NGUI所见即所得之UIAnchor & UIStretch
先看下UIAnchor的Inspector界面,感觉很简单,不会像UIPanel那么复杂: Container:指定Anchor的参照点,如果没有选择,则以Camera的pixelRect的区域为参照面
Relative Offset:相对于Camera,或Container的百分比偏移
Pixel Offset:像素的偏移
C#代码 /// <summary> /// Relative offset value, if any. For example "0.25" with 'side' set to Left, means 25% from the left side. /// </summary> public Vector2 relativeOffset =; /// <summary> /// Pixel offset value if any. For example "10" in x will move the widget 10 pixels to the right /// while "-10" in x is 10 pixels to the left based on the pixel values set in UIRoot. /// </summary> public Vector2 pixelOffset =;Update函数
C#代码 void Update () { if (mAnim != null && mAnim.enabled && mAnim.isPlaying) return; bool useCamera = false; UIWidget wc = (container == null) ? null : container.GetComponent<UIWidget>(); UIPanel pc = (container == null && wc == null) ? null : container.GetComponent<UIPanel>(); if (wc != null) { Bounds b = wc.CalculateBounds(container.transform.parent); mRect.x = b.min.x; mRect.y = b.min.y; mRect.width = b.size.x; mRect.height = b.size.y; } else if (pc != null) { if (pc.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.None) { // Panel has no clipping -- just use the screen's dimensions float ratio = (mRoot != null) ? (float)mRoot.activeHeight / Screen.height * 0.5f : 0.5f; mRect.xMin = -Screen.width * ratio; mRect.yMin = -Screen.height * ratio; mRect.xMax = -mRect.xMin; mRect.yMax = -mRect.yMin; } else { // Panel has clipping -- use it as the mRect Vector4 pos = pc.clipRange; mRect.x = pos.x - (pos.z * 0.5f); mRect.y = pos.y - (pos.w * 0.5f); mRect.width = pos.z; mRect.height = pos.w; } } else if (container != null) { Transform root = container.transform.parent; Bounds b = (root != null) ? NGUIMath.CalculateRelativeWidgetBounds(root, container.transform) : NGUIMath.CalculateRelativeWidgetBounds(container.transform); mRect.x = b.min.x; mRect.y = b.min.y; mRect.width = b.size.x; mRect.height = b.size.y; } else if (uiCamera != null) { useCamera = true; mRect = uiCamera.pixelRect; } else return; float cx = (mRect.xMin + mRect.xMax) * 0.5f; float cy = (mRect.yMin + mRect.yMax) * 0.5f; Vector3 v = new Vector3(cx, cy, 0f); if (side != Side.Center) { if (side == Side.Right || side == Side.TopRight || side == Side.BottomRight) v.x = mRect.xMax; else if (side == Side.Top || side == Side.Center || side == Side.Bottom) v.x = cx; else v.x = mRect.xMin; if (side == Side.Top || side == Side.TopRight || side == Side.TopLeft) v.y = mRect.yMax; else if (side == Side.Left || side == Side.Center || side == Side.Right) v.y = cy; else v.y = mRect.yMin; } float width = mRect.width; float height = mRect.height; v.x += pixelOffset.x + relativeOffset.x * width; v.y += pixelOffset.y + relativeOffset.y * height; if (useCamera) { if (uiCamera.orthographic) { v.x = Mathf.Round(v.x); v.y = Mathf.Round(v.y); if (halfPixelOffset && mNeedsHalfPixelOffset) { v.x -= 0.5f; v.y += 0.5f; } } v.z = uiCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(mTrans.position).z; v = uiCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(v); } else { v.x = Mathf.Round(v.x); v.y = Mathf.Round(v.y); if (pc != null) { v = pc.cachedTransform.TransformPoint(v); } else if (container != null) { Transform t = container.transform.parent; if (t != null) v = t.TransformPoint(v); } v.z = mTrans.position.z; } // Wrapped in an 'if' so the scene doesn't get marked as 'edited' every frame if (mTrans.position != v) mTrans.position = v; if (runOnlyOnce && application.isPlaying) Destroy(this); }Update的原理很简单,梳理归纳为4部分:
