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2019-11-09 14:26:42

Overview 概述 

Tango Concepts  Tango 概念

Tango is a platform that uses computer vision to give devices theability to understand their position relative to the world around them. It’ssimilar to how you use your eyes to find your way to a room, and then to knowwhere you are in the room and where the floor, the walls, and objects aroundyou are. These physical relationships are an essential part of how we movethrough our daily lives. Tango gives mobile devices this kind ofunderstanding by using three core technologies: Motion Tracking, Area Learning,and Depth Perception.


Motion Tracking overview  运动跟踪概述

Motion Tracking means that a Tango device can track its own movementand orientation through 3D space. Walk around with a device and move itforward, backward, up, or down, or tilt it in any direction, and it can tell youwhere it is and which way it's facing. It's similar to how a mouse works, butinstead of moving around on a flat surface, the world is your mousepad.


Learn more about Motion Tracking.详细了解运动跟踪。

Area Learning overview  区域学习概述

Human beings learn to recognize where they are in an environment by noticingthe features around them: a doorway, a staircase, the way to the nearestrestroom. Tango gives your mobile device the same ability. With MotionTracking alone, the device "sees" the visual features of the area it is movingthrough but doesn’t "remember" them.


With Area Learning turned on, the device not only remembers what it sees, itcan also save and recall that information. When you enter a PReviously savedarea, the device uses a process called localization to recognize where you arein the area. This feature opens up a wide range of creative applications. Thedevice also uses Area Learning to improve the accuracy of Motion Tracking.


Learn more about Area Learning.  详细了解区域学习。

Depth Perception overview     深度感知概述

With depth perception, your device can understand the shape of yoursurroundings. This lets you create "augmented reality," where virtual objectsnot only appear to be a part of your actual environment, they can also interactwith that environment. One example: you create a virtual character who jumpsonto and then skitters across a real-world table top.


Learn more about Depth Perception.  详细了解深度感知。

What Are Tango Poses? 什么是Tango姿势?

As your device moves through 3D space, it calculates where it is (position) andhow it's rotated (orientation) up to 100 times per second. A single instance ofthis combined calculation is called the device'spose. The pose is anessential concept when working with motion tracking, area learning, or depthperception.


To calculate the poses, you must choose base and target frames of reference, which may use different coordinate systems. You can view apose as the translation and rotation required to transform vertices from thetarget frame to the base frame.


Here is a simplified version of a Tango pose structin C:


struct PoseData {    double orientation[4];    double translation[3];}

The two key components of a pose are:


A quaternion that defines the rotation of the target frame with respect to the base frame. 定义目标帧相对于基本帧的旋转的四元数。

A 3D vector that defines the translation of the target frame with respect to the base frame. 定义目标帧相对于基本帧的平移的3D向量。

An actual pose struct contains other fields, such as a timestamp and a copy ofthe frame pair, as you'll see below.


Note: The examples on this page use the C API, but function calls and datastructures are similar for java. In Unity, there are prefabs which handle a lotof these details for you.注意:此页面上的示例使用C API,但对于Java,函数调用和数据结构类似。在Unity中,有预处理为你处理很多这些细节。

Pose data  姿势数据

You can request pose data in two ways:  您可以通过两种方式请求姿势数据:

Request Method #1  请求方法#1

Poll for poses using TangoService_getPoseAtTime().This returns the pose closest to a given timestamp from the base to the targetframe. Here is the code for this function in the C API:

使用TangoService_getPoseAtTime()调查姿势。这将返回最接近给定时间戳的从基址到目标帧的姿态。这里是C API中此函数的代码:

TangoErrorType TangoService_getPoseAtTime(    double timestamp,     TangoCoordinateFramePair frame_pair,     TangoPoseData* pose);The TangoCoordinateFramePairstruct specifies the base frame and the target frame.


Note: If you are making an augmented reality app, we recommend that you useTangoService_getPoseAtTime() orTangoSupport_getPoseAtTime() because, in addition to polling for poses, they allow you to align the pose timestamps with the video frames.


