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Leetcode 162. Find Peak Element

2019-11-11 02:55:00

A peak element is an element that is greater than its neighbors.

Given an input array where num[i] ≠ num[i+1], find a peak element and return its index.

The array may contain multiple peaks, in that case return the index to any one of the peaks is fine.

You may imagine that num[-1] = num[n] = -∞.

For example, in array [1, 2, 3, 1], 3 is a peak element and your function should return the index number 2.

s思路: 1. 这题看着没难度啊。o(n)一遍,就出结果,出题肯定不是让我给这个解答。也就意味着有o(lgn). 2. 确实可以用binary search。因为给的这个中间比两边大的要求,可以用来判断binary search的走向。比如: 这里写图片描述 上图,如果mid的位置是下坡,那么肯定有一个peak在mid的左侧;如果mid的位置是上坡,那么肯定有一个peak在mid的右侧。 3.这题给自己思维的启发是:如果给的题目,看起来简单,一下就有结果,通常就意味着出题的人需要更优化的结果,比如:简单粗暴的做法有o(n^2),那么寻找看是否有o(nlgn)或o(n);简单粗暴的做法有o(n),那么寻找看是否有o(lgn)!优化的关键,在我看来,不是炫技,而是打破潜意识的约束和限制,站在新的角度看问题而已,无所谓好坏!

class Solution {public: int findPeakElement(vector<int>& nums) { // int n=nums.size(); int l=0,r=n-1; while(l<=r){ int m=l+(r-l)/2; if((m==0||nums[m]>nums[m-1])&&(m==n-1||nums[m]>nums[m+1])) return m; if((m==0||nums[m]>nums[m-1])&&(m==n-1||nums[m]<nums[m+1]))//主动加保护 l=m+1; else r=m-1; } return 0; }};
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