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for someone who can not fight

2019-11-14 10:34:19

question 1.

public class Threads2 implements Runnable { public void run() { System.out.PRintln("run."); throw new RuntimeException("Problem"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Thread t = new Thread(new Threads2()); t.start(); System.out.println("End of method."); }}run.java.lang.RuntimeException:problemEnd of methodorEnd of methodrun.java.lang.RuntimeException:problem

main函数是一个线程 t.start开启了另一个线程。这两个线程同时在跑,有时候main的线程快,有时候t的线程快。在t.start();后面加上Thread.sleep(1000); 这样一定是 run.

question 2.

Which two statements are true? (Choose two.)A. It is possible for more than two threads todeadlock at once.B. The JVM implementation guarantees that multiplethreads cannot enter into a deadlocked state.C. Deadlocked threads release once their sleep()method's sleep duration has expired.D. Deadlocking can occur only when the wait(),notify(), and notifyAll() methods are used incorrectly.E. It is possible for a single-threaded application todeadlock if synchronized blocks are used incorrectly.F. If a piece of code is capable of deadlocking, youcannot eliminate the possibility of deadlocking by inserting invocations ofThread.yield()..

【Answer】 AF

【例题辨析】 A. 题意:超过两个线程可能立即出现死锁。


B. 题意:Java虚拟机的实现能确保多个线程不会进入死锁状态。


C. 题意:只要死锁线程的sleep()方法睡眠时间期满,死锁线程就会获释。


D. 题意:只有当wait()、notify()、notifyAll()这些方法不正确使用时死锁才发生。


E. 题意:只有当同步块不正确使用时单线程应用才会死锁。


F. 题意:如果一个程序片断会死锁,那么你就不能通过插入Thread.yield()方法调用消除死锁。


question 3.

(1)线程同步(Thread Synchronization)

线程间通信主要是通过共享字段(Field)或对象引用实现的,这种通信形式虽然高效,但会带来线程干扰(Thread Interference)和内存不一致的弊端,线程同步机制就是防止这类弊端的机制。不过,线程同步机制又会带来线程竞争(Thread Contention)问题,即在两个或两个以上线程同时访问同一资源时导致线程阻塞。

(2)内部锁(Intrinsic Lock),又称监控锁(Monitor Lock)


(3)同步化方法(Synchronized Method)和同步化语句(Synchronized Statement)

Java语言为同步化机制提供了两种基本形式,即同步化方法(Synchronized Method)和同步化语句(Synchronized Statement)。synchronized是建立同步化方法或语句的关键词。




1,wait(): 让线程处于冻结状态,被wait的线程会被存储到线程池中。 2,notify():唤醒线程池中一个线程(任意). 3,notifyAll():唤醒线程池中的所有线程。


让调用这几个方法的线程拥有主调对象内部锁的方式,主要有: (a)执行主调对象中同步化实例方法; (b)执行主调对象同步化语句块; (c)对于Class对象,执行它的同步化静态方法。


void waitForSignal(){ Object obj = new Object(); synchronized (Thread.currentThread()) { obj.wait(); obj.notify(); } }Which statement is true?A. This code can throw anInterruptedException.B. This code can throw anIllegalMonitorStateException.C. This code can throw aTimeoutException after ten minutes.D. Reversing the order ofobj.wait() and obj.notify() might cause this method to complete normally.E. A call to notify() ornotifyAll() from another thread might cause this method to complete normally.F. This code does NOT compileunless "obj.wait()" is replaced with "((Thread)obj).wait()".

