特别声明:如下内容均来自于不同网络课程视频或书籍,整理合并完成。 如果有整理错误,忘及时指出,共同进步,不胜感激。
整数类型:byte,short,int,long (从小到大顺序排列)
public static void main(String[] args) { byte x = Byte.MIN_VALUE; byte y = Byte.MAX_VALUE; System.out.PRintln("The range of byte type between "+x+" and "+ y); Output: The range of byte type between -128 and 127 }- short:
public static void main(String[] args) { short x = Short.MAX_VALUE; short y = Short.MIN_VALUE; System.out.println("The range of short type between "+x+" and "+ y); output: The range of short type between -32768 and 32767 }- int:
public static void main(String[] args) { int x = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int y = Integer.MIN_VALUE; System.out.println("The range of int type between "+x+" and "+ y); output: The range of int type between -2147483648 and 2147483647}- long:
public static void main(String[] args) { long x = Long.MAX_VALUE; long y = Long.MIN_VALUE; System.out.println("The range of long type between "+x+" and "+ y); out put: The range of long type between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807}浮点类型:float,double (从小到大顺序排列) 取值范围:
public static void main(String[] args) { float x = Float.MAX_VALUE; float y = Float.MIN_VALUE; System.out.println("The range of float type between "+x+" and "+y); output:The range of float type between -3.4028235E38 and 1.4E-45}-double:
public static void main(String[] args) { double x = Double.MAX_VALUE; double y = Double.MIN_VALUE; System.out.println("The range of double type between "+x+" and "+y); output: The range of double type between -1.7976931348623157E308 and 4.9E-324}字符型:char 给字符型变量赋值时,我们使用单引号,而非双引号,否则出现错误。 例如:
public static void main(String[] args) {char x = 'a';System.out.println("The value of a is "+x);output: The value of x is a}public static void main(String[] args) {char x = "b"; System.out.println("The value of a is "+b); output: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: Type mismatch: cannot convert from String to charb cannot be resolved to a variable.}布尔型:boolean 该类型赋值结果只有 TRUE 和 False 两种。 例如:
public static void main(String[] args) {boolean x = true;boolean y = false;System.out.println(x+" and "+y); output: true and false }特别注意:
1. 如何正确选取合理的数据类型?
a). 符合实际情况 例如:统计记录学生身高时,我们应该选择float 类型,即小数类型,而非整数类型。
b). 事先考虑需要赋值的大小作用范围 例如:计算某地区人口数量,假设选择 short 类型,则造成数据溢出导致错误
public static void main(String[] args) { short x = 20000000; System.out.println(x); output: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: Type mismatch: cannot convert from int to short}2. 数据精度问题? 例如:当把小数3.14 赋值给 int 型变量时,我们将损失精度,因为 int 为整数型,只会记录3损失小数部分。 若将低精度数值例如整数4 赋值给 double,则不会造成精度损失。
3. float 赋值问题? 例如:float赋值时需要在结尾加上“f” 以表示该类型为float,否则系统将会默认为double 类型。
4. 不同数据类型之间的计算问题? 例如:int 型的数值10除以double 型数值2.5,则结果为4.0 与double 类型一致。
5. 在输出语句进行计算问题? 例如:
public static void main(String[] args) { int x = 10; int y =20; System.out.println("This is wrong: "+x+y); output: 1020 System.out.println("This is correct"+(x+y)); output:30}我们可以看见第一条输出结果被转化成了字符串string格式,因此当需要在输出语句中进行计算式,务必加上括号。
6. 数据可以进行强制转换 例如:
public static void main(String[] args) { int x = 10; float y = (float) x; System.out.println(y); output: 10.0}未完待续。。。 更新时间 每周一,三,五,日。