OPEN_MODE.CAPICOM_STORE_OPEN_READ_WRITE); // Now delete if that is what was chosen if (alArgs[0].Equals("del")) { if (_currStoreName.Equals(name)) { Console.WriteLine("You cannot delete the store you are currently viewing"); Console.WriteLine("Please use the <cd> command to change stores first"); break; } newStore.Delete(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("An error was encountered processing the " + alArgs[0] + " command: " + e.Message); } break; case "d": case "dir": { Certificates oCerts; Listing listing = Listing.Brief; if ((_currStoreLocation.Equals(CurrentUser) || _currStoreLocation.Equals(LocalMachine)) && _currStoreName.Length == 0) { uint retval = 0; uint dwFlags = CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER; CertEnumSystemStoreCallback StoreCallback = new CertEnumSystemStoreCallback(Storesh.CertEnumSystemStoreCallback); if (_currStoreLocation.Equals(LocalMachine)) { dwFlags = CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE; } retval= Win32.CertEnumSystemStore( dwFlags, 0, _currStoreName, StoreCallback ); } else if (alArgs.Count >= 1) { int i =0 ; try { _currFilter = _oCurrStore.Certificates.GetEnumerator(); for (i = 1; i < alArgs.Count; i++) { String param = ((String)alArgs[i]).ToLower(); if (param.Equals("/l") || param.Equals("-l")) { listing = Listing.Long; } else if (param.Equals("/subject") || param.Equals("-subject")) { Object filter = (System.String)alArgs[++i]; oCerts = (Certificates)_oCurrStore.Certificates; oCerts = (Certificates)oCerts.Find(CAPICOM_CERTIFICATE_FIND_TYPE.CAPICOM_CERTIFICATE_FIND_SUBJECT_NAME, filter, false); _currFilter = oCerts.GetEnumerator(); } else if (param.Equals("/eku") || param.Equals("-eku")) { Object filter = (System.String)alArgs[++i]; oCerts = (Certificates)_oCurrStore.Certificates; oCerts = (Certificates)oCerts.Find(CAPICOM_CERTIFICATE_FIND_TYPE.CAPICOM_CERTIFICATE_FIND_APPLICATION_POLICY, filter, false); _currFilter = oCerts.GetEnumerator(); } else if (param.Equals("/issuer") || param.Equals("-issuer")) { Object filter = (System.String)alArgs[++i]; oCerts = (Certificates)_oCurrStore.Certificates; oCerts = (Certificates)oCerts.Find(CAPICOM_CERTIFICATE_FIND_TYPE.CAPICOM_CERTIFICATE_FIND_ISSUER_NAME, filter, false); _currFilter = oCerts.GetEnumerator(); } else if (param.Equals("/sha1") || param.Equals("-sha1")) { String filter = (String)alArgs[++i]; oCerts = (Certificates)_oCurrStore.Certificates; oCerts = (Certificates)oCerts.Find(CAPICOM_CERTIFICATE_FIND_TYPE.CAPICOM_CERTIFICATE_FIND_SHA1_HASH, filter, false); _currFilter = oCerts.GetEnumerator(); } } i = 1; while (_currFilter.MoveNext() == true) { oCert = (Certificate) _currFilter.Current; Console.Write ( (i++ + ". ").PadRight(4,' ')); switch (listing) { case Listing.Brief: Console.WriteLine( ToColumn (oCert.GetInfo(CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_TYPE.CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_SUBJECT_SIMPLE_NAME), CERTNAME_LENGTH) + " " + ToColumn (oCert.ValidToDate.ToString(), VALIDITY_LENGTH) + ToColumn (oCert.GetInfo(CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_TYPE.CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_ISSUER_SIMPLE_NAME), CERTNAME_LENGTH) ); break; case Listing.Long: { Console.WriteLine( ToColumn (oCert.GetInfo(CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_TYPE.CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_SUBJECT_SIMPLE_NAME), CERTNAME_LENGTH) + " " + ToColumn (oCert.Thumbprint, THUMBPRINT_LENGTH )); Console.WriteLine ("Issuer: " + oCert.GetInfo(CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_TYPE.CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_ISSUER_SIMPLE_NAME)); Console.WriteLine ("Validity Period: " + oCert.ValidFromDate + " - " + oCert.ValidToDate); DisplayEKU(oCert.ExtendedKeyUsage().EKUs); Console.WriteLine(); break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("An error was encountered: " + e.Message); } } break; } default: DisplayHelp(); break; } return false; } public static bool CertEnumSystemStoreCallback( String pvSystemStore, uint dwFlags, ref CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_INFO pStoreInfo, uint pvReserved, String pvArg ) { Console.WriteLine("[ " +pvSystemStore + " ]"); return true; } public static Certificate GetCertByIndex( int idx ) { Certificate oCert; int i = 0; if (_oCurrStore != null) { if (_currFilter == null) { _currFilter = _oCurrStore.Certificates.GetEnumerator(); } else { _currFilter.Reset(); } while (_currFilter.MoveNext() == true) { oCert = (Certificate)_currFilter.Current; i++; if (i == idx) { return oCert; } } } return null; } private static ArrayList ParseArgs(String input) { char[] delims = new char[] {' '}; ArrayList argsarray = new ArrayList(); String multiString = null; String[] argSplit = input.Split(delims); for (int i = 0; i < argSplit.Length; i++) { String curr = argSplit[i]; if (curr.StartsWith("/"") && curr.EndsWith("/"")) { argsarray.Add(curr.Substring(1,curr.Length-2)); } else if (curr.StartsWith("/"")) { multiString = curr; } else if (argSplit[i].EndsWith("/"")) { multiString = multiString + " " + curr; argsarray.Add(multiString.Substring(1,multiString.Length-2)); multiString = null; } else { if (multiString != null) { multiString = multiString + " " + curr; } else { argsarray.Add(curr); } } } argSplit = null; return argsarray; } public static void DisplayHelp() { Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("[h]elp".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')); Console.WriteLine("This screen"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("cd <location>".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')); Console.WriteLine("<location> is a store name or .."); Console.WriteLine("".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')+ "Can also be //LocalMachine (//lm) or //CurrentUser (//cu)"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("[d]ir <options>".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')); Console.WriteLine("List the contents of a certificate store"); Console.WriteLine("".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')+ "-l Long listing"); Console.WriteLine("".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')+ "-subject <name> Match subject name."); Console.WriteLine("".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')+ "-issuer <name> Match issuer name."); Console.WriteLine("".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')+ "-eku <EKU> Must have specified EKU."); Console.WriteLine("".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')+ "-sha1 <sha1> Match thumbprint."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("[v]iew <idx>".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')); Console.WriteLine("<idx> is the number of the certificate to view"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("rem <idx>".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')); Console.WriteLine("<idx> is the number of the certificate to remove"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("displa[y] <idx>".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')); Console.WriteLine("<idx> is the number of the certificate to display"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("[c]reate <store>".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')); Console.WriteLine("<store> is the name of the store to create"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("del <store>".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')); Console.WriteLine("<store> is the name of the store to delete"); Console.WriteLine("".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')+ "This cannot be a system store"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("[e]xport <idx> <file>".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')); Console.WriteLine("<idx> is the number of the certificate to display"); Console.WriteLine("".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')+ "<file> is the destination filename"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("[p]fxexport <idx> <file> <pw>".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')); Console.WriteLine("<idx> is the number of the certificate to display"); Console.WriteLine("".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')+ "<file> is the destination filename"); Console.WriteLine("".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')+ "<pw> is the password"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("[i]mport <file> <pw> [-key e|p]".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')); Console.WriteLine("<file> is the input filename"); Console.WriteLine("".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')+ "<pw> is the filename password"); Console.WriteLine("".