深度测试需要一个存储区域,这个存储区域就称为深度缓冲,它就像颜色缓冲用于存储所有的片段颜色,深度缓冲和颜色缓冲区有相同的宽度和高度。深度缓冲由窗口系统自动创建并将其深度值存储为 16、 24 或 32 位浮点数,在大多数系统中深度缓冲区为24位。
使用深度测试就必须要启用它,当深度测试启用的时候, OpenGL 测试深度缓冲区内的深度值。OpenGL 执行深度测试的时候,如果此测试通过,深度缓冲内的值将被设为新的深度值。如果深度测试失败,则丢弃该片段。深度测试在片段着色器运行之后,它是在屏幕空间中执行的。屏幕空间坐标直接有关的视区,由OpenGL的glViewport
函数给定,并且可以通过GLSL的片段着色器中内置的 gl_FragCoord
的 X 和 y 表示该片段的屏幕空间坐标 ((0,0) 在左下角)。gl_FragCoord
还包含一个 z 坐标,它包含了片段的实际深度值。此 z 坐标值是与深度缓冲区的内容进行比较的值。
glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); 一旦启用深度测试,如果片段通过深度测试,OpenGL自动在深度缓冲区存储片段的 z 值,如果深度测试失败,那么相应地丢弃该片段。如果启用深度测试,那么在每个渲染之前还应使用GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT
清除深度缓冲区,否则深度缓冲区将保留上一次进行深度测试时所写的深度值。函数如下:glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);有时,我们也不需要深度测试,那就关闭它,就是禁止缓冲区写入,函数如下:glDepthMask(GL_FALSE);在OpenGL中经常使用的深度测试函数为可以通过调用glDepthFunc
GL_ALWAYS 永远通过测试GL_NEVER 永远不通过测试GL_LESS 在片段深度值小于缓冲区的深度时通过测试GL_EQUAL 在片段深度值等于缓冲区的深度时通过测试GL_LEQUAL 在片段深度值小于等于缓冲区的深度时通过测试GL_GREATER 在片段深度值大于缓冲区的深度时通过测试GL_NOTEQUAL 在片段深度值不等于缓冲区的深度时通过测试GL_GEQUAL 在片段深度值大于等于缓冲区的深度时通过测试其中默认使用GL_LESS
之间,从观察者看到其内容与场景中的所有对象的 z 值进行了比较。这些视图空间中的 z 值可以在投影平头截体的近平面和远平面之间的任何值。我们因此需要一些方法来转换这些视图空间 z 值到 [0,1] 的范围内,下面的 (线性) 方程把 z 值转换为 0.0 和 1.0 之间的值 :
这里far和near是我们用来提供到投影矩阵设置可见视图截锥的远近值。关于这方面技术的讲解,可以查看我之前写的博客,方程带内锥截体的深度值 z,并将其转换到 [0,1] 范围。在下面的图给出 z 值和其相应的深度值的关系:
然而,在实践中是几乎从来不使用这样的线性深度缓冲区。正确的投影特性的非线性深度方程是和1/z成正比的 ,由于非线性函数是和 1/z 成正比,例如1.0 和 2.0 之间的 z 值,将变为 1.0 到 0.5之间, 这样在z非常小的时候给了我们很高的精度。方程如下所示:
要记住的重要一点是在深度缓冲区的值不是线性的屏幕空间 (它们在视图空间投影矩阵应用之前是线性)。值为 0.5 在深度缓冲区并不意味着该对象的 z 值是投影平头截体的中间;顶点的 z 值是实际上相当接近近平面!你可以看到 z 值和产生深度缓冲区的值在下列图中的非线性关系:
正如你所看到,一个附近的物体的小的 z 值因此给了我们很高的深度精度。变换 (从观察者的角度) 的 z 值的方程式被嵌入在投影矩阵,所以当我们变换顶点坐标从视图到裁剪,然后到非线性方程应用了的屏幕空间中。关于投影矩阵,读者可以查看之前写的博客。
屏幕空间的深度值是非线性的,这个读者可以自己测试,在这里我把原理说一下:屏幕空间的深度值是非线性如他们在z很小的时候有很高的精度,较大的 z 值有较低的精度。该片段的深度值会迅速增加,所以几乎所有顶点的深度值接近 1.0。如果我们小心的靠近物体,你最终可能会看到的色彩越来越暗,意味着它们的 z 值越来越小,这清楚地表明深度值的非线性特性。近的物体相对远的物体对的深度值比对象较大的影响。只移动几英寸就能让暗色完全变亮。
但是我们可以让深度值变换回线性。要实现这一目标我们需要让点应用投影变换逆的逆变换,成为单独的深度值的过程。这意味着我们必须首先重新变换范围 [0,1] 中的深度值为单位化的设备坐标(normalized device coordinates)范围内 [-1,1] (裁剪空间(clip space))。然后,我们想要反转非线性方程 :
首先,我们需要 NDC 深度值转换:
float z = depth * 2.0 - 1.0;然后把我们所得到的 z 值应用逆转换来检索的线性深度值:float linearDepth = (2.0 * near) / (far + near - z * (far - near));注意在转换上述方程是并不是从方程:
精确的逆方程,这个方程从投影矩阵中导出,可以从新使用等式2将他转换为非线性深度值。这个方程也会考虑使用[0,1] 而不是 [near,far]范围内的 z 值 。
这不是从投影矩阵推导出的准确公式;这个方程是除以far的结果。深度值的范围一直到far,这作为一个介于 0.0 和 1.0 之间的颜色值并不合适。除以far的值把深度值映射到介于 0.0 和 1.0,更适合用于演示目的。
#version 330 coreout vec4 color;float LinearizeDepth(float depth){ float near = 0.1; float far = 100.0; float z = depth * 2.0 - 1.0; // Back to NDC return (2.0 * near) / (far + near - z * (far - near));}void main(){ float depth = LinearizeDepth(gl_FragCoord.z); color = vec4(vec3(depth), 1.0f);}接下来介绍在程序中经常遇到的问题,深度冲突,就是在物体前后关系设置时会出现重叠现象,导致前后不分,在引擎中通常的做法有几种:1、也是最重要的技巧是让物体之间不要离得太近,以至于他们的三角形重叠。
