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2019-11-14 12:41:41


P1003 铺地毯 总:look前言。

var s,n,m,t,p:longint; a,b,x,y:array [1..10001] of longint;begin readln(s); for t:=1 to s do readln(a[t],b[t],x[t],y[t]); readln(n,m); p:=0; for t:=1 to s do if (n>=a[t]) and (n<=a[t]+x[t]) and (m>=b[t]) and (m<=b[t]+y[t]) then p:=t; if p=0 then write('-1') else write(p);end.

P1017 进制转换 总:同上。

const ss='0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';var n,x,i,m:longint; s:string;begin readln(n,x); m:=n; s:=''; repeat i:=m mod x; m:=m div x; if i<0 then begin i:=i-x; m:=m+1; end; s:=ss[i+1]+s; until m=0; writeln(n,'=',s,'(base',x,')');end.

总:同上,注意情况。 P1067 多项式输出

var n,s,i:longint;begin readln(n); for i:=1 to n+1 do begin read(s); if s=0 then continue; if s<0 then write('-'); if (i>1)and(s>0) then write('+'); if (abs(s)>1) or (i=n+1) then write(abs(s)); if i<n+1 then begin write('x'); if (i<n) then write('^',n-i+1); end; end;end.

P1540 机器翻译 总:开个数组记录,然后…模拟。

var q:array[0..10000]of longint; m,n,x,i,j:longint; head,tail,ans:longint; f:boolean;begin readln(m,n); head:=1; tail:=0; ans:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin read(x); f:=false; for j:=head to tail do if x=q[j] then begin f:=true; break end; if f then continue; inc(tail); q[tail]:=x; inc(ans); if ans>m then inc(head); end; write(ans);end.

P1056 排座椅 点击:排座椅题解

P1125 笨小猴 总:将字母大写化(小写化也行),用数组统计,暴力max and min,判断质数。

var s:string; l,i,j,max,min,k:longint; a:array ['A'..'Z'] of longint; t:char; f:boolean;begin readln(s); l:=length(s); for i:=1 to l do begin s[i]:=upcase(s[i]); inc(a[s[i]]); end; max:=0; min:=maxlongint; for t:='A' to 'Z' do begin if (max<a[t]) and (a[t]<>0) then max:=a[t]; if (min>a[t]) and (a[t]<>0) then min:=a[t]; end; k:=max-min; if k<=1 then begin writeln('No Answer'); write('0'); exit; end; f:=true; for i:=2 to trunc(sqrt(k)) do if k mod i=0 then begin f:=false; break; end; if f=true then begin writeln('Lucky Word'); write(k); end else begin writeln('No Answer'); write('0'); end;end.
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