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2019-11-14 11:40:02


1. Python数据和matlab数据转换

1.1 Python加载和写入.mat文件

File IO (scipy.io)

See alsonumpy-reference.routines.io (in numpy)1212

MATLAB files

*loadmat(file_name[, mdict, appendmat])* Load MATLAB file*savemat(file_name, mdict[, appendmat, ...])* Save a dictionary of names and arrays into a MATLAB-style .mat file.*whosmat(file_name[, appendmat])* List variables inside a MATLAB file123123

How to do

import scipy.io as siomat_contents = sio.loadmat('octave_a.mat')mat_contents>>>{'a': array([[[ 1., 4., 7., 10.], [ 2., 5., 8., 11.], [ 3., 6., 9., 12.]]]), '__version__': '1.0', '__header__': 'MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file, written by Octave 3.6.3, 2013-02-17 21:02:11 UTC', '__globals__': []}oct_a = mat_contents['a']oct_a>>>array([[[ 1., 4., 7., 10.], [ 2., 5., 8., 11.], [ 3., 6., 9., 12.]]])oct_a.shape>>>(1, 3, 4)sio.savemat('np_vector.mat', {'vect':vect})123456789101112131415161718192021123456789101112131415161718192021

If you want to inspect the contents of a MATLAB file without reading the data into memory, use the whosmat command:

sio.whosmat('octave_a.mat')>>>[('a', (1, 3, 4), 'double')]1212


import h5pydatasets = F:/MuraDefectData_6X6_10W_NonZCA_Batches.mat'f = h5py.File(datasets, 'r')TotalBatchImg = f['TotalBatchImg']TotalBatchImg = np.array(TotalBatchImg)wSize = f['wSize']wSize = np.array(wSize)
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