【Answer】 B


(1)wait()和notify()这两个方法都会抛出IllegalMonitorStateException,这个异常是RuntimeException的子类,属于unchecked exception,可以不捕捉。但是,wait()方法还会抛出InterruptedException,这个异常必须捕捉,因此程序有编译错误。应该为waitForSignal方法声明中添加throws InterruptedException: void waitForSignal() throws InterruptedException { ……



Exception in thread "main"java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateExceptionatjava.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) atjava.lang.Object.wait(Unknown Source)atExamA_3.waitForSignal(ExamA_3.java:6)atExamA_3.main(ExamA_3.java:13)

解决方案是将synchronized (Thread.currentThread())修改为synchronized (obj),这样当前线程就取得了obj对象的内部锁。

A. InterruptedException在编译时就会发现,因此不会在运行时抛出; B. 根据上面分析可知正确; C. 线程死锁是无法预知时间的; D. 本程序错误不在于obj.wait() and obj.notify()调用顺序,而是在于当前线程没有取得obj内部锁; E. 同上 F. 同上

question 4.

class PingPong2 { synchronized void hit(long n) { for(int i = 1; i < 3; i++) System.out.print(n + "-" + i + " "); }}public class Tester implements Runnable { static PingPong2 pp2 = new PingPong2(); public static void main(String[] args) { new Thread(new Tester()).start(); new Thread(new Tester()).start(); }public void run() { pp2.hit(Thread.currentThread().getId()); }}Which statement is true?A. The output could be 5-1 6-1 6-2 5-2B. The output could be 6-1 6-2 5-1 5-2C. The output could be 6-1 5-2 6-2 5-1D. The output could be 6-1 6-2 5-1 7-1

【例题辨析】 (1)主类Tester实现了线程方法run(),run()的主要工作就是取得当前线程号,main()方法创建了两个Tester类的线程对象,既然有两个线程对象,也就意味着run()代码在内存映像中有两份,即这两个run()方法是各自独立运行在两个不同线程中,因此,Thread.currentThread().getId()取得的是各自的线程号;


A. 从输出信息可以看出,5号线程调用同步化方法hit()时,该方法中循环还未运行结束,6号线程就又调用hit()输出信息,这违背了同步化方法机制;

B. 从输出信息可以看出,6号线程调用同步化方法hit()结束后,5号线程才能调用hit()输出信息,这符合了同步化方法机制;

C. 同A

D. 出现6、5、7三个线程号,显然不符合本题只有2个线程。

question 5.

【知识点】 (1)Thread类的start()方法 start()方法用于启动线程的执行,也就是让run()方法开始运行。 start()方法只允许执行一次,也就是说一个线程只允许启动一次,即使执行完毕也不允许重新启动,否则会抛出IllegalThreadStateException。

public class Threads4 { public static void main (String[] args) { new Threads4().go();}public void go() { Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { System.out.print("foo"); } }; Thread t = new Thread(r); t.start(); t.start(); }}What is the result?A. Compilation fails.B. An exception is thrown at runtime.C. The code executes normally and prints "foo".D. The code executes normally, but nothing is printed.Explanation/Reference:Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalThreadStateExceptionat java.lang.Thread.start(Unknown Source)at Threads4.go(Threads4.java:14)at Threads4.main(Threads4.java:3)foo


A. 可以在Eclipse开发环境中尝试录入本程序 ,如果编辑窗口中没有错误提示出现,通常不存在编译错误;

B. 同样,在Eclipse开发环境中尝试录入本程序,可以看到如下信息:

fooException in thread “main”Java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException

atjava.lang.Thread.start(Unknown Source) atThreads4.go(Threads4.java:17) atThreads4.main(Threads4.java:5)


question 6.

public abstract class Shape {private int x;private int y;public abstract void draw();public void setAnchor(int x, int y) {this.x = x;this.y = y;}}Which two classes use the Shape class correctly? (Choose two.)A. public class Circle implements Shape {private int radius;}B. public abstract class Circle extends Shape {private int radius;}C. public class Circle extends Shape {private int radius;public void draw();}D. public abstract class Circle implements Shape {private int radius;public void draw();}E. public class Circle extends Shape {private int radius;public void draw() {/* code here */}}F. public abstract class Circle implements Shape {private int radius;public void draw() {/* code here */}}

Answer: BE

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