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')+ "-key: e is exportable"); Console.WriteLine("".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')+ "-key: p is user protected. Both may be specified"); } public static String ToColumn (String s, int i) { String retval; if (s == null || i > s.Length ) { retval = s.PadRight(i); } else { retval = s.Substring(0,i).PadRight(i,' '); } return retval; } public static void DisplayEKU (EKUs EKUs) { if (EKUs.Count > 0) { OID OID; OID = new OIDClass(); foreach (EKU EKU in EKUs) { OID.Value = EKU.OID; Console.WriteLine( " " + OID.FriendlyName + " (" + OID.Value + ")" ); } OID = null; } } public static void DisplayCertificate ( Certificate Certificate , String Title) { String[] KeySpecStrings = {"Unknown", "Exchange","Signature" }; String[] ProviderTypes = { "Unknown", "PROV_RSA_FULL", "PROV_RSA_SIG", "PROV_DSS", "PROV_FORTEZZA", "PROV_MS_EXCHANGE", "PROV_SSL", "PROV_STT_MER", "PROV_STT_ACQ", "PROV_STT_BRND", "PROV_STT_ROOT", "PROV_STT_ISS", "PROV_RSA_SCHANNEL", "PROV_DSS_DH", "PROV_EC_ECDSA_SIG", "PROV_EC_ECNRA_SIG", "PROV_EC_ECDSA_FULL", "PROV_EC_ECNRA_FULL", "PROV_DH_SCHANNEL", "PROV_SPYRUS_LYNKS", "PROV_RNG", "PROV_INTEL_SEC", "PROV_REPLACE_OWF", "PROV_RSA_AES" }; //int iIndex = 0; Console.WriteLine( Title ); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine( "Subject Name:"); Console.WriteLine( " Simple name = " + Certificate.SubjectName); Console.WriteLine( " Email name = " + Certificate.GetInfo(CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_TYPE.CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_SUBJECT_EMAIL_NAME)); Console.WriteLine( " UPN name = " + Certificate.GetInfo(CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_TYPE.CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_SUBJECT_UPN)); Console.WriteLine( " DNS name = " + Certificate.GetInfo(CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_TYPE.CAPICOM_CERT_INFO_SUBJECT_DNS_NAME)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine( "Issuer Name: " + Certificate.IssuerName); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine( "Serial Number: " + Certificate.SerialNumber); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine( "Not Before: " + Certificate.ValidFromDate); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine( "Not After: " + Certificate.ValidToDate); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine( "SHA1 Hash: " + Certificate.Thumbprint); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine( "IsValid: " + Certificate.IsValid().Result); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine( "Archived: " + Certificate.Archived); Console.WriteLine(); if (Certificate.BasicConstraints().IsPresent) { Console.WriteLine( "Basic Constraints:" ); Console.WriteLine( " Critical = " + Certificate.BasicConstraints().IsCritical ); Console.WriteLine( " CA = " + Certificate.BasicConstraints().IsCertificateAuthority ); Console.WriteLine( " PathLenConstraint = "); if (Certificate.BasicConstraints().IsPathLenConstraintPresent) { Console.WriteLine( Certificate.BasicConstraints().PathLenConstraint); } else { Console.WriteLine( "Not present."); } } else { Console.WriteLine( "Basic Constraints: Not present." ); } Console.WriteLine(); if (Certificate.KeyUsage().IsPresent) { Console.WriteLine( "Key Usage:"); Console.WriteLine( " Critical = " + Certificate.KeyUsage().IsCritical); Console.WriteLine( " IsDigitalSignatureEnabled = " + Certificate.KeyUsage().IsDigitalSignatureEnabled ); Console.WriteLine( " IsNonRepudiationEnabled = " + Certificate.KeyUsage().IsNonRepudiationEnabled); Console.WriteLine( " IsKeyEnciphermentEnabled = " + Certificate.KeyUsage().IsKeyEnciphermentEnabled); Console.WriteLine( " IsDataEnciphermentEnabled = " + Certificate.KeyUsage().IsDataEnciphermentEnabled); Console.WriteLine( " IsKeyAgreementEnabled = " + Certificate.KeyUsage().IsKeyAgreementEnabled); Console.WriteLine( " IsKeyCertSignEnabled = " + Certificate.KeyUsage().IsKeyCertSignEnabled); Console.WriteLine( " IsCRLSignEnabled = " + Certificate.KeyUsage().IsCRLSignEnabled); Console.WriteLine( " IsEncipherOnlyEnabled = " + Certificate.KeyUsage().IsEncipherOnlyEnabled); Console.WriteLine( " IsDecipherOnlyEnabled = " + Certificate.KeyUsage().IsDecipherOnlyEnabled); } else { Console.WriteLine( "Key Usage: Not present."); } Console.WriteLine(); if (Certificate.ExtendedKeyUsage().IsPresent) { if (Certificate.ExtendedKeyUsage().EKUs.Count > 0) { OID OID; OID = new OIDClass(); Console.WriteLine( "Extended Key Usage:"); Console.WriteLine( " Critical = " + Certificate.ExtendedKeyUsage().IsCritical); foreach (EKU EKU in Certificate.ExtendedKeyUsage().EKUs) { OID.Value = EKU.OID; Console.WriteLine( " " + OID.FriendlyName + " (" + OID.Value + ")" ); } OID = null; } else { Console.WriteLine( "Extended Key Usage: Not valid for any usage."); Console.WriteLine( " Critical = " + Certificate.ExtendedKeyUsage().IsCritical ); } } else { Console.WriteLine( "Extended Key Usage: Not present (valid for all usages)."); } Console.WriteLine(); if (Certificate.Template().IsPresent) { Console.WriteLine( "Template:"); Console.WriteLine( " Critical = " + Certificate.Template().IsCritical); Console.WriteLine( " Name = " + Certificate.Template().Name); Console.WriteLine( " OID = " + Certificate.Template().OID.FriendlyName + "(" + Certificate.Template().OID.Value + ")"); Console.WriteLine( " Major = " + Certificate.Template().MajorVersion); Console.WriteLine( " Minor = " + Certificate.Template().MinorVersion); } else { Console.WriteLine( "Template: Not present."); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine( "Public Key:"); Console.WriteLine( " Algorithm = " + Certificate.PublicKey().Algorithm.FriendlyName + "(" + Certificate.PublicKey().Algorithm.Value + ")"); Console.WriteLine( " Length = " + Certificate.PublicKey().Length + " bits"); Console.WriteLine( " Key blob = " + Certificate.PublicKey().EncodedKey.Format(true)); Console.WriteLine( " Parameters = " + Certificate.PublicKey().EncodedParameters.Format(true)); if (Certificate.HasPrivateKey()) { Console.WriteLine( "Private Key:"); Console.WriteLine( " Container name = " + Certificate.PrivateKey.ContainerName); //Don't display unique container name for hardware token because it may cause UI to be displayed. if (! Certificate.PrivateKey.IsHardwareDevice()) { Console.WriteLine( " Unique name = " + Certificate.PrivateKey.UniqueContainerName); } Console.WriteLine( " Provider name = " + Certificate.PrivateKey.ProviderName); Console.WriteLine( " Provider type = " ); if (Convert.ToInt32(Certificate.PrivateKey.ProviderType) > ProviderTypes.GetUpperBound(0)) { Console.WriteLine( ProviderTypes[0] + " (" + Convert.ToString(Certificate.PrivateKey.ProviderType) + ")"); } else { Console.WriteLine( ProviderTypes[Convert.ToInt32(Certificate.PrivateKey.ProviderType)] + " (" + Convert.ToString(Certificate.PrivateKey.ProviderType) + ")"); } Console.WriteLine( " Key spec = " ); if (Convert.ToInt32(Certificate.PrivateKey.KeySpec) > KeySpecStrings.GetUpperBound(0)) { Console.WriteLine( KeySpecStrings[0] + " (" + Convert.ToString(Certificate.PrivateKey.KeySpec) + ")"); } else { Console.WriteLine( KeySpecStrings[Convert.ToInt32(Certificate.PrivateKey.KeySpec)] + " (" + Convert.ToString(Certificate.PrivateKey.KeySpec) + ")"); } Console.WriteLine( " accessible = " + Certificate.PrivateKey.IsAccessible()); Console.WriteLine( " Protected = " + Certificate.PrivateKey.IsProtected()); Console.WriteLine( " Exportable = " + Certificate.PrivateKey.IsExportable()); Console.WriteLine( " Removable = " + Certificate.PrivateKey.IsRemovable()); Console.WriteLine( " Machine keyset = " + Certificate.PrivateKey.IsMachineKeyset()); Console.WriteLine( " Hardware storage = " + Certificate.PrivateKey.IsHardwareDevice()); } else { Console.WriteLine( "Private Key: Not found." ); } Console.WriteLine(); if (true) { int iIndex = 0; foreach (Extension Extension in Certificate.Extensions()) { iIndex++; Console.WriteLine( "Extension #" + Convert.ToString(iIndex) + ": " + Extension.OID.FriendlyName + "(" + Extension.OID.Value + ")"); Console.WriteLine( " " + Extension.EncodedData.Format(true)); if (Extension.EncodedData.Decoder() != null) { switch (Extension.OID.Value) { case Constants.CAPICOM_CERT_POLICIES_OID: { CertificatePolicies CertPolicies; int pIndex = 0; CertPolicies = (CertificatePolicies)Extension.EncodedData.Decoder(); Console.WriteLine( "Decoded Certificate Policies: " + Convert.ToString(CertPolicies.Count) + " PolicyInformation(s)"); foreach (PolicyInformation PolicyInformation in CertPolicies) { int qIndex = 0; pIndex++; Console.WriteLine( " PolicyInformation #" + Convert.ToString(pIndex) + ": " + Convert.ToString(PolicyInformation.Qualifiers.Count) + " Qualifier(s)"); Console.WriteLine( " OID = " + PolicyInformation.OID.FriendlyName + "(" + PolicyInformation.OID.Value + ")"); foreach (Qualifier Qualifier in PolicyInformation.Qualifiers) { qIndex++; Console.WriteLine( " Qualifier #" + Convert.ToString(qIndex) + ":"); Console.WriteLine( " OID = " + Qualifier.OID.FriendlyName + "(" + Qualifier.OID.Value + ")"); Console.WriteLine( " CPS URI = " + Qualifier.CPSPointer); Console.WriteLine( " Organization name = " + Qualifier.OrganizationName); Console.WriteLine( " Notice number(s) = "); if (Qualifier.NoticeNumbers != null) { foreach (NoticeNumbers NoticeNumber in Qualifier.NoticeNumbers) { Console.WriteLine( Convert.ToString(NoticeNumber)); } } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine( " Explicit text = " + Qualifier.ExplicitText); } Console.WriteLine(); } break; } } } } if (iIndex == 0) { Console.WriteLine( "Extension: None."); Console.WriteLine(); } iIndex = 0; foreach (ExtendedProperty ExtendedProperty in Certificate.ExtendedProperties()) { iIndex ++; Console.WriteLine( "Property #" + Convert.ToString(iIndex) + " (ID = " + ExtendedProperty.PropID + "):" ); Console.WriteLine( " " + ExtendedProperty.get_Value(CAPICOM_ENCODING_TYPE.CAPICOM_ENCODE_BASE64)); } if (iIndex == 0) { Console.WriteLine( "Property: None."); Console.WriteLine(); } } } } }
//******************************************************************************//// THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,// EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED// WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.//// Copyright (C) 1999- 2002. Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.////******************************************************************************//// chainsh.cs//// This is a C# sample that illustrates how to use features introduced in// CAPICOM's bridging support to interop between CAPI and CAPICOM.//// Note: for simplicity, this script does not handle exceptions.////******************************************************************************using System;using CAPICOM;using System.Collections;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;namespace Sample{ public class Win32 { [DllImport("crypt32.dll",CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern uint CertOpenSystemStore( uint hProv, String szSubsystemProtocol ); [DllImport("crypt32.dll",CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern uint CertFindChainInStore( uint hCertStore, uint dwCertEncodingType, uint dwFindFlags, uint dwFindType, ref CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_PARA pvFindData, uint pPrevChainContext ); public struct CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_PARA { public int cbSize; public String pszUsageIdentifier; public uint dwKeySpec; public uint dwAcquirePrivateKeyFlags; public uint cIssuer; public uint rgIssuer; public uint pfnFindCallback; public uint pvFindArg; public uint pdwIssuerChainIndex; public uint pdwIssuerElementIndex; } } class Sample { [STAThread] public static void Main(string[] args) { uint pStoreContext = 0; uint pChainContext = 0; String [] input = new String[2]; bool done = false; displayHelp(); while (!done) { Console.Write(">>"); input = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); //parse command line if (input[0].ToLower() == "q" || input[0].ToLower() == "quit") { done = true; } else if(input[0].ToLower() == "help" || input[0].ToLower() == "h") { displayHelp(); } else if (input[0].ToLower() == "open" || input[0].ToLower() == "o") { if (input.Length == 2) { pStoreContext = openStore(input[1]); } else { displayHelp(); } } else if (input[0].ToLower() == "chains" || input[0].ToLower() == "c") { showChains(pStoreContext); } else if (input[0].ToLower() == "display" || input[0].ToLower() == "d") { if (input.Length == 2) { pChainContext = getChainFromStore(pStoreContext, System.Convert.ToInt32(input[1])); if (pChainContext == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't display chain with indexnvalid chain index."); } else { displayChain(pChainContext); } } else { displayHelp(); } } else if (input[0].ToLower() == "verify" || input[0].ToLower() == "v") { if (input.Length == 2) { pChainContext = getChainFromStore(pStoreContext, System.Convert.ToInt32(input[1])); if (pChainContext == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid chain index."); } else { checkValidity(pChainContext); } } else { displayHelp(); } } } } public static uint