The following code gets a pose of the device frame with respect to the start-of-service frame:


TangoPoseData pose_start_service_T_device;TangoCoordinateFramePair frame_pair;frame_pair.base = TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_START_OF_SERVICE;frame_pair.target = TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE;TangoService_getPoseAtTime(    timestamp,    frame_pair,    &pose_start_service_T_device);

In this example, including the names of the base and target frames in the posevariable name makes the name more descriptive:


TangoPoseData pose_start_service_T_device;

Request Method #2   请求方法#2

Receive pose updates as they become available. To do so,attach an onPoseAvailable() callback toTangoService_connectOnPoseAvailable().This sample is from ourhello_motion_trackingexample project and can be found in thetango_handler.cc file:


TangoCoordinateFramePair pair;pair.base = TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_START_OF_SERVICE;pair.target = TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE;if (TangoService_connectOnPoseAvailable(1, &pair, onPoseAvailable) !=    TANGO_SUCCESS) {  LOGE("TangoHandler::ConnectTango, connectOnPoseAvailable error.");  std::exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);In both cases, you receive a TangoPoseData struct:


typedef struct TangoPoseData {  int version;  double timestamp;                // In milliseconds  double orientation[4];           // As a quaternion  double translation[3];           // In meters  TangoPoseStatusType status_code;  TangoCoordinateFramePair frame;  int confidence;                  // Currently unused  float accuracy;                  // Currently unused} TangoPoseData;

Pose status   姿势状态

TangoPoseData contains a state, denoted by theTangoPoseStatusTypeenum, which provides information about the status of the pose estimationsystem. The available TangoPoseStatusType members are:



INITIALIZING: The motion tracking system is either starting or recovering froman invalid state, and the pose data should not be used.

VALID: The system believes the poses being returned are valid and should beused.

INVALID: The system has encountered difficulty of some kind, so poseestimations are likely incorrect.

UNKNOWN: The system is in an unknown state.


Lifecycle of pose status   姿势状态的生命周期

Figure 1: Tango Pose data lifecycle  图1:探戈姿势数据生命周期

The TANGO_POSE_INITIALIZING status code indicates that the Tangoframework is initializing and pose data is not yet available. If you are usingcallbacks, you will receive only one pose update with the status code set toTANGO_POSE_INITIALIZING while the framework is initializing.


After initialization finishes, poses are in the TANGO_POSE_VALID state. If youare using callbacks, you will receive updates as frequently as they areavailable.


If the system encounters difficulty and enters the TANGO_POSE_INVALID state,recovery depends on your configuration during initialization. Ifconfig_enable_auto_recovery is set toTrue, the system immediately resetsthe motion tracking system and enters theTANGO_POSE_INITIALIZING state. Ifconfig_enable_auto_recovery is set toFalse, pose data remains in theTANGO_POSE_INVALID state and no updates are received until you callTangoService_resetMotionTracking().


Using pose status   使用姿势状态

Your application should react to the status being returned within the posedata. For example, wait until the pose data you are interested in becomes validbefore starting interactions in your application. If the pose becomes invalid,pause interactions until after the system recovers. Depending on yourapplication, what you do after the system recovers will vary. If you are usingmotion tracking alone, you can simply resume your application. If you are usingarea learning or ADFs, instruct your user to move around until the device canlocalize itself.


What Are Tango Events?什么是Tango事件?

Primary events   主要事件

The unique array of sensors on a Tango-capable device, and the data they receiveand transmit, are essential to enabling the device to perform the core Tangoactivities:motion tracking, depth sensing,and area learning. As with any Android device,this data is received and passed along as "events." The primary Tango eventsare:


The pose (position and orientation) of the device.    设备的姿势(位置和方向)。Frames and textures from a camera.    从照相机的框架和纹理。Point clouds, which are generated via depth sensing.   点云,通过深度感测生成。

To receive an event, you pass a callback to a function that listens for thatevent. The callback is called every time the event occurs.


Note: The examples below use the C API, but function calls and data structuresare similar for all platforms.注意:下面的示例使用C API,但是所有平台的函数调用和数据结构类似。

To receive poses  接受姿势

There are are two ways to do this; we recommend that you poll for poses using TangoService_getPoseAtTime(). For a detailedexplanation, see thePose topic.


