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Easy Check Fps hit

2019-11-14 11:24:01


以下代码来源 smart fox server Fps Demo

// Checking if the player hits enemy using simple line intersection and // the known players position and rotation angles PRivate boolean checkHit(CombatPlayer player, CombatPlayer enemy) { if (enemy.isDead()) { return false; } // First of all checking the line intersection with enemy in top projection double radius = enemy.getCollider().getRadius(); double height = enemy.getCollider().getHeight(); double myAngle = player.getTransform().getRoty(); double vertAngle = player.getTransform().getRotx(); // Calculating an angle relatively to X axis anti-clockwise double normalAngle = normAngle(360 + 90 - myAngle); //Calculating the angle of the line between player and enemy center point double difx = enemy.getX() - player.getX(); double difz = enemy.getZ() - player.getZ(); double ang = 0; if (difx == 0) { ang = 90; } else { ang = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(Math.abs(difz / difx))); } // Modifying angle depending on the quarter if (difx <= 0) { if (difz <= 0) { ang += 180; } else { ang = 180 - ang; } } else { if (difz <= 0) { ang = 360 - ang; } } ang = normAngle(ang); // Calculating min angle to hit double angDif = Math.abs(ang - normalAngle); double d = Math.sqrt(difx * difx + difz * difz); double maxDif = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(radius / d)); if (angDif > maxDif) { return false; } // Now calculating the shot in the side projection // Correction value to fit the model visually (as the collider may not totally fit the model height on client) final double heightCorrection = 0.3; if (vertAngle > 90) { vertAngle = 360 - vertAngle; } else { vertAngle = -vertAngle; } double h = d * Math.tan(Math.toRadians(vertAngle)); double dif = enemy.getTransform().getY() - player.getTransform().getY() - h + heightCorrection; if (dif < 0 || dif > height) { return false; } return true; } private double normAngle(double a) { if (a >= 360) { return a - 360; } return a; }
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