#version 330 coreout vec4 color;float near = 1.0; float far = 100.0; float LinearizeDepth(float depth) { float z = depth * 2.0 - 1.0; // Back to NDC return (2.0 * near * far) / (far + near - z * (far - near)); }void main(){ float depth = LinearizeDepth(gl_FragCoord.z) / far; // divide by far to get depth in range [0,1] for visualization purposes. color = vec4(vec3(depth), 1.0f);}其次展示的是顶点着色器:#version 330 corelayout (location = 0) in vec3 position;layout (location = 1) in vec2 texCoords;out vec2 TexCoords;uniform mat4 model;uniform mat4 view;uniform mat4 PRojection;void main(){ gl_Position = projection * view * model * vec4(position, 1.0f); TexCoords = texCoords;}下面就是处理Shader脚本的C++代码,在这里把核心代码接口展示一下,代码如下所示:// 定义视口大小 glViewport(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight); // 启用深度测试 glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // glDepthFunc(GL_ALWAYS); // Set to always pass the depth test (same effect as glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)) // 编译shader脚本 Shader shader("depth_testing.vs", "depth_testing.frag");在后面就是对Shader进行传值操作:// 清空缓存 glClearColor(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // 绘制物体以及传值 shader.Use(); glm::mat4 model; glm::mat4 view = camera.GetViewMatrix(); glm::mat4 projection = glm::perspective(camera.Zoom, (float)screenWidth/(float)screenHeight, 0.1f, 100.0f); glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(shader.Program, "view"), 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(view)); glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(shader.Program, "projection"), 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(projection));在这里把Shader类代码展示如下:#ifndef SHADER_H#define SHADER_H#include <GL/glew.h>#include <string>#include <fstream>#include <sstream>#include <iostream>class Shader{public: GLuint Program; // Constructor generates the shader on the fly Shader(const GLchar* vertexPath, const GLchar* fragmentPath, const GLchar* geometryPath = nullptr) { // 1. Retrieve the vertex/fragment source code from filePath std::string vertexCode; std::string fragmentCode; std::string geometryCode; std::ifstream vShaderFile; std::ifstream fShaderFile; std::ifstream gShaderFile; // ensures ifstream objects can throw exceptions: vShaderFile.exceptions (std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit); fShaderFile.exceptions (std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit); gShaderFile.exceptions (std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit); try { // Open files vShaderFile.open(vertexPath); fShaderFile.open(fragmentPath); std::stringstream vShaderStream, fShaderStream; // Read file's buffer contents into streams vShaderStream << vShaderFile.rdbuf(); fShaderStream << fShaderFile.rdbuf(); // close file handlers vShaderFile.close(); fShaderFile.close(); // Convert stream into string vertexCode = vShaderStream.str(); fragmentCode = fShaderStream.str(); // If geometry shader path is present, also load a geometry shader if(geometryPath != nullptr) { gShaderFile.open(geometryPath); std::stringstream gShaderStream; gShaderStream << gShaderFile.rdbuf(); gShaderFile.close(); geometryCode = gShaderStream.str(); } } catch (std::ifstream::failure e) { std::cout << "ERROR::SHADER::FILE_NOT_SUCCESFULLY_READ" << std::endl; } const GLchar* vShaderCode = vertexCode.c_str(); const GLchar * fShaderCode = fragmentCode.c_str(); // 2. Compile shaders GLuint vertex, fragment; GLint success; GLchar infoLog[512]; // Vertex