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2019-11-06 06:34:50

1 . blob 看blob.hpp

Blob(const int num, const int channels, const int height, const int width);

2 . conv layer参数

blobs_lr: 1 # learning rate multiplier for the filters blobs_lr: 2 # learning rate multiplier for the biases weight_decay: 1 # weight decay multiplier for the filters [Regularization] weight_decay: 0 # weight decay multiplier for the biasesweight_filler [default type: 'constant' value: 0]:参数的初始化方法bias_filler:偏置的初始化方法

通过卷积后的大小变化 输入:n∗ci∗hi∗wi 输出:n∗co∗ho∗wo

其中ho=(hi+2∗P−K)S+1wo通过同样的方法计算 P: pad, K: kernel size, S: stride

inner_PRoduct_param num_output: 1000
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