openStore(String szStoreName) { uint pStoreContext = 0; // system store handle ICertStore iStore; Store oStore; // CAPICOM object //verify that valid system store name was passed in if (szStoreName.ToLower() != "my" & szStoreName.ToLower() != "ca" & szStoreName.ToLower() != "root") { displayHelp(); return 0; } try { //open system store, use default CSP pStoreContext = Win32.CertOpenSystemStore( 0, szStoreName); // API bridging oStore = new StoreClass(); iStore = (ICertStore)oStore; iStore.StoreHandle = (int)pStoreContext; Console.WriteLine ("The store has " + oStore.Certificates.Count + " certificates"); return pStoreContext; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error in " + e.Source + ": " + e.Message); return 0; } } public static void showChains(uint pStoreContext) { const uint X509_ASN_ENCODING = 0x00000001; const uint PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING = 0x00010000; const uint CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER = 1; const uint CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_NO_KEY_FLAG = 0x4000; uint pChainContext = 0; if (pStoreContext == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No store is currently open."); return; } Win32.CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_PARA pvFindPara = new Win32.CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_PARA(); //get size of CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_PARA struct pvFindPara.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(pvFindPara); try { //get first chain pChainContext = Win32.CertFindChainInStore( pStoreContext, X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_NO_KEY_FLAG, CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER, ref pvFindPara, 0 ); //get the rest while (pChainContext != 0) { displayChain(pChainContext); // display chains pChainContext = Win32.CertFindChainInStore( pStoreContext, X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_NO_KEY_FLAG, CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER, ref pvFindPara, pChainContext); } return; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error in " + e.Source + ": " + e.Message); return; } } public static uint getChainFromStore(uint pStoreContext, int index) { const uint X509_ASN_ENCODING = 0x00000001; const uint PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING = 0x00010000; const uint CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER = 1; const uint CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_NO_KEY_FLAG = 0x4000; uint pChainContext = 0; if (pStoreContext == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No store is currently open."); return 0; } Win32.CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_PARA pvFindPara = new Win32.CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_PARA(); //get size of CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_PARA struct pvFindPara.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(pvFindPara); try { //get the chain while (index > 0) { pChainContext = Win32.CertFindChainInStore( pStoreContext, X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER_NO_KEY_FLAG, CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER, ref pvFindPara, pChainContext); if (pChainContext == 0) { Console.WriteLine(" Couldn't find chain with index " + index); return 0; } index--; } return pChainContext; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error in " + e.Source + ": " + e.Message); return 0; } } public static void checkValidity(uint pChainContext) { IChainContext iChain; CAPICOM.Chain oChain; int status; //API bridging oChain = new ChainClass(); iChain = (IChainContext)oChain; iChain.ChainContext = (int)pChainContext; //get status of the entire chain status = oChain.get_Status(0); if (status == 0) { Console.Write("The chain appears trustworthy."); Console.WriteLine(); return; } Console.WriteLine("The chain is invalid."); // display specific chain status // note: for simplicity, only SOME possible status // values are presented below if ((status & Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_NOT_TIME_VALID) == Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_NOT_TIME_VALID) Console.WriteLine("Chain status: not time valid"); if ((status & Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_NOT_TIME_NESTED) == Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_NOT_TIME_NESTED) Console.WriteLine("Chain