1)获取Anchor参照对象的大小Rect以及计算中心点Vector3 v;
这里对1)再多说几句,主要是涉及参照对象的选取问题,用if - else if来筛选的次序是 UIWidget wc , UIPanel pc , GameObject container, Camera uiCamera,如果前者部位null这取前者的大小后面的就不予考虑。
C#代码 UIWidget wc = (container == null) ? null : container.GetComponent<UIWidget>(); container == null && wc == null) ? null : container.GetComponent<UIPanel>();
之前项目中使用的NGUI版本还是2.6.3,那个版本还没有pixelOffset,然后为了实现一个相对便宜就在挂载Anchor的对象下面挂载一个子对象,通过设置子对象的loaclPosition来设置相对偏移: 这样用transform.find去查找某一个子对象的时候就会觉得很蛋疼,所以当看到pixelOffset的就觉得没有必要用offset这层节点了,这可以说是NGUI埋下隐形的坑(很多没有“爱参考”不思考的开发者,就喜欢照搬别人的东西),之前的项目就是这样的,看了一堆Offset,完全没有必要。然后果断测试就会有以下不同的情况。
C#代码 v.x += pixelOffset.x + relativeOffset.x * width; v.y += pixelOffset.y + relativeOffset.y * height;经过反复的思考,觉得一定是pixelOffset和子对象Offset的localPosition数值的参考系是不一样的,但最终都是通过mRect来处理的,所以把UIAnchor Rect mRect设置成public,查看mRect的值,上面三个情况对应mRect值分别如下: 这说明,当mRect.y大于等于800的时候,使用UIAnchor的pixelOffset和使用子对象Offset的localPosition的表现是一致的。但为什么指定Container为UIPanel都不会出现异常情况,只有Camera会出现。再回到Update看下获取mRect的方法,指定Container时,mRect实际是UIPanel,或UIWideget的像素大小,其实是UIWidget的(width,height),而没有指定Container情况下,mRect = camera.pixelRect。
C#代码 v.x += pixelOffset.x + relativeOffset.x * width; v.y += pixelOffset.y + relativeOffset.y * height;虽然pixelOffset的值一直没有变化,但是当mRect = camera.pixelCamera时,mRect是随着分辨率的变化而变化的,那样的话pixelOffset占的权重就会改变了,所以才会出现上面的偏移异常。
C#代码 public Vector2 unitOffset =;然后把设置的值在Update函数的最后加个 mTrans.localPosition += new Vector3(unitOffset.x,unitOffset.y,0);
C#代码 void Update() { //省略前面的处理。。。 // Wrapped in an 'if' so the scene doesn't get marked as 'edited' every frame if (mTrans.position != v) mTrans.position = v; mTrans.localPosition += new Vector3(unitOffset.x,unitOffset.y,0); if (runOnlyOnce && Application.isPlaying) Destroy(this); }这样就可以轻松取得GameObject树中Offset一层,之前项目中就有这个一层,我看着就来火,终于干掉了哈……
Manual Height设置为800,Scaling Style设置为FixedSize,可以知道UI的放缩参考高度就是 800,即实际UI布局高度就是800,这里有点难理解,总之就是当屏幕分辨率高度等于800时,pixelOffset和子对象Offset的localPostion参考点就一致了,实际效果就一样了。也可以这么解释:当mRect = camera.pixelRect 时,pixeloffset的值是相对于camera.pixelRect而言的,在屏幕的呈现是会对着屏蔽的分辨率不同而改变的;而使用子对象Offset的localPosition的参照和UI组件是一致的,所以相对于Contaner的位置是不会改变的。
回到文中开头抛出的一个问题——Unity中transfrom的单位和像素的关系,上张图片,可以知道UI的高度实际高度是800,然后看下Anchor - Top 和Anchor - Bottom的transform的localPostion.y分别是400.5006和-399.4994(图片如下),发现两者区间刚好是800,这就说明NGUI的架构中像素坐标和Unity的单位是一致的,对等的,即一个Unity单位等于一个像素。UIStretch
看下NGUI Example1 的Anchor - Stretch的Inspector面板,发现UIStretch只比UIAnchor多了一个参数,不过从这张图UISprite的Dimension(红框标出)的长度始终都是800,不管屏幕如何改变大小,都是800个像素,填充的Tiled图片个数也是一样的,这也更加说明了上面提到的一个结论:NGUI中Unity的单位和像素是同一的。
UIStretch的Update函数的前面部分跟UIAnchor的Update的前面部分原理是一样的都是获取mRect,所以只看后一部分的实现(理解 relativeSize 和 initialSize 的含义和作用):
C#代码 void Update() { //.......省略上面的处理 float rectWidth = mRect.width; float rectHeight = mRect.height; if (adjustment != 1f && rectHeight > 1f) { float scale = mRoot.activeHeight / rectHeight; rectWidth *= scale; rectHeight *= scale; } Vector3 size = (mWidget != null) ? new Vector3(mWidget.width, mWidget.height) : mTrans.localScale; if (style == Style.BasedOnHeight) { size.x = relativeSize.x * rectHeight; size.y = relativeSize.y * rectHeight; } else if (style == Style.FillKeepingRatio) { // Contributed by Dylan Ryan float screenRatio = rectWidth / rectHeight; float imageRatio = initialSize.x / initialSize.y; if (imageRatio < screenRatio) { // Fit horizontally float scale = rectWidth / initialSize.x; size.x = rectWidth; size.y = initialSize.y * scale; } else { // Fit vertically