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2019-11-10 17:29:39
PRotected function init() { try { $filename = 'accounts_'. date('Ymd') .'_'. time() .'.csv'; $db_file = DIR_DB .'/'. $filename; if ( ! file_exists(DIR_DB)) { if ( ! mkdir(DIR_DB, 0755, TRUE)) { throw new Exception('Can not make database dir:'. DIR_DB); } } $this->db = fopen($db_file, 'a+'); if ( ! $this->db) { throw new Exception('Can not open database file:'. $db_file); } $thead = array('ID', 'account', 'passWord', 'create_time'); if ( ! fputcsv($this->db, $thead)) { throw new Exception('Can not write table haeder to db. '); } } catch (Exception $e) { print $e->getMessage(); exit(); }public function run($todo_num) { $max_try_times = $todo_num * 2; try { $success_num = 0; $i = 0; $this->display('Start...'); while ($i < $max_try_times) { $account = '账号'; $password = 'qwer1234'; $bool = $this->do_register($account, $password);//一个判断 if ($bool) { $success_num++; $data = array($id, $account, $password, date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $this->display(implode(', ', $data)); if ( ! fputcsv($this->db, $data)) { throw new Exception('Can not save account information to db. '); } } if ($success_num >= $todo_num) { break; } if (AWAIT_TIME > 0) { sleep(AWAIT_TIME); } $i++; } $this->display('DONE!'); } catch (Exception $e) { print $e->getMessage(); exit(); } }public function __destruct() { if ($this->db) { fclose($this->db); } }
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