status: time nested."); if ((status & Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_REVOKED) == Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_REVOKED) Console.WriteLine("Chain status: is revoked"); if ((status & Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_NOT_SIGNATURE_VALID) == Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_REVOKED) Console.WriteLine("Chain status: invalid signature"); if ((status & Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_UNTRUSTED_ROOT) == Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_UNTRUSTED_ROOT) Console.WriteLine("Chain status: untrusted root"); if ((status & Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_REVOCATION_STATUS_UNKNOWN) == Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_REVOCATION_STATUS_UNKNOWN) Console.WriteLine("Chain status: revocation status unknown"); if ((status & Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_INVALID_EXTENSION) == Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_INVALID_EXTENSION) Console.WriteLine("Chain status: invalid extension"); if ((status & Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_INVALID_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS) == Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_INVALID_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS) Console.WriteLine("Chain status: invalid policy constraints"); if ((status & Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_INVALID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS) == Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_INVALID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS) Console.WriteLine("Chain status: invalid basic constraints"); if ((status & Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_INVALID_NAME_CONSTRAINTS) == Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_INVALID_NAME_CONSTRAINTS) Console.WriteLine("Chain status: invalid name constraints"); if ((status & Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_OFFLINE_REVOCATION) == Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_OFFLINE_REVOCATION) Console.WriteLine("Chain status: offline revocation"); if ((status & Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_PARTIAL_CHAIN) == Constants.CAPICOM_TRUST_IS_PARTIAL_CHAIN) Console.WriteLine("Chain status: partial chain"); Console.WriteLine(); } public static void displayChain(uint pChainContext) { Certificate cert; IChainContext iChain; CAPICOM.Chain oChain; IEnumerator eEnum; int i = 0; //API bridging oChain = new ChainClass(); iChain = (IChainContext)oChain; iChain.ChainContext = (int)pChainContext; //get the number of certificates in chain eEnum = oChain.Certificates.GetEnumerator(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Chain: "); //display properties of each certificate in the chain while (eEnum.MoveNext() == true) { i++; cert = (Certificate) eEnum.Current; Console.WriteLine("Certificate: " + i); Console.WriteLine("Subject: " + cert.SubjectName); Console.WriteLine("Issuer: " + cert.IssuerName); Console.WriteLine("Hash: " + cert.Thumbprint); Console.WriteLine("Valid From: " + cert.ValidFromDate); Console.WriteLine("Valid To: " + cert.ValidToDate); Console.WriteLine(); } } public static void displayHelp() { const int HELP_PAD = 30; Console.WriteLine("Usage:"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("[h]elp".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')); Console.WriteLine("This screen"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("[o]pen <store name>".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')); Console.WriteLine("Open 'my', 'ca', or 'root' system store"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("[c]hains".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')); Console.WriteLine("List all chains found in store"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("[d]isplay <idx>".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')); Console.WriteLine("<idx> is the number of the chain to display"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("[v]erify <idx>".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')); Console.WriteLine("<idx> is the number of the chain to verify"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("[q]uit".PadRight(HELP_PAD, ' ')); Console.WriteLine("Exit this program."); Console.WriteLine(); } }}