Shader vertex = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER); glShaderSource(vertex, 1, &vShaderCode, NULL); glCompileShader(vertex); checkCompileErrors(vertex, "VERTEX"); // Fragment Shader fragment = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); glShaderSource(fragment, 1, &fShaderCode, NULL); glCompileShader(fragment); checkCompileErrors(fragment, "FRAGMENT"); // If geometry shader is given, compile geometry shader GLuint geometry; if(geometryPath != nullptr) { const GLchar * gShaderCode = geometryCode.c_str(); geometry = glCreateShader(GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER); glShaderSource(geometry, 1, &gShaderCode, NULL); glCompileShader(geometry); checkCompileErrors(geometry, "GEOMETRY"); } // Shader Program this->Program = glCreateProgram(); glAttachShader(this->Program, vertex); glAttachShader(this->Program, fragment); if(geometryPath != nullptr) glAttachShader(this->Program, geometry); glLinkProgram(this->Program); checkCompileErrors(this->Program, "PROGRAM"); // Delete the shaders as they're linked into our program now and no longer necessery glDeleteShader(vertex); glDeleteShader(fragment); if(geometryPath != nullptr) glDeleteShader(geometry); } // Uses the current shader void Use() { glUseProgram(this->Program); }private: void checkCompileErrors(GLuint shader, std::string type) { GLint success; GLchar infoLog[1024]; if(type != "PROGRAM") { glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &success); if(!success) { glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, 1024, NULL, infoLog); std::cout << "| ERROR::::SHADER-COMPILATION-ERROR of type: " << type << "|/n" << infoLog << "/n| -- --------------------------------------------------- -- |" << std::endl; } } else { glGetProgramiv(shader, GL_LINK_STATUS, &success); if(!success) { glGetProgramInfoLog(shader, 1024, NULL, infoLog); std::cout << "| ERROR::::PROGRAM-LINKING-ERROR of type: " << type << "|/n" << infoLog << "/n| -- --------------------------------------------------- -- |" << std::endl; } } }};#endif另外在处理时需要用到摄像机代码,完整代码如下所示:#pragma once// Std. Includes#include <vector>// GL Includes#include <GL/glew.h>#include <glm/glm.hpp>#include <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp>// Defines several possible options for camera movement. Used as abstraction to stay away from window-system specific input methodsenum Camera_Movement { FORWARD, BACKWARD, LEFT, RIGHT};// Default camera valuesconst GLfloat YAW = -90.0f;const GLfloat PITCH = 0.0f;const GLfloat SPEED = 3.0f;const GLfloat SENSITIVTY = 0.25f;const GLfloat ZOOM = 45.0f;// An abstract camera class that processes input and calculates the corresponding Eular Angles, Vectors and Matrices for use in OpenGLclass Camera{public: // Camera Attributes glm::vec3 Position; glm::vec3 Front; glm::vec3 Up; glm::vec3 Right; glm::vec3 WorldUp; // Eular Angles GLfloat Yaw; GLfloat Pitch; // Camera options GLfloat MovementSpeed; GLfloat MouseSensitivity; GLfloat Zoom; // Constructor with vectors Camera(glm::vec3 position = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3 up = glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), GLfloat yaw = YAW, GLfloat pitch = PITCH) : Front(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f)), MovementSpeed(SPEED), MouseSensitivity(SENSITIVTY), Zoom(ZOOM) { this->Position = position; this->WorldUp = up; this->Yaw = yaw; this->Pitch = pitch; this->updateCameraVectors(); } // Constructor with scalar values Camera(GLfloat posX, GLfloat posY, GLfloat posZ, GLfloat upX, GLfloat upY, GLfloat upZ, GLfloat yaw, GLfloat pitch) : Front(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f)), MovementSpeed(SPEED), MouseSensitivity(SENSITIVTY), Zoom(ZOOM) { this->Position = glm::vec3(posX, posY, posZ); this->WorldUp = glm::vec3(upX, upY, upZ); this->Yaw = yaw; this->Pitch = pitch; this->updateCameraVectors(); } // Returns the view matrix calculated using Eular Angles and the LookAt Matrix glm::mat4 GetViewMatrix() { return glm::lookAt(this->Position, this->Position + this->Front, this->Up); } // Processes input received from any keyboard-like input system. Accepts input parameter in the form of camera defined ENUM (to abstract it from windowing systems) void ProcessKeyboard(Camera_Movement direction, GLfloat deltaTime) { GLfloat velocity = this->MovementSpeed * deltaTime; if (direction == FORWARD) this->Position += this->Front * velocity; if (direction == BACKWARD) this->Position -= this->Front * velocity; if (direction == LEFT) this->Position -= this->Right * velocity; if (direction == RIGHT) this->Position += this->Right * velocity; } // Processes input received from a mouse input system. Expects the offset value in both the x and y direction. void ProcessMouseMovement(GLfloat xoffset, GLfloat yoffset, GLboolean constrainPitch = true) { xoffset *= this->MouseSensitivity; yoffset *= this->MouseSensitivity; this->Yaw += xoffset; this->Pitch += yoffset; // Make sure that when pitch is out of bounds, screen doesn't get flipped if (constrainPitch) { if (this->Pitch > 89.0f) this->Pitch = 89.0f; if (this->Pitch < -89.0f) this->Pitch = -89.0f; } // Update Front, Right and Up Vectors using the updated Eular angles this->updateCameraVectors(); } // Processes input received from a mouse scroll-wheel event. Only requires input on the vertical wheel-axis void ProcessMouseScroll(GLfloat yoffset) { if (this->Zoom >= 1.0f && this->Zoom <= 45.0f) this->Zoom -= yoffset; if (this->Zoom <= 1.0f) this->Zoom = 1.0f; if (this->Zoom >= 45.0f) this->Zoom = 45.0f; }private: // Calculates the front vector from the Camera's (updated) Eular Angles void updateCameraVectors() { // Calculate the new Front vector glm::vec3 front; front.x = cos(glm::radians(this->Yaw)) * cos(glm::radians(this->Pitch)); front.y = sin(glm::radians(this->Pitch)); front.z = sin(glm::radians(this->Yaw)) * cos(glm::radians(this->Pitch)); this->Front = glm::normalize(front); // Also re-calculate the Right and Up vector this->Right = glm::normalize(glm::cross(this->Front, this->WorldUp)); // Normalize the vectors, because their length gets closer to 0 the more you look up or down which results in slower movement. this->Up = glm::normalize(glm::cross(this->Right, this->Front)); }};以上就是关于深度测试的介绍,供参考。。。。。。。