float scale = rectHeight / initialSize.y; size.x = initialSize.x * scale; size.y = rectHeight; } } else if (style == Style.FitInternalKeepingRatio) { // Contributed by Dylan Ryan float screenRatio = rectWidth / rectHeight; float imageRatio = initialSize.x / initialSize.y; if (imageRatio > screenRatio) { // Fit horizontally float scale = rectWidth / initialSize.x; size.x = rectWidth; size.y = initialSize.y * scale; } else { // Fit vertically float scale = rectHeight / initialSize.y; size.x = initialSize.x * scale; size.y = rectHeight; } } else { if (style != Style.Vertical) size.x = relativeSize.x * rectWidth; if (style != Style.Horizontal) size.y = relativeSize.y * rectHeight; } if (mSprite != null) { float multiplier = (mSprite.atlas != null) ? mSprite.atlas.pixelSize : 1f; size.x -= borderPadding.x * multiplier; size.y -= borderPadding.y * multiplier; if (style != Style.Vertical) mSprite.width = Mathf.RoundToInt(size.x); if (style != Style.Horizontal) mSprite.height = Mathf.RoundToInt(size.y); size =; } else if (mWidget != null) { if (style != Style.Vertical) mWidget.width = Mathf.RoundToInt(size.x - borderPadding.x); if (style != Style.Horizontal) mWidget.height = Mathf.RoundToInt(size.y - borderPadding.y); size =; } else if (mPanel != null) { Vector4 cr = mPanel.clipRange; if (style != Style.Vertical) cr.z = size.x - borderPadding.x; if (style != Style.Horizontal) cr.w = size.y - borderPadding.y; mPanel.clipRange = cr; size =; } else { if (style != Style.Vertical) size.x -= borderPadding.x; if (style != Style.Horizontal) size.y -= borderPadding.y; } if (mTrans.localScale != size) mTrans.localScale = size; if (runOnlyOnce && Application.isPlaying) Destroy(this); }整体放缩
分析了 UIStretch 的 Update ,可以知道当 UIStretch 挂载的GameObject,有UIWidget,UISprite,UIPanel 这个几个脚本是,是不会放缩这个GameObject的子GameObject的,如果要整体放缩的话,就得通过倒数第二行:
C#代码 mTrans.localScale = size;如果 Style 选择为 Both ,并且没有指定Container 且GameObject 上没有挂载UIWidget,UISprite,UIPanel ,抽出主要的执行代码:
C#代码 void Update() { //省略前面的代码 else if (uiCamera != null) { mRect = uiCamera.pixelRect; if (mRoot != null) adjustment = mRoot.pixelSizeAdjustment; } else return; float rectWidth = mRect.width; float rectHeight = mRect.height; if (adjustment != 1f && rectHeight > 1f) { float scale = mRoot.activeHeight / rectHeight; rectWidth *= scale; rectHeight *= scale; } //省略 代码 else { if (style != Style.Vertical) size.x = relativeSize.x * rectWidth; if (style != Style.Horizontal) size.y = relativeSize.y * rectHeight; } //省略 代码 if (mTrans.localScale != size) mTrans.localScale = size; }整理下: mTrans.localScale.x = relativeSize.x * rectWidth * mRoot.activeHeight / rectHeight
mTrans.localScale.y = relativeSize.y * rectHeight * mRoot.activeHeight / rectHeight = relativeSize.y * mRoot .activeHeight
因为 UIRoot 是基于高度调整 localScale 的 来做放缩的,所以宽度的放缩UIRoot 已经做了,所以只需要将 relativeSize.y 设置为 1 / mRoot.activeHeight 使 mTrans.localScale.y = 1恒成立。UIRoot 会是高度始终满屏(UIRoot Style 为 FixedSize ),但宽度的放缩总是按照高度的放缩比例在放的,所以会出现宽度没有全部显示出来,或者左右两边有黑边。
其实要想做到满屏(高度和宽度)缩放的效果,其实可以在UIRoot中增加一个 manualWidth 来调整 UIRoot 的localSize.x 的值。
另外一种做法就是使用UIStretch ,我们只需要通过设置 relativeSize.x = 1 / manualWidth ;relativeSize.y = 1 / mRoot.activeHeight 就能满屏缩放了,哈哈,搞定了。等等,这样是满屏了,但是其他图片或文字会被拉伸变形,也就是说 UIStretch 只能做到某个单一的组件按比例缩放。
总之,实际屏幕显示的宽度 = (Screen.Height / mRoot.acriveHeight * manualHeight > Screen.Width ) ? Screen.Width :Screen.Height / mRoot.acriveHeight * manualHeight ,就是去两者中的更小的。所以要做宽度放缩,只要针对实际显示宽度 和 屏幕宽度(Screen.Width) 来调整 localScale.x 值就行了。
增补于 2013/11/26 19:45