PRoblem Description we define f(A) = 1, f(a) = -1, f(B) = 2, f(b) = -2, … f(Z) = 26, f(z) = -26; Give you a letter x and a number y , you should output the result of y+f(x).
Input On the first line, contains a number T.then T lines follow, each line is a case.each case contains a letter and a number.
Output for each case, you should the result of y+f(x) on a line.
Sample Input 6 R 1 P 2 G 3 r 1 p 2 g 3
Sample Output 19 18 10 -17 -14 -4
import java.util.*;class Main{ public static void main(String args[]){ Scanner sc=new Scanner(; int t=sc.nextInt(); while(t-->0){ String; char []s=cin.toCharArray(); int y=sc.nextInt(); int m=0; for(char i='a';i<='z';i++){ if(s[0]==i){ m=-1*((int)i-96); } } for(char i='A';i<='Z';i++){ if(s[0]==i){ m=(int)i-64; } } System.out.println(m+y); } }}新闻热点