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2019-11-09 13:47:05

Getting Started with Unity for Tango

Unity for Tango入门

To develop applications in Unity for your Tango device, you'llneed the following things:


Android SDK with package level 17+ installed. 安装了软件包级别为17+的Android SDK。Unity (5.2.1 or later), set up forAndroid development.  Unity(5.2.1或更高版本),设置为Android开发。Tango Unity SDK.  探戈Unity SDK。On Windows, install the Google USB Driver if your device is not recognized automatically.  在Windows上,如果您的设备无法自动识别,请安装Google USB驱动程序。

In addition to these files, you will need to do a few more things:


When you plug your device into your computer, you should see an icon with threevertical bars in thenotification area and "USB debugging connected" inthe notification drawer. If you don't, you'll need to enableUSBdebugging by following step 2here.


The first time you build a PRoject for Android in Unity, you will be asked tolocate the folder where you installed the SDK. You can also manually set thelocation by going toUnity > Preferences > External Tools > Android SDKLocation.

首次在Unity中构建Android项目时,系统会要求您找到安装了SDK的文件夹。您还可以通过转到Unity>首选项>外部工具> Android SDK位置手动设置位置。

Tango requires a minimum Android API level of at least 17 in Unity. You can setthis under Build Settings. Navigate toFile > Build Settings > Android andclick on Player Settings.... UnderOther Settings find the MinimumAPI Level field, and set it toAndroid 4.2 'Jelly Bean' (APK level 17) orhigher.

Tango需要在Unity中至少有17个Android API级别。您可以在构建设置下进行设置。导航到文件>构建设置> Android,然后单击播放器设置....在其他设置下找到最低API级别字段,并将其设置为Android 4.2'Jelly Bean'(APK级别17)或更高。

After you're set up, try making a simple VR application on Tango usingour Unity How-to guide for motion tracking.Also check out our Unity code samples on GitHub formore inspiration!


Tango Publishing


Deploying applications using the Tango framework to Google Playrequires only one additional step to the normal Androiddistributionprocess. To make sure yourapplication can only be installed by Tango compatible devices, add thefollowing line to your application's manifest file, inside the<application>tag.

将应用程序使用Tango框架部署到Google Play只需要一个额外的步骤到正常的Android分发过程。要确保您的应用程序只能通过Tango兼容设备安装,请将以下行添加到应用程序清单文件中<application>标记中。

<application...>    ...    <uses-library android:name="com.projecttango.libtango_device2" android:required="true" /></application>

If you want to have a single APK for both Tango and non-Tango devices, detectTango capabilities at runtime and provide the appropriate experience.


Safety 安全

Developers of Augmented Reality apps are responsible for taking the necessarysteps to ensure their app is safe for all audiences.


Augmented Reality apps that opt-in to the Designed forFamiliesprogram must include a safety warning upon launch of the app that contains thefollowing:

加入Designed for Families计划的增强现实应用程式必须在启动应用程式时包含安全警告,其中包含以下内容:

An appropriate message about the importance of parental supervisionA reminder to be aware of physical hazards in the real world (e.g., be aware of your surroundings)

       1.关于父母监督的重要性的适当信息       2. 提醒您注意真实世界中的身体危险(例如,了解您的周围环境)

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