package demo;import java.io.File;/** * Created by asus on 2017/2/9. */public class FileName { public static void main(String[] args) { String path = "D://学习文件//开题";//指定打开文件的目录地址 getFile(path); } PRivate static void getFile(String path){ // get file list where the path has File file = new File(path); // get the folder list File[] array = file.listFiles(); for(int i=0;i<array.length;i++){ if(array[i].isFile()){ // only take file name System.out.println("^^文件名^^^" + array[i].getName()); // take file path and name System.out.println("##内容###" + array[i]); // take file path and name System.out.println("**路径***" + array[i].getPath()); }else if(array[i].isDirectory()){ getFile(array[i].getPath()); } } }}