To receive notification of new camera textures  接收新照相机纹理的通知

(This is useful to render the camera image in OpenGL for Augmented Reality)  (这对于在OpenGL中渲染摄像机图像是有用的增强现实)

Pass a callback to TangoService_OnTextureAvailable().You will also need to call TangoService_updateTextureExternalOesin the GL thread to update the texture.


To receive frames from a camera  从相机接收帧

(Use this not for display, but for when you need to access the pixel data as an array of bytes.)


Pass a callback to TangoService_connectOnFrameAvailable(). 将回调传递给TangoService_connectOnFrameAvailable()。

To receive point clouds  接收点云

Pass an OnPointCloudAvailable() callback toTangoService_connectOnPointCloudAvailable().


Status events 状态事件

The TangoEvent notification callback signals important sensor status events,such as descriptions of error states. To receive aTangoEvent, attachanonTangoEvent() callback toTangoService_connectOnTangoEvent(). Thiscallback is called every time a Tango status event occurs.

TangoEvent is definedas:



typedef struct TangoEvent {  double timestamp;  TangoEventType type;  const char* event_key;  const char* event_value;} TangoEvent;

The timestamp indicates when the status event occurs, and can be compared totimestamps elsewhere in the Tango APIs.

时间戳指示状态事件发生的时间,并且可以与Tango API中其他地方的时间戳进行比较。

The type is designated by theTangoEventTypeenumeration, and tells you which sensor triggered the event:



The event_key and event_value describe the specific status event thatoccurred. Here is a table of possible keys:


Event keyExplanation
TangoServiceExceptionThe service has encountered an exception, and a text description is given in event_value.
FisheyeOverExposedThe fisheye image is overexposed with average pixel value event_value px.
FisheyeUnderExposedThe fisheye image is underexposed with average pixel value event_value px.
ColorOverExposedThe color image is overexposed with average pixel value event_value px.
ColorUnderExposedThe color image is underexposed with average pixel value event_value px.
TooFewFeaturesTrackedToo few features were tracked in the fisheye image; number of features tracked isevent_value.
UnknownDescription unknown.

Event keyExplanation
FisheyeOverExposed鱼眼图像曝光过度,平均像素值为event_value px。
FisheyeUnderExposed鱼眼图像曝光不足,平均像素值为event_value px。
ColorOverExposed彩色图像与平均像素值event_value px曝光过度。
ColorUnderExposed彩色图像曝光不足,平均像素值为event_value px。

Based on the specific event description, you may choose to display instructionsfor users to correct the circumstances leading to the event. For example, ifyou are receivingColorUnderExposed, it is likely that the user is in an areawhere it is too dark for the Tango framework to function well.


To learn about another way to handle these events, see theUX Framework.

要了解另一种处理这些事件的方法,请参阅UX Framework。

Frames of Reference 参照系

When describing the position and orientation of something (for example, yourTango device), it is important to indicate theframe ofreference you are using to base your description on.


To help understand frames of reference, consider the following: Saying "Mary isstanding three feet away" does not really tell you much. If you want to knowMary's position, you must also address the question "three feet from what?" Ifyou say "Mary is standing three feet in front of the entrance to the Statue ofLiberty," you can now establish Mary'sposition because you are using theStatue of Liberty as your frame of reference and you can measure the distanceand directon of Mary relative to the Statue.


But Mary isn't simply a point with a position in 3D space—she also has anorientation, which is described in terms of some type of rotation relativeto the frame of reference. In other Words, Mary, like all 3D objects, faces acertain direction. A full description of Mary's position and orientation (we callthis combination apose) in 3D space would be something like this:"Mary is standing three feet in front of the entrance to the Statue of Liberty,and she is directly facing it." Now you have provided information about herorientation. If Mary turned to her right, you could say "She is now rotated 90degrees away from the Statue." This would be another description of orientation.


So how does all of this relate to a Tango device? In order to performmotion tracking, a device reports its pose (position and orientation) relativeto its chosen frame of reference, which is fixed in 3D space. For example, thedevice might say "from the place that I first started motion tracking, I am nowthree feet forward and one foot up, and I have rotated 30 degrees to theright." By doing this, the device has told you its position using meaningfuldirections: three feet forward and one foot up from its original startingposition. It has also told you about a change in its orientation: rotated 30degrees to the right relative to its starting position.


