设置环境变量 ‘JAVA_HOME’
1. 获取最新版本从http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi 然后解压缩到你想要安装到的目录下
2. 设置环境变量M2_HOME
3. 设置环境变量M2 and set it to“%M2_HOME%/bin”
4. 添加 %M2%;到PATH环境变量
5. 打开 command PRompt ,运行“mvn -version” 来确认是否安装成功.6.对%USERPROFILE%/.m2/settings.xml(USERPROFILE为用户名路径如C:/Documents and Settings下的用户)文件添加以下内容:
Copy/Paste 以下内容到settings.xml:
<settings> <localRepository>d:/SW/localRepository/</localRepository> <pluginGroups> <pluginGroup>org.jenkins-ci.tools</pluginGroup> </pluginGroups> <profiles> <!-- Give access to Jenkins plugins --> <profile> <id>jenkins</id> <activation> <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault> <!-- change this to false, if you don't like to have it on per default --> </activation> <repositories> <repository> <id>repo.jenkins-ci.org</id> <url>http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/public/</url> </repository> </repositories> <pluginRepositories> <pluginRepository> <id>repo.jenkins-ci.org</id> <url>http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/public/</url> </pluginRepository> </pluginRepositories> </profile> </profiles> <mirrors> <mirror> <id>repo.jenkins-ci.org</id> <url>http://repo.jenkins-ci.org/public/</url> <mirrorOf>m.g.o-public</mirrorOf> </mirror> </mirrors> </settings>1.3 安装Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
2. 基于Eclipse开发JenkinsPlugin
2.1 Maven Projects
Build Lifecycle: http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-lifecycle.htmlPOM Reference: http://maven.apache.org/pom.html
2.2 导入Maven到Eclipise
为了能在Eclipse中使用Maven 工程,我们首先需要能够将其导,但是Eclipse并不支持Maven,这里我们有2种办法
1. 安装Eclipse plugin à m2e (Maven 2 Eclipse)
2. 使用Jenkins wiki推荐的方法
1. 打开commandprompt 然后切换到pom.xml所在的路径
2. 使用以下命令生成Eclipse工程
mvn -DdownloadSources=true -DdownloadJavadocs=true -DoutputDirectory=target/eclipse-classes eclipse:eclipse3. Import工程到eclipse中
4. 设置系统变量M2_REPO
Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables
5. 点击New 按钮,然后定义M2_REPO 变量,内容为软件库的下载路径(见1.2,步骤6)
2.3 编译和运行plugin
在pom.xml所在的目录下,执行mvn package, 编译结果<plugin-name>.hpi将被输出在target 文件夹下.
Clean 工程: mvn clean package
2.4 使用Eclipse 调试plugin
运行以下2个命令,将开启Jenkins 调试模式,其允许Eclipse连接到remote debugging session
set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8000,suspend=nmvn hpi:run我们需要在Eclipse 创建Remote Java application
set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xdebug-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8000,suspend=nset JENKINS_HOME=d:/sw/ci/Jenkinsmvn hpi:run
3. 创建Plugin
3.1 使用skeleton generator
最简单的办法是使用skeleton generator来创建,然后在进行扩展
3.2 扩展点
HelloWorldBuilder 类实现了Builder这个扩展点。因此在Build Step中我们可以找到它,如果实现SCM扩展点,在Build Triggers中可以找到
3.3 源码分析
public class HelloWorldBuilder extends Builder { private final String name; // Fields in config.jelly must match the parameter names in the "DataBoundConstructor" @DataBoundConstructor public HelloWorldBuilder(String name) { this.name = name; } /** * We'll use this from the <tt>config.jelly</tt>. */ public String getName() { return name; } @Override public boolean perform(AbstractBuild build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) { // This is where you 'build' the project. // Since this is a dummy, we just say 'hello world' and call that a build. // This also shows how you can consult the global configuration of the builder if (getDescriptor().getUseFrench()) listener.getLogger().println("Bonjour, "+name+"!"); else listener.getLogger().println("Hello, "+name+"!"); return true; } // Overridden for better type safety. // If your plugin doesn't really define any property on Descriptor, // you don't have to do this. @Override public DescriptorImpl getDescriptor() { return (DescriptorImpl)super.getDescriptor(); } /** * Descriptor for {@link HelloWorldBuilder}. Used as a singleton. * The class is marked as public so that it can be accessed from views. * * <p> * See <tt>src/main/resources/hudson/plugins/hello_world/HelloWorldBuilder/*.jelly</tt> * for the actual HTML fragment for the configuration screen. */ @Extension // This indicates to Jenkins that this is an implementation of an extension point. public static final class DescriptorImpl extends BuildStepDescriptor<Builder> { /** * To persist global configuration information, * simply store it in a field and call save(). * * <p> * If you don't want fields to be persisted, use <tt>transient</tt>. */ private boolean useFrench; /** * Performs on-the-fly validation of the form field 'name'. * * @param value * This parameter receives the value that the user has typed. * @return * Indicates the outcome of the validation. This is sent to the browser. */ public FormValidation doCheckName(@QueryParameter String value) throws IOException, ServletException { if (value.length() == 0) return FormValidation.error("Please set a name"); if (value.length() < 4) return FormValidation.warning("Isn't the name too short?"); return FormValidation.ok(); } public boolean isApplicable(Class<? extends AbstractProject> aClass) { // Indicates that this builder can be used with all kinds of project types return true; } /** * This human readable name is used in the configuration screen. */ public String getDisplayName() { return "Say hello world"; } @Override public boolean configure(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException { // To persist global configuration information, // set that to properties and call save(). useFrench = formData.getBoolean("useFrench"); // ^Can also use req.bindJSON(this, formData); // (easier when there are many fields; need set* methods for this, like setUseFrench) save(); return super.configure(req,formData); } /** * This method returns true if the global configuration says we should speak French. * * The method name is bit awkward because global.jelly calls this method to determine * the initial state of the checkbox by the naming convention. */ public boolean getUseFrench() { return useFrench; } } }HelloWorldBuilder类中的构造函数使用@DataBoundConstructor来声明。构造函数要对变量进行赋值。
3.4 视图配置文件
<j:jelly xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:st="jelly:stapler" xmlns:d="jelly:define" xmlns:l="/lib/layout" xmlns:t="/lib/hudson" xmlns:f="/lib/form"><f:section title="Hello World Builder"> <f:entry title="French" field="useFrench" description="Check if we should say hello in French"> <f:checkbox /> </f:entry></f:section></j:jelly>其中title为标题,表示要显示的内容。field为将调用DescriptorImpl内部类的方法getUseFrench(),field域会将方法去掉get并且将第一个字母小写,找到相对应的方法。description将显示描述信息。f:checkbox为复选框控件。
config.jelly 的内容将被包含在扩展功能的配置中,在HelloWorldBuilder文件夹下面的配置内容是:
其中entry 表示用于交互的html表单域,title将作为表单域label的值,在界面中要显示的内容。 field表示的是HelloWorldBuilder的构造函数中的参数。如果有多个field,就要有多个相对应的参数。textbox 表示简单的渲染一个输入文本,输入的值将赋给name。