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2019-11-09 17:15:39

       责任链模式(Chain of Responsibility Pattern):

       定义:Avoid coupling the sender of a request to its receiver by giving more than one object a chance to handle the request .Chain the receiving objects and pass the request along the chain until an object handles it.(使多个对象都有机会处理请求,从而避免了请求的发送者和接收者之间的耦合关系,见这些对象连成一条链,并沿着这条链传递该要求,直到有对象处理它为止。)











/// <summary>  /// 行为请求  /// </summary>  public class BehaviourRequest  {      /// <summary>      /// 金额      /// </summary>      public double Money { get; set; }        /// <summary>      /// 活动名称      /// </summary>      public string ActiveName { get; set; }        public BehaviourRequest(double money, string activename)       {          this.Money = money;          this.ActiveName = activename;      }  } 
/// <summary>  /// 角色抽象类  /// </summary>  public abstract class RoleAbstract  {      public RoleAbstract NextRole { get; set; }      public string name { get; set; }      public RoleAbstract(string name)      { this.name = name; }        /// <summary>      /// 该角色的执行行为      /// </summary>      public abstract void Behaviour(BehaviourRequest request);  }
/// <summary>  /// 部门经理  /// </summary>  public class ManagerRole:RoleAbstract  {      public ManagerRole(string name) : base(name) { }        public override void Behaviour(BehaviourRequest request)      {          if (request.Money <= 1000)          {              Console.WriteLine("{0}的请求批准得到{1}批准,需要金额:{2}", request.ActiveName,this.name, request.Money);          }          else if (NextRole != null)          {              Console.WriteLine("{0}无权力批准,给上级{0}处理!", this.name, NextRole.name);              NextRole.Behaviour(request);          }      }  } 
/// <summary>  /// 副总经理角色  /// </summary>  public class PResidentRole:RoleAbstract  {      public PresidentRole(string name) : base(name) { }        public override void Behaviour(BehaviourRequest request)      {          if (request.Money <= 5000)           {              Console.WriteLine("{0}的请求批准得到{1}批准,需要金额:{2}", request.ActiveName, this.name, request.Money);          }          else if (NextRole != null)          {              Console.WriteLine("{0}无权力批准,给上级{0}处理!", this.name, NextRole.name);              NextRole.Behaviour(request);          }      }  }  
/// <summary>  /// 总经理  /// </summary>  public class PresidengtRole:RoleAbstract  {      public PresidengtRole(string name) : base(name) { }        public override void Behaviour(BehaviourRequest request)      {          if (request.Money <= 10000)          {              Console.WriteLine("{0}的请求批准得到{1}批准,需要金额:{2}", request.ActiveName, this.name, request.Money);          }          else           {              Console.WriteLine("这个活动需要进行会议讨论决定");          }      }  } 
/// <summary>  /// C#设计模式-责任链模式  /// </summary>  class Program  {      static void Main(string[] args)      {          //活动信息          BehaviourRequest behavior = new BehaviourRequest(10000, "部门招商活动");                    //对该活动的审批可能涉及的角色          RoleAbstract manager = new ManagerRole("部门经理");          RoleAbstract vp = new PresidentRole("副总经理");          RoleAbstract pre = new PresidengtRole("总经理");            //设置责任链          manager.NextRole = vp;          vp.NextRole = pre;            //请求处理          manager.Behaviour(behavior);      }  }   好了,这一章就写到这,欢迎大家加入QQ群:280993838 。或者关注我的公众号:

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