To set things up for motion tracking, you must do the following:


Choose a base frame. This is the thing you will be measuring from. As mentioned above, it is fixed in 3D space, like the Statue of Liberty in our example above. Example: theCOORDINATE_FRAME_START_OF_SERVICE frame.

Choose a target frame. This is the thing you will be measuringto. For motion tracking this is usuallyCOORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE and represents your device's pose at any given instant as it moves through 3D space. The pose of the target frame changes as your device moves, and is measured against the base frame (which never changes), up to 100 times per second. This constant stream of measurements creates your motion track.



The numerical measurements of the pose of the target frame relative to the baseframe at any given instant answer the question: "What is the device's positionand orientation relative to its base frame of reference?"


In the next section, we discuss the use of start-of-service frame, areadescription frame, and device pose frame pairs for motion tracking. For certainapplications, you may need to choose a frame pair that will enable you to makeprecise alignments of data sources from device components. We discuss thesetypes of frame pairs later in this topic.


To learn more about the coordinate systems used for frames of reference, seeCoordinate System Conventions.


Coordinate frames for motion tracking 用于运动跟踪的坐标帧

The Tango APIs give you various frame pair options for motion tracking:

Tango API为运动跟踪提供了各种帧对选项:

Target FrameBase Frame

Let's consider a common use case:


Goal: Your app controls a camera in a fully virtual environment. You wantthe device to always calculate its pose relative to where it was when theTango service started.


Solution: For the target frame, choose COORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE. For thebase frame, chooseCOORDINATE_FRAME_START_OF_SERVICE.


Here is the frame pair used in our example project titledcpp_hello_motion_tracking_example:


 TangoCoordinateFramePair pair;   pair.base = TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_START_OF_SERVICE;   pair.target = TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE;   if (TangoService_connectOnPoseAvailable(1, &pair, onPoseAvailable) !=       TANGO_SUCCESS) {     LOGE("TangoHandler::OnResume, connectOnPoseAvailable error.");     std::exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);   }

Let's look at the details of individual frame pairs.


Target FrameBase Frame

This frame pair provides the pose of the device relative to when theTango service first initialized successfully. This mode accumulates themovement of the device over time since the service started. The service canalso detect if there is a motion tracking failure. During this period, thesystem reports an invalid pose. If TangoService_resetMotionTracking() iscalled or auto-reset is enabled in the service configuration, the systemattempts to re-initialize tracking. After successful re-initialization, itmakes a best effort attempt to recover the last known good pose of the devicerelative to the start of service frame and pick up where it left off. For moreinformation, seeLifecycle of pose status.This frame pair does not include drift correction or localization. If yourapplication does not use drift correction or localization, you can lowerprocessing requirements by disabling area learning mode and not loading an ADF.


Target FrameBase Frame

This frame pair provides the pose of the device, including corrections,relative to the loaded area description's origin. It requires that area learningmode is turned on or a previously created ADF is loaded. If you turn onlearning mode without loading an ADF, the origin of the area descriptionbase frame is initially the same asstart of service. If you load an ADFwith or without learning mode, the origin of thearea description baseframe is the origin stored in the ADF, and you will receive data only after thedevice has localized. Depending on your configuration settings, this mode isnot always available. For more information, seeUsing Learning Mode and loadedArea Description Files.If you need to use motion tracking before theCOORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE toCOORDINATE_FRAME_AREA_DESCRIPTION frame pair becomes valid, you can use theCOORDINATE_FRAME_START_OF_SERVICE base frame in the interim.


Note: Drift corrections and localization events cause jumps in the pose. Toavoid these jumps, use theCOORDINATE_FRAME_START_OF_SERVICE base frame todrive the user-facing elements in your application and incorporate the ADFdriven corrections usingCOORDINATE_FRAME_START_OF_SERVICE toCOORDINATE_FRAME_AREA_DESCRIPTION update callbacks.注意:漂移校正和定位事件导致姿势的跳跃。要避免这些跳转,请使用COORDINATE_FRAME_START_OF_SERVICE基本框架来驱动应用程序中的面向用户的元素,并使用COORDINATE_FRAME_START_OF_SERVICE到COORDINATE_FRAME_AREA_DESCRIPTION更新回调来合并ADFdriven更正。

For pairs using the COORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE target frame, updates areavailable at the pose estimation rate supported by the device.


