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LintCode 423:Valid Parentheses

2019-11-10 21:49:51
PRoblem:Given a string containing just the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']', determine if the input string is valid.

Solution:采用stack,当字符为上括号时push进stack,否之则从stack pop出字符看是否匹配。(注意一些特殊情况)

class Solution {public:    /**     * @param s A string     * @return whether the string is a valid parentheses     */     //'(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']'    bool isValidParentheses(string& s) {        // Write your code here        int stringLength=s.length();        stack<string> check;        for(int i=0;i<stringLength;i++){            if(s.substr(i,1)=="("||s.substr(i,1)=="{"||s.substr(i,1)=="[")                check.push(s.substr(i,1));            else if(!check.empty()&&((s.substr(i,1)==")"&&check.top()!="(")||(s.substr(i,1)=="]"&&check.top()!="[")                    ||(s.substr(i,1)=="}"&&check.top()!="{")))                return 0;            else if(check.empty())                return 0;            else                check.pop();        }        if(!check.empty())            return 0;        return 1;    }};

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