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Unity Text文本颜色渐变效果

2019-11-11 07:47:22




using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;using UnityEngine.UI;using System.Collections.Generic;[RequireComponent(typeof(Text))]public class TextVerticalGradientTwoColor : BaseMeshEffect{            public Color colorTop = Color.red;        public Color colorBottom = Color.green;        PRotected TextVerticalGradientTwoColor()        {        }        private static void setColor(List<UIVertex> verts, int index, Color32 c)        {            UIVertex vertex = verts[index];            vertex.color = c;            verts[index] = vertex;        }        private void ModifyVertices(List<UIVertex> verts)        {            for (int i = 0; i < verts.Count; i += 6)            {                setColor(verts, i + 0, colorTop);                setColor(verts, i + 1, colorTop);                setColor(verts, i + 2, colorBottom);                setColor(verts, i + 3, colorBottom);                setColor(verts, i + 4, colorBottom);                setColor(verts, i + 5, colorTop);            }        }        #region implemented abstract members of BaseMeshEffect        public override void ModifyMesh(VertexHelper vh)        {            if (!this.IsActive())            {                return;            }            List<UIVertex> verts = new List<UIVertex>(vh.currentVertCount);            vh.GetUIVertexStream(verts);            ModifyVertices(verts);            vh.Clear();            vh.AddUIVertexTriangleStream(verts);        }        #endregion}三色渐变

using UnityEngine;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine.UI;namespace UI.Extension{    [AddComponentMenu ("UI/Effects/Text Vertical Gradient Color")]    [RequireComponent(typeof(Text))]    public class TextVerticalGradientThreeColor : BaseMeshEffect    {        public Color colorTop = Color.red;        public Color colorCenter = Color.blue;        public Color colorBottom = Color.green;        public bool MultiplyTextColor = false;        protected TextVerticalGradientThreeColor()        {        }        public static Color32 Multiply(Color32 a, Color32 b)        {            a.r = (byte)((a.r * b.r) >> 8);            a.g = (byte)((a.g * b.g) >> 8);            a.b = (byte)((a.b * b.b) >> 8);            a.a = (byte)((a.a * b.a) >> 8);            return a;        }        private void ModifyVertices(VertexHelper vh)        {            List<UIVertex> verts = new List<UIVertex>(vh.currentVertCount);            vh.GetUIVertexStream(verts);            vh.Clear();            int step = 6;            for (int i = 0; i < verts.Count; i += step) {                //6 point                var tl = multiplyColor(verts[i+0], colorTop);                var tr = multiplyColor (verts [i+1], colorTop);                var bl = multiplyColor (verts [i+4], colorBottom);                var br = multiplyColor (verts [i + 3], colorBottom);                var cl = calcCenterVertex(verts[i+0], verts [i+4]);                var cr = calcCenterVertex (verts [i+1], verts [i+2]);                vh.AddVert (tl);                vh.AddVert (tr);                vh.AddVert (cr);                vh.AddVert (cr);                vh.AddVert (cl);                vh.AddVert (tl);                vh.AddVert (cl);                vh.AddVert (cr);                vh.AddVert (br);                vh.AddVert (br);                vh.AddVert (bl);                vh.AddVert (cl);            }            for (int i = 0; i < vh.currentVertCount; i += 12) {                vh.AddTriangle (i + 0, i + 1, i + 2);                vh.AddTriangle (i + 3, i + 4, i + 5);                vh.AddTriangle (i + 6, i + 7, i + 8);                vh.AddTriangle (i + 9, i + 10, i + 11);            }        }        private UIVertex multiplyColor(UIVertex vertex, Color color)        {            if (MultiplyTextColor)                vertex.color = Multiply (vertex.color, color);            else                vertex.color = color;            return vertex;        }        private UIVertex calcCenterVertex(UIVertex top, UIVertex bottom)        {            UIVertex center;            center.normal = (top.normal + bottom.normal) / 2;            center.position = (top.position + bottom.position) / 2;            center.tangent = (top.tangent + bottom.tangent) / 2;            center.uv0 = (top.uv0 + bottom.uv0) / 2;            center.uv1 = (top.uv1 + bottom.uv1) / 2;            if (MultiplyTextColor) {                //multiply color                var color = Color.Lerp(top.color, bottom.color, 0.5f);                center.color = Multiply (color, colorCenter);            } else {                center.color = colorCenter;            }            return center;        }        #region implemented abstract members of BaseMeshEffect        public override void ModifyMesh(VertexHelper vh)        {            if(!this.IsActive())            {                return;            }            ModifyVertices(vh);        }        #endregion    }}


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