Target FrameBase Frame

This frame pair provides updates only when a localization event or a driftcorrection occurs. This requires that area learning mode is turned on or apreviously created ADF is loaded. If an ADF is loaded, the origin of theareadescription base frame is the origin stored in the ADF. This isolates theadjustments to the pose of the device from the incremental frame-to-framemotion, allowing you to decide when and how to incorporate the pose adjustmentsin your application to minimize disruption to the user experience.


Coordinate frames for component alignment  组件对齐的坐标系

Target FrameBase Frame

Some applications need to align multiple data sources, such as the data fromthe color and depth cameras. You can pair theCOORDINATE_FRAME_IMUbase frame with one of thecomponent target frames for these scenarios:

You want to query the relative offsets of the individual components to the IMU frame of reference without knowing the layout of the specific device.

You want the virtual image from the rendering camera to align with the center of the display.




Combined with the motion tracking coordinate frames and timestamps on the data,these offsets give you a more complete understanding of the various sensorinputs in both space and time. This is necessary for aligning and compositingmultiple data sources together.


Note: The relative offsets between two components are sometimes referred to astheextrinsic parameters.注意:两个组件之间的相对偏移有时称为外部参数。

Since devices are designed to be mechanically rigid, these offsets are notexpected to change and updates will not occur in the API. However, devices varyin how their components are spaced. Updating extrinsic parameters over time isnot currently supported by the Tango APIs. These values are generatedeither from a one-time factory calibration or from the manufacturer'smechanical design files. Applications that require extremely tight requirementsfor the extrinsic parameters should consider implementing their own calibrationprocedure which can be performed by the end user.

由于设备设计为机械刚性,这些偏移量不会发生更改,因此API中不会进行更新。然而,设备不同其部件间隔如何。Tango API目前不支持随时间更新外部参数。这些值是从一次性工厂校准或从制造商的机械设计文件生成的。对外部参数要求非常严格要求的应用应考虑实施自己的校准过程,该过程可由最终用户执行。

The COORDINATE_FRAME_IMU base frame provides a common reference point for allof the internal components in the device. The origin of this base frame doesnot necessarily correspond to any one particular component and may differbetween devices. Like other Android sensors, the axis of the device coordinateframe is aligned with the natural (default) orientation of the device asdefined by the manufacturer. The manufacturer-defined natural orientation ofthe device may not match the desired orientation of your app. For maximumfuture compatibility, do not assume a Tango-compliant device has anatural orientation that is either landscape or portrait. Instead, use theAndroidgetRotation() method to determine screen rotation, and then use theAndroidremapCoordinateSystem() method to map sensor coordinates to screencoordinates. For more general information about sensors, see the Androiddocumentation on thesensor coordinatesystem.For a more detailed discussion of issues surrounding deviceorientation, seethis Android Developers Blogpost.

COORDINATE_FRAME_IMU基本框架提供了用于允许设备中的内部组件的公共参考点。该基本框架的原点不一定对应于任何一个特定组件,并且可以在设备之间不同。与其他Android传感器一样,设备坐标系的轴与制造商定义的设备的自然(默认)方向对齐。设备的制造商定义的自然方向可能与您应用的所需方向不一致。为了达到最大兼容性,不要假定Tango兼容设备具有横向或纵向的自然方向。相反,使用Android getRotation()方法来确定屏幕旋转,然后使用Android remapCoordinateSystem()方法将传感器坐标映射到屏幕坐标。有关传感器的更多一般信息,请参阅传感器坐标系统上的Androiddocumentation。有关设备定位问题的更详细的讨论,请参阅此Android开发人员Blogpost。

The component offsets are static and should only need to be queried once.


Note: The unit of measurement for coordinate frame pairs is meters.注意:坐标框